Page 4 of A Ring to Take His Revenge
‘Is he here yet?’ James asked now, not waiting for an answer to his first question.
‘Mr Arcuri has business to attend to, nothing more,’ she said reassuringly, not really knowing if that was true or not.
‘It’s just that... Well, given the current climate...’
‘Arcuri Enterprises is strong enough to survive any climate—current or otherwise,’ Antonio’s Italian-accented voice cut in harshly.
Emma hated the way he did that. Crept into rooms like a silent-footed panther. And she felt pity for poor James, who had turned from nervously pale to humiliated red with just one sentence from their boss, before fleeing the room.
Antonio turned on Emma. ‘Why does everyone look as if they’re about to get fired?’ he demanded angrily.
Emma resisted the urge to sigh. He was clearly in that mood. A mood which made it easier for her to resist eating up the sight of his six-foot-plus powerful and lean frame.
‘It is a little unusual for you to break your trip to Italy.’
‘I need Danyl and Dimitri on a conference call immediately. And I need you to start a research file on Benjamin Bartlett. Everything and anything you can find on him and his company,’ he said, throwing the last over his shoulder as he moved towards his office.
‘I’ll get the research team on it right away.’
‘No,’ Antonio said, pausing mid-stride. ‘No one else is to know. I want you to handle it personally.’
With that, he stalked into his office, slamming the door behind him, and Emma sighed again. She closed the open folder on her desk concerning the Arcuri Foundation’s charity gala—a project she had already invested much of her spare time in—knowing that she would have to take it home that evening. And as she dialled the numbers she knew by heart to get Dimitri and Danyl, she wondered just who Benjamin Bartlett was and why he was so important.
* * *
Antonio Arcuri willed the adrenaline coursing through his veins to subside. He discarded his suit jacket on the sofa and instead of taking a seat at his desk stalked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows fronting his office and flexed his hands.
He had decided to give the task of researching Benjamin Bartlett to Emma on the flight back here from his mother’s house in Sorrento. He had been impressed with his calm, unflappable PA over the past eighteen months. Eighteen months in which he’d ruthlessly tamped down his initial and very much unwanted sensual interest in her from the moment she had stepped into the limousine on his way to the Asquith club in London.
Of course it helped that she dressed like the founding member of some religious organisation, and showed absolutely no interest in him whatsoever outside of their business interaction. He’d had PAs before who had raised their eyebrows and been uncomfortable handling some of his more indiscreet requests, such as fending off ex-lovers or acquiring suitable parting gifts. Despite what her conservative appearance suggested, Emma had handled each and every one without judgement or comment. The only thing she asked for was financial approval.
In short, Emma Guilham was very good at her job.
Which was exactly why he trusted her implicitly to handle the research on Bartlett. He couldn’t risk news of his interest in the man leaking out before he’d had a chance to arrange a meeting with him. But it wasn’t Bartlett himself that he was after. He could have taken or left his famous heritage brand, having no need to add it to his investment portfolio. No. It was the other potential investor that Antonio had in his sights. The investor that Antonio wanted to crush beneath his heel until no trace of him remained.
As he stood before the windows he didn’t see a millimetre of the lush green sanctuary in the middle of New York’s bustle. Antonio saw victory within his grasp.
Finally Antonio had the chance to bring Michael Steele to his knees. To cripple him completely, once and for all.
For so long he’d been nibbling away at the outskirts of Steele’s business dealings. And each time Antonio took one more bite from the man’s holdings he thought of his mother and sister. Of the shock and devastation Steele had wrought against his family with efficient ruthlessness. The subsequent pain that had nearly destroyed his mother, and the emotional scars that his young sister had turned against her own body until there had been almost nothing of her left.
Antonio had spent years clawing his way up the financial ladder...for this. The chance to destroy Michael Steele once and for all.
The buzz of the intercom cut through his thoughts and Emma’s voice announced that she had Danyl and Dimitri on the line for him.
‘What’s wrong?’ demanded Danyl.
Many would have been forgiven for thinking they heard anger in his voice, but Antonio knew better and identified concern.
‘Nothing’s wrong. In fact it’s the exact opposite.’
‘It must be...what?...six in the morning in New York?’ queried Dimitri. ‘Even you don’t usually start until a bit later.’
‘It’s seven.’
‘I feel sorry for your PA,’ remarked Danyl. ‘She just went into battle with my assistant to get me in on this call instead of calling the Terhren Secretary of State.’
‘Don’t feel sorry for her,’ Antonio responded. ‘Be impressed.’