Page 6 of Making Their Vows
Collier is right. Grace isn’t mine. I met her fifteen minutes ago and I’m behaving as if I’ve got a permanent claim on the girl. When in truth, she probably wouldn’t want that in a million years. A long-term relationship with a bare-knuckle boxer from Southie? Yeah, right. I’m a thrill. A flash in the pan. She’s slumming it for the night.
So be it.
I open my mouth to say…what? I’m not sure. Maybe that she isn’t mine, but she sure as hell can do better than this punk. But Grace speaks up from behind me.
“Stop talking about me like I’m a trading card, Collier.” She steps into my periphery on the right, her long, smooth legs taking up my vision. “I’m nobody’s until I say I am. But…” She pauses, shifting in her heels. “I’d like North to drive me home tonight. So I guess that makes me more his than yours, doesn’t it?”
The place erupts in a series of hoots and ooohs, turning Collier’s face red.
Christ. This girl is fucking dynamite. For some reason, she’s giving me the gift of her time and attention. And I can’t help it. A guy like me doesn’t get many moments this good, so I have no choice but to savor it to the fullest. “And that was your third knockout for the night,” I say to Collier. “Might want to stay down this time, regional champ.”
Then I stand, watching in awe as Grace threads her clean, graceful fingers through my bloody, filthy taped ones and lets me walk her out of the Hellmouth.
Oh my God.
Holy moly.
What am I doing? I don’t know! I don’t know who I am anymore. This spontaneity is completely unlike me. Asking for rides home from strangers is not something I do. I know it’s completely reckless to go somewhere with this young man I just met, but the idea of getting into a car with Collier after the way he behaved made my skin crawl.
My only defense is that North feels like the furthest thing from a stranger. There was a click inside of me when I first saw him in the Hellmouth. As the minutes passed, it was almost like being awakened. Being around North makes me feel tight and achy and winded, the sensation so overwhelming, it’s a wonder I manage to remain upright in the face of the rush.
We’re walking to his car now, sneaking looks at each other in the darkness. Both of us have expressions on our faces that suggest we don’t know what hit us. Does he really feel the way I do? Like he’s been struck by lightning?
Our footsteps echo beneath the underpass. We sort of gravitate toward each other, North lifting a still-wrapped hand and letting it hover just above the small of my back. As if he wants to protect me without sullying my dress. In truth, this is the first time in my life that I wouldn’t mind my dress getting dirty. If it meant North touching me, I’d ruin a whole army of dresses. What is it about him that makes me ticklish and hot from the neck down?
I’ve given up trying to hide my hard nipples and the cool night air makes them pucker all the more. North traces them with a hungry glance, then cuts his eyes to the side, letting out a shuddering breath. He’s attracted to me. We’re attracted to each other. He’s still shirtless, since he literally stepped out of the ring and left, me at his side. But a moment later, we reach a vehicle that looks straight out of the past. It’s black and chrome, low and sleek. A Chevy that looks lovingly cared for, right down to the white racing stripe down the center of the roof.
“I love this,” I whisper, as he opens the passenger side door for me.
He searches my face. “Yeah?”
I nod, noting his relief. Was he worried I wouldn’t like his car? Realizing I’m staring at his chiseled mouth like an eager beaver, I shake myself. In order to slip into the car, I have to brush past North and as I do so, the tips of my breasts drag across his bare chest, making his eyelids grow heavy. I’m trembling by the time I sit down, my knees pressed tightly together. There is a continuous tug at the juncture of my thighs, a slickness I’ve never experienced before. All because of this fighter. And my body’s reaction to him excites me as much as it scares me. Sex is an unknown, as much as he is. But the throb in my nerve endings, the hunger for closeness to him has me racing there. Toward this mysterious land of intimacy I know nothing about. Maybe I should have listened more closely to my friends, instead of zoning out when they talked endlessly about hooking up.