Page 48 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Three (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 3)
"Yeah." His signature smirk makes my heart race even faster. "Is that okay?"
I don't answer, muttering. "I want to go back to Wildwood. But first, I want to meet my mom."
"You know where she lives?"
"I do."
"Then let's go," Dex says firmly. "We'll plan it. You're free now, Pandora."
I nod thoughtfully.
He's right.
I am free.
My father called this morning, telling me I was to attend a dinner back at Oakes Estate with some of his family friends. I had laughed at him, but he quickly made it clear he'd make my life a living hell if I didn't show up.
And so it is that I find myself back at the house I hate the most in this whole damn town. Kelley gives me an apologetic smile as he opens the car door for me.
"I hope you get through it okay tonight, Miss Pandora," he tells me kindly. "I'll be here to drive you back when you're ready."
"Thanks." I heave a sigh and accept his helping hand, holding up my black glittering gown - another one of Lily Anna's hand-me-downs - as I make my way to the house.
If Father is forcing me to attend, I'll play a game of my own to fuck with his head. I got the dress with Minnie's help, and I've done my makeup and hair in a way to match Lily Anna's. I snuck out of the house before Dex could notice, because I have a feeling it would piss him off - but that's the goal, after all. I want a reaction out of Father. I want to humiliate him.
I'm also fashionably late. Everyone inside is two hours into dinner. I deliberately kept Kelley waiting, cringing for how evil I was being, but I wanted to piss Father off. Now that I can't keep an eye on Minnie anymore, I do anything to divert his attention so he doesn't hurt her again.
Climbing the stairs, I enter the Estate, and a pale-faced Belle leads me into the salon where several pairs of eyes lift to meet mine.
There's Bryony, as far away as she usually is, doped up on her pills. My brother smirks when he sees me, and even Tianna looks pleased. Several businessmen fill the armchairs in front of the fireplace, but Father is nowhere to be seen.
"Hello," I greet them. "What did I miss?"
Nobody answers. The intense stares follow me as I sit down next to Tianna. That's when Father stumbles in.
He looks disheveled to say the least. His hair is messy, he has scruff on his jaw, and his shirt's halfway unbuttoned. He slurs something and then comes to a full stop, eyes widening when he sees me.
"Lily Anna," he breathes, and a pain shoots through my chest when I realize he's drunk, and once again mistaking me for his other daughter. The one that wasn't really his at all.
I don't correct him, crossing my legs at the ankles like she used to, according to Minnie.
He walks over to me, and I flinch when his fingers wrap around my chin, making me look up at him.
"Is it really you?" he mutters. I stare at his scarred face, hating him for everything he's done to me and feeling sorry at the same time. I can't help it - he's such a sad figure, lost in some sick fantasy he'll never get to live out.
"I take it this is your other daughter," one of the suited-up businessmen speaks up, devouring me with his eyes. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, feeling the weight of his gaze on me. The dress I'm wearing is much more revealing than something I'd pick out myself, and I'm starting to feel naked.
"That's my only daughter," Father snarls, stumbling toward the bar cart in the corner of the room. I flinch again. I look at Bryony, but her pale face is unreadable, and Tianna won't meet my eyes.
"What are you gentlemen doing here?" I finally ask.
"You can guess," the second of the three men smirks, placing a palm on Tianna's knee.
I glance between the two of them, horrified. "You know she's not eighteen, right?"