Page 32 of The Lumberjack's Nanny: A Forbidden Romance (Rockford Falls 3)
We settled on a start date and time, and Rachel said good night to me, slipped her shoes back on, and thanked me for dinner. Then she stood on tiptoe and threw her arms around me, a bear hug from a tiny woman who seemed to be able to hold all of me just the same.
“I’m a hugger. You better get used to it.” I patted her back once, not letting myself feel anything or react to her. I held back, didn’t put my arms around her or breathe in the scent of her hair or pay too much attention to her pressed against me for the few seconds we were connected. I could’ve mapped her curves with my hands, could’ve inhaled her shampoo smell and nuzzled her neck, nipped at it. But I restrained myself. I stepped back and told her good night. And I promised myself I wouldn’t think of her later, when I had my hand around my cock in the darkness.
At eight o’clock as usual, I rolled into Max’s driveway. Sadie threw open the door, hopping from foot to foot with excitement that I was there. I was just as glad to see her. I scooped her up and shifted her to my hip as soon as I reached the house. She gave me kisses on my cheek and pointed out glitter on my face. “You’re wearing BLUSH!” she accused happily. Yeah, I had started wearing makeup to my babysitting job. Partly because Sadie loved makeup and partly because I had some sad, cliché crush on my boss. Just seeing him in his faded t-shirt and jeans, lacing up his work boots made my mouth go dry. God, he was hot. I wanted him to rub that neatly trimmed lumberjack beard all over my bare skin. I couldn’t help thinking it. I’d given up telling myself not to fantasize about him. He was a great dad, and smart and considerate despite that veneer of stern, know it all attitude. He was masterful and he wielded an ax, and it made my panties wet just looking at him.
“What’s the plan today?” he asked, taking Sadie out of my arms and giving her a hug.
“Library, then make some lemonade and have a picnic,” I said.
“Come with us, Daddy!” Sadie begged.
“Daddy has to go to work. But it sounds like way more fun to do what you and Rach are planning. I’ll see you later, baby girl.”
Sadie did a fake pout and then giggled as he set her down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You better put some real clothes on. I don’t think a Fancy Nancy nightgown works for the library,” he told her.
“I think you have to at least wear rain boots with it,” I teased.
“Don’t encourage her. She thinks those light-up boots go with everything. Thanks for that, by the way,” he said wryly.
Sadie and I had picked out some pink glittery rain boots that had flashing lights that lit up when she stomped in a puddle or on the road or anywhere. We used them for a puddle walk on a rainy day, but they became the fashion trend that wouldn’t let go.
“Hey, she’s being raised by a guy. Guys don’t know when you need glittery shoes,” I said lightly.
Sadie had scampered off to her room, and it was just the two of us. This seemed to happen every day, four or five minutes alone with Max. I know I blushed and grew warm and didn’t know what to say. At least twice he’d stepped in closer like he was going to embrace me, as if it were natural after telling Sadie bye for the day to take me in his arms and kiss me goodbye. He had stopped short and rubbed his beard and avoided my eyes, but I knew exactly how he felt. It was too cozy. After just a couple of weeks of keeping Sadie, I found everything so easy, so completely natural and relaxed. I was at ease around him most of the time.
What started as a texted photo of his daughter from time to time turned into a long texting conversation about everything. Last night, when I was at the diner, I’d gotten a message from him that Sadie had been begging to go to the diner for a solid ten minutes because she missed me, complete with a sad-puppy photo of her for good measure that made me laugh.
Sorry to bother you at work, he’d messaged, but we’re having trouble staying away from you. I had sent back a laughing emoji and grinned all through my shift. Fridays were actually hard for me. He worked a four-day week to have a three-day weekend with his daughter, and all day Friday they spent together, and I worked at the diner. All day Friday and Saturday and half of Sunday, I caught up on scheduling, payroll, and other managerial duties, reported to Hugh, and dealt with staffing issues as well as waiting tables and churning out delicious pies. I was tired, but it was totally worth it. I was raking in money and I loved spending my days with Sadie, which turned out to be relaxing and fun. I missed her, missed them both on weekends, as it turned out.