Page 6 of Stolen
The way he was always after me told me there was some truth to his words, he loved making love with me. With the kids we were a little more subdued, but we still got down and dirty, especially when we watched our home movies from those early days.
I heard him coming back up the drive, there had been some changes since the boys started walking, no more booby traps, the walls did get higher though and the place was secured like Fort Knox, but instead of feeling like a prisoner, I felt safe.
"Hey baby." He wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"Hi daddy, the boys get off okay?"
"Uh huh."
He nuzzled my neck as his hand crept under his shirt that I was wearing to feel my bare legs, inching up to my pussy.
"Uhmm, freshly washed pussy, I didn't have breakfast yet, this'll do."
He turned my back to the sink where I'd been standing washing up the boy's cereal bowls, got down on his knees, raised one leg over his shoulder and went to town.
"Oh, shit...oh yeah." I rubbed my pussy all over his mouth as he tongued me good, just the way I liked.
"Fuck me with your tongue daddy, Oooh...yeah, suck my clit...please." I grabbed fistfuls of his hair as he added two large, long fingers to the mix, stretching me, opening me up.
My juices were running down his hand as he plowed his fingers inside.
I came as he bit down on my clit, my legs giving out on me. Without stopping he lowered me to the ground, turned me over with my back to him and entered me from behind.
"Tell me."
"Fuck your dirty cum slut, make me cum all over your cock daddy, I wanna cum so bad, make your naughty girl cum."
I loved teasing him, making him lose control.
He pushed harder and deeper, digging his cock into me making me feel that pleasure pain I always did when he took me like this.
Bending over my back he bit into my neck, this was one of his favorite things to do, like the mating of a lion or some other cat in the wild, he liked to mark me this way as he drove into my pussy from behind making me cream even more.
"Remember what I told you before I left...?" He growled in my ear, making me shiver and my pussy twitch.
"Uh huh..." I could barely remember my name at this point.
He fucked me harder then, pulling my hips back roughly, the slap, slap, slap of our bodies meeting was loud in the vaulted kitchen. My knees were beginning to rub against the marble floor, but I didn't care, as long as he kept hitting that spot in my pussy that made me spring I'd be happy.
"It's time for a girl...guess what...I've been charting is the day, so...from now, until I go get the boys I'm staying inside you."
I came from his words alone taking him with me as I squeezed my pussy around his cock.
I looked back to see his head thrown back, the muscles in his neck standing out as he jetted the last drop of cum inside me.
I pulled off when he was done and took him into my mouth, licking and sucking him while his cum ran down my legs.
His hand wrapped around my hair as he fed me his semi hard dick.
I got him hard again and was then lifted and taken to bed where he sucked on my nipples until I was begging him to fuck. He pulled one leg up straight and held it by the ankle while leaving the other flat on the bed, his once more fully loaded cock slammed into me as I screamed.
"Take it." I felt him in my tummy, pounding, surging, seeking. He took my ass in his hands and pulled me on to his rampaging cock as I tried to catch my breath.
"Am I hurting your little pussy Simone?"
"Uh huh, yes daddy." He took the other leg in his hand, opening me up even wider as he drove into me with more force. The bed thumped against the wall as we went wild, fucking each other with all the lust and love we had for each other.
When we came it was loud and hot, followed by kisses that made my toes curl and sweet words whispered between us of the love we had for each other and the life we'd made; I loved making my husband happy.
Chapter 6
Simone's a good girl she's always been.
Those in town who knew her or knew of her would never believe how we came to be, all they know is that one day we came down the mountain, went to the courthouse and got hitched.
I'd pulled some strings and got the necessary paper work taken care of before hand.
I'd let her know in no uncertain terms that my child would have my name. Believe it or not she'd been the one afraid to venture down off our mountain.
She had some unfounded fear that somehow we'd be torn apart, but I'd fucked the fear out of her and we'd gone and done the deed. I could probably count on both hands the number of times she'd been down off our mountain in the last two years or so.
I sometimes jokingly asked her who was the recluse in the family.
My little girl was quite happy to stay up on our mountain with me and our kids. In that first year, even throughout her pregnancy we'd not done much more than fuck, it was as though I had to put my brand on her to make sure she'd stay with me always, not only that, but that she'd want to stay with me.
Now here I am trying to plant another kid in her.
"You sore yet baby?" I'd been riding her all morning my dick could never resist that sweet pussy of hers.
"Uh uh, keep going..." She was out of breath and no wonder, since I was nailing her tight cunt from behind with a thumb stuffed in her ass.