Page 42 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Four (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 4)
This time I rush toward her without hesitation.
"I'm sorry, Minnie," Dex grunts.
"So you... really do like him?" I ask her softly. She looks up at me and her wide eyes brimming with tears are the only answer I need.
"I guess now nothing will happen after all," she whispers, and my heart threatens to shatter when the words leave her lips. "We can never be together."
I don't want to hurt her even more by telling her there was no chance for them, ever. There's no way Father would allow his only son to marry a girl like Minnie. After all she's just the maid's daughter...
I mentally chastise myself for thinking that way as a shiver passes down my spine. Eden Falls has rubbed off on me after all.
"Excuse me." Dex furrows his brows as he checks his buzzing phone. "I need to take this."
He leaves the room, and I'm grateful for the privacy I now have with Minnie.
"Oh, Minnie," I whisper. "I wish I could make things better."
She doesn't answer. I realize then she's tethering on the edge again. And I'm getting more and more afraid she won't just fall - she'll take the first step into the abyss and jump.
Dexter re-enters the room a while later, his expression troubled.
"You're getting a family visit, Pandora," he tells me.
"Oh?" I stand up. I don't want to see Father now, not after what he just did to Minnie.
"Brazen and Tianna will arrive shortly," Dex replies, smiling as he looks at Minnie. I can't help myself - I glance at the pretty blonde, too. She looks happy enough to burst. We all know the family visit is just a pretense so Brazen and Minnie can spend some precious time together, alone. Opportunities for that will be far and few between from now on.
I help Minnie get ready in a hurry, lending her one of my old dresses and pinning her hair in a pretty updo, with blonde tendrils framing her porcelain face. I try to reassure her, but before I can get the words out, the doorbell rings and we meet in the grand hall.
Brazen's posture stiffens when he sees Minnie, and the blonde squeezes my hand painfully.
I don't let go. The rest of us watch them expectantly, except for Tianna, whose gaze is fixed on her phone like always. Anders points us to the salon where he serves tea and we take our seats, giving Brazen and Minnie as much privacy as possible. Tianna, Dex and I end up in one corner of the room while Minnie and Brazen sit in the other.
While we try to focus on our own conversations, we're all trying to overhear what Brazen and M
innie are saying to each other. I'm sitting facing them, so I can see what's happening, and I tune out of our conversation as I try to decipher my brother's actions.
Minnie's sitting as far away as possible, glancing fearfully at Brazen while he softly pleads with her to understand. The sight of it makes me feel sick and I force myself to look away. Instead, I focus on Tianna, smiling weakly at her as she stares up from her phone screen for a second.
"So, how's life back at the Estate?" I ask lamely.
"Why do you suddenly care?" she scoffs, returning to scrolling with her thumb. "It's not like you ever gave a shit, anyway."
"What do you mean?" I narrow my eyes at her.
"You just left," Tianna hisses. "You didn't give a shit about the ones you left behind."
"Like who?" I demand.
"Like Minnie. Brazen. Me." Only when she emphasizes the last word do I realize what's happening. "Do you even understand how hard it's been at home since you left? I'm the only daughter Father has now. If it's not Brazen he's ordering around, it's me. And at least Brazen is big enough to defend himself."
I stare at my petite, frail sister. For the first time I don't see her as a spoiled little Daddy's girl. She's strong in her own might, but she's also right - by running away I put more than just Minnie in the line of fire.
"I'm sorry," I mutter. "You're always welcome here, Tianna. Always."
"If he'll even let me leave the house," my sister scoffs.
"We'll make him." I look at Dex for support and his firm nod confirms my thoughts. "Any time it gets too much for you, Tianna, we're here for you."