Page 74 of Devil You Know (The Diavolo Crime Family 2)
It’s always hurt that he thinks that, even though I’m smarter than him. And for once, I have the opportunity to get some answers. “Why are you like this? What made you turn into this person? A man who treats his family like trash and goes around competing to be the evilest villain.”
“Don’t talk to me that way, girl. You are not my equal, and I don’t answer to you.”
Nic crouches in front of my father, his eyes scanning his features. “You’re right. She’s not your equal. She’s so much better than you will ever be. You are absolutely nothing.”
My father leans forward, and I tap the muzzle against his skin, reminding him I’m there and ready to blow his fucking head off.
I’m nervous with Nic so close to my father. But he doesn’t do anything but stare him down, forcing him to meet his eyes.
My father shakes his head and spits at Nic’s feet, but then he turns his head and speaks to me. “You would betray your own blood for this Costa trash? You’re even more of a whore than their mother was.”
My mouth falls open, and I stare between the two men who have created my entire world. “What did you say? Why did you say that name?”
Something evil flashes across my father’s face. This time he’s speaking to Nic. “She doesn’t know, does she? You didn’t tell your little wife who you really are? What name she now bears as her own?”
I hate he thinks he has something up on me, or Nic, but I can’t process what he said in this environment. Until my father presses on with another revelation. “Don’t you remember, Celia? You and this one used to play as children? He’s the one who gave you that disgusting scar that made you almost useless to me as a bargaining chip for marriage.”
I reach up and trace my fingers down the line on my face. My gaze jumping to Nic, trying to ferret out the truth there. He gives me nothing. His jaw is locked as he stares at my father. Completely unreadable. However, my father looks practically gleeful in his position between my husband and my gun.
He continues the conversation as if I’m participating. “Did you let him fuck you, and you didn’t even know who he is?”
Bile rises in my throat, and I close my eyes for a heartbeat to get my bearings. It’s not the fact that he is one of the supposedly dead Costa brothers, but because he lied to me all this time when he no doubt knew who I was when he kidnapped me.
“Since we are in the mood for confessions. Why don’t you tell Celia what you did to my family when you decided you needed more power?”
My father looks smug as he bounces his gaze between us. “Why should I? You already know my sins, just as I know yours. What difference does confessing them make?”
Nic nods. “You’re right. Let’s just finish this.” He turns his gaze back to me. “I’m sorry, Celia. I promise I will explain everything later, but right now, we need to end this. He is trying to get to you. Don’t let him. He wants you dead, and he will kill you if he ever gets a chance.”
Despite my anger toward him for lying to me, I agree with him. I don’t want to believe my father would kill me, but I know it’s true. I can see it in his eyes. Besides, he had no problem killing my sister for much less of an infraction.
Sensing my struggle, Nic steps closer. His arms come around me from behind, and he places his hands around mine, steadying my grip on the gun. His whisper against my ear shoots shivers down my spine. “I told myself when the time came, I’d do this for you. Take this burden from you, so you don’t have to take this mark on your soul. But I can’t deny you the justice that was denied to me. Kill him so we can go home.”
I don’t risk looking at his face, letting his solid presence surround me as I stare down the end of the gun at a monster. “Why did you kill her? Tell me that at least,” I say, hoping for once in his miserable life, he’ll do the right thing and tell me the truth.
“Your sister?” His eyes narrow, and a dangerous smile cuts across his weathered face. “Turns out she’s not the only whore in the family; you’re way worse. I should have started with you.”
“But why did you kill her?” I scream. My voice breaking at the end.
“Because she defied me when she refused to marry the man I provided her. Your useless mother gave me two useless fucking girls, and you both had one job. Neither of you could do it.”