Page 9 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Four (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 4)
"She wouldn't just leave that lying around. Did you go through mother's stuff?"
Alli's lips form a defensive line and she crosses her arms. "You deserve to know the truth, Pandora. Too many people have been hiding things from you."
I can't deny that, and even though I want to tell her not to snoop again, I can't bring myself to do it.
So, Father knows I'm here, and yet he's done nothing to bring me back to Eden Falls. I don't know whether I'm relieved or disappointed.
"I'm glad you've decided to go back," Alli speaks up again. "That town, and especially the men in it, deserve to be brought to their knees. And you might just be the person to do it, Pandora Oakes."
I look up at her and smile. The light falling through the bay window in the room illuminates Alli, making her even prettier. Fear grips me tightly, but I do my best to ignore it. Dex cares about me. He wouldn't just abandon me at the sight of some pretty girl... Would he?
"And the best part," Alli goes on, taking my hand in hers and grinning wickedly. "Is that I'm going to help you every step of the way. I know just how to bring them all down. Here's what we're going to do..."
I look away from the wall, to the guard that's unlocking my cell. I must have a visitor—probably the shitty lawyer I've been appointed by the state. I pick myself up from the scratchy, hard bed and approach the bars, holding up my wrists so the officer can cuff me. I'm well-versed in this by now. I've been stuck in here for months, with no hope of getting out anytime soon.
"No need for handcuffs today," the guard mutters, unlocking the door and showing me down the hallway. "You're free to leave, Dexter Booth."
My heart catches in my throat. I've been waiting and waiting to hear those words and yet they never came.
"What do you mean?" I ask, fearing he's just fucking with me, getting a kick out of my misery.
"Your bail's been posted," the guard shrugs, yawning. He doesn't give a shit about this, he just wants to get rid of me as soon as possible. "You coming or not?"
I follow him down the hallway, pondering who would've been crazy enough to pay the million-dollar bail.
Not Emilian Oakes. He's hated me ever since his precious Lily Anna.
Not Pandora—she has nothing, and she's gone, anyway.
I don't have anyone else.
All I know is, they finally found someone who remembered me from the dorm party I went to that night Lai died. It took fucking months, but finally, I have an alibi. And since they couldn't place me at the murder scene during the time of Lai's death, the authorities allowed for bail to be posted in my case. Still, I didn't see a way out of that prison cell—not when I had nobody on my side anymore.
Worry and disbelief course through my veins as I change back into my own clothes—the ones I was brought into the precinct in months ago. It feels strange to be in anything other than the fucking unflattering orange uniform I've been wearing for too long.
I'm guided out of the facility and down a long corridor underground. Finally, I appear in front of the gates leading into the prison. I don't have a clue how the hell I'm going to get back home from here. I don't have a penny to my name, so I'm guessing I'll have to fucking hitchhike. Me, Dexter motherfucking Booth. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
But when the gates open, I realize I won't be needing a ride after all.
Because right there, next to a shiny white Escalade, are the friends I thought I lost. Easton, Caspian and Julian raise their eyes as they see me exiting the prison. I brace myself for the impact of the first blow, but it never comes.
I approach them warily. None of them make a move, they're all just staring me down.
Finally, Julian speaks up.
"Been a long time, Booth."
I nod. I feel sick. The group doesn't feel the same without Lai, and for the first time since he died, I feel the loss of my best friend like a punch to the stomach. I groan, running a hand through my dark, unruly hair.
"He's really gone, isn't he," I mutter. "He's never coming back."
The weight of the truth hits me like a ton of bricks and I lean against Caspian's car, feeling sicker than ever. The boys make room for me, and we stand there, with me still wondering whether they're here to finish me once and for all. I wouldn't blame them. I don't know whether I even deserve a place on earth anymore. Not after everything that's fucking happened. But I still have a purpose—a driving force that's pushing me forward.