Page 10 of Stolen
"Kneel on the bed baby, I don't want to put too much pressure on your ass."
She climbed up with me stuck inside her pussy.
"Fuck my cock, take as much or as little as you need." She took me in to the hilt.
"Yes…yes…yes...uhmm...." She fucked back at me hard being careful not to slam her hips too hard into mine.
"Does it hurt babygirl?"
"So good, harder, I love it, hurt your naughty pussy."
Huh, I'll have to be careful, there was a time in the beginning when she'd gotten to like her spankings so much that she started doing shit on purpose just so I would punish her, until I caught on to her tricks and put a stop to it.
When her punishments became banishment to our room for the day with no contact from me, she'd got her act together.
Although I'm boning her that in no way meant that her punishment was lifted, but at least I accept that it wasn't entirely her fault.
"You want daddy to finish in your pussy?"
"Yes please."
"Make me cum."
She reached between her legs, took my nuts in her palm and rolled them while squeezing me with her cunt.
"Fuuuuuuckkkkk." I grabbed her hair and pulled hard my hand squeezing her throat as I spurted my hot cum into her throbbing pussy, over and over again, until there was nothing left.
I kissed her nape and ran my hand down to the small of her back.
She crawled to the head of the bed and collapsed. By the time I reached the door she was out cold.
Poor baby, it's been a while since she got her ass whipped, hopefully she would keep her little ass quiet for the next little while and not give me reason for a repeat performance anytime soon.
Chapter 11
"Mommy, daddy says it's time for dinner sleepy head."
I awoke to the boys jumping on the bed trying to wake me up.
How long have I been asleep? The bedside clock said five o'clock I'd slept for almost three hours. Thankfully Roderick had covered me with a sheet sometime after I’d fallen asleep.
"Give mommy hugs and kisses."
They fell on me, my little kissing monsters.
"How was school?"
Little Michael and James talked over each other in excitement as they filled me in on their busy day at school. Then of course we had to have our tickle fight which mommy always lost.
"Come on you three, dinner's ready." Roderick came to the doorway wiping his hands on a dishtowel.
I gave him a big smile of thanks I understood that he was showing me a kindness by lifting the ban so to speak.
"Boys go wash your hands and get ready for dinner.
"Okay daddy." They ran to do his bidding. He came over and touched my forehead, checking for fever I guess.
"How do you feel?"
"Much better, the ointment and the nap helped."
"I'll put some more on before bed, come to dinner."
" not under any circumstances Interact with anyone over the internet no matter who it is, or who they say they are, it's very dangerous. I know you don't understand but trust me, there's a reason I live the way I do, there's a reason for my paranoia as you call it. What might seem like an innocent occurrence can sometimes become deadly. I took you Simone, I make no apologies for that, because with one look you captivated me, but had I been of a different mind, had I been a monster, how do you think this would've turned out?
I'm not going to apologize for thrashing you, you know I won't, and if you put yourself in that kind of danger again I will do the same, you know this too, do you understand?"
"Yes." My voice was small and childlike.
"Any questions?"
"Uhm...." I bit my tongue, how do I say this without getting myself in deeper shit?
Roderick in no way mistreats me, neither is he abusive, in fact he's far from it, but when he gets pissed or more to the point, scared, he can lose his shit. I should know I've got the ass whippings to prove it. So how do I tell him how I feel without turning this into a major issue?
"Can we talk about it after we put the boys to bed?"
He looked at me for a long minute before nodding his assent.
"Fine, let's go eat."
"What did you make?"
"Your favorite of course."
"Whew, vegetable lasagna, thank you daddy."
I got a hug and kiss before we headed out to get the boys.
Dinner was boisterous fun, Roderick and I like to interact with the kids while we eat, in an appropriate manner of course, there was no chewing and talking at the same time, but conversation is plentiful with two four-year-olds who were full of stories and a million and one questions about everything under the sun. There was lots of 'mommy guess what' and daddy did you know?'
Roderick was really great with them I liked to watch him, his patience and understanding so completely different from my father's.
I bathed the boys and got them ready for bed while Roderick took his shower. I was in bed under the covers by the time he was finished. It got dark early up here this time of year, by seven it would be pitch black, we would either watch TV or read but I knew we needed to have this conversation so I left my book sitting on the nightstand.
"You ready to talk little girl?"
"Yes daddy."
"Go ahead."
I fidgeted a little because although Roderick has always maintained that we could discuss anything I've never really questioned his authority before.
"'s just that...I didn't deliberately go looking for that Sam guy...."
"Is this the first time some guy tried to talk to you on there?"
"Uh...." Shit, I knew I should've left well enough alone.
"No....." My voice was barely above a whisper.
"And how did you handle it the last time?"
"I just ignored it."
"And did he stop?"
"Eventually yes."
"This group you're in, do you know anyone there personally have you ever met any of
"Of course not."
"How do you know they are who they say they are?"