Page 29 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Four (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 4)
Dr. Meyer glances between the two of us, as if he's unsure who to believe. Finally, he nods and puts his briefcase on the table, starting to go through his things while simultaneously giving Lily Anna instructions. They put me on the floor on some clean sheets, propped up on pillows. I know things aren't good the moment I see Dr. Meyer's face after he examines me.
"What's wrong?" I whisper. "The baby's okay, right?"
He doesn't answer me. I can't stop crying. The whole situation is stressful and maddening because Lily Anna is preventing me from delivering the baby safely. I tell myself I'll never forgive her for all the shit she put me through, making a mental vow to make her pay for everything she's done to me.
When she leaves the room, claiming my screams are giving her a headache, I grab the doc's shirt and pull him in.
"You h-have to help." I'm stuttering in my effort to get the words out before she comes back and catches me in the act. "She's crazy. Fucking crazy. I think she wants to steal the baby."
"Alli?" he asks, pushing his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and chuckling. "No, no, she wouldn't do that..."
"Her name isn't Alli," I snarl, letting out a desperate cry. "It's Lily fucking Anna-"
"Pandora." She appears in the doorway. Her gaze is cool and calculating, locked with mine. "You'll want to shut up now."
But it's too late for that.
Dr. Meyer is already looking at her, and his eyes widen when he comes to a realization.
"It really is you," he whispers. "You're Emilian Oakes' daughter."
"No," I snarl. "I am. She's a fucking... nobody. An imposter."
"Shut up!" Lily Anna roars, pointing back to me as she addresses Dr. Meyer. "You need to deliver this baby, right fucking now."
"But you're..." He shakes his head when I cry out again, picking himself up. "I'm calling the cops. And an ambulance. Do you know everybody's looking for you?"
"Don't be crazy now." Lily Anna blocks the exit. "Give me your phone."
"No," Dr. Meyer shakes his head. "I should have known something was off... I should have known you weren't who you said you were."
"But you were more than happy to fuck me," Lily Anna snarls. "You put your dick in every one of my holes. How would your wife feel about that, Dr. Meyer?"
"It doesn't matter." He shakes his head, punching a number into his phone. "You're sick. I'm calling the cops."
"No, you're not." Lily Anna sounds so determined I'm momentarily distracted from the awful pain in my belly. "Put the phone down."
He doesn't. Instead, he raises his hand to his ear, telling her, "You're a sick little girl, Lily Anna. I'm telling your father everything."
She snarls then, launching herself at him. I scream for help, but help doesn't come. Somehow, Lily Anna has managed to catch the doctor off guard, and she knocks him over, straddling him on the floor. She knocks his phone out of his hand and he desperately tries to reach for it, but she just laughs.
"See what happens when you're bad?" she asks him innocently. "You pissed me off now, doc. And now I have to punish you."
"What the fuck?" he snarls when she pins his hands behind his head. "Are you crazy? That girl needs my help... She could bleed out if we don't get her to a hospital."
"Do I look like I care?" Lily Anna gives me a saccharine smile. "I don't give a shit about little Miss Oakes. All I care about is the baby."
With those words, she pulls a giant kitchen knife from her boot. I stare in disbelief as she brandishes it in front of the doctor.
"N-Now, don't do anything stupid, p-please," he manages, holding his hands up. "I'm a family man, Lily Anna. I
have two sons."
"Maybe I'll fuck them too," she says with a smirk. "See if they're any better than their old, useless Dad. Still want to call the cops, do you, Dr. Meyer?"
"N-No," he manages. "I won't call them, I won't tell anyone, just let me go, please."
"Oh, now you're so very eager to keep this secret, aren't you?" she giggles. "Only moments ago you were ready to put me behind bars... Did my little toy change your mind?"