Page 65 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 2)
I follow Easton out of the house, nervously glancing over my shoulder as we walk down the stairs leading away from the house. My sequined dress glides along the marble, and Easton holds my hand firmly, guiding me toward the exit.
“Hurry,” he says, a playful look in his eyes. “We can’t let anyone see us. Your father would kill me if he knew I was doing this…”
“I don’t care,” I tell him resolutely. “I’m done following his orders, or anyone else’s for that matter.”
I don’t mention Dexter, but I don’t need to – we both know whom I mean.
We make our way to the gravel driveway where a black limo with tinted windows is waiting for us. Easton opens the backdoor for me, the perfect gentleman as always, then climbs inside next to me.
“Where are we going to go?” I ask him, giddy with excitement as the doors close and the car starts moving along the gravel pathway leading away from Oakes Estate.
Easton presses a button next to the glass panel separating us from the driver, saying, “Step on it, we need to get out of here as soon as poss
The driver steps on the gas, and my new fiancé settles into the seat next to mine, his eyes full of warmth as they meet mine. A sudden pang goes through my chest, reminding me of Dexter who is still inside the Estate none the wiser about what I’ve decided to do.
But I told myself I wouldn’t do what he wanted anymore. I have every right to live my own life. I’m done being controlled by these men who think they own me. It’s time I took matters into my own hands.
“I know the perfect place,” Easton finally answers me, his words cutting through my jumbled thoughts. “It’ll be an hour’s drive though, so settle back, relax and enjoy.”
I do as he says, leaning my head against his shoulder and enjoying the first quiet moment of the day since the party started. Easton seems distracted, scrolling through his phone, so I try to busy myself with the view. The city looks beautiful illuminated in lights, but we soon pull away from the view, driving over a large bridge I saw when I first arrived in Eden Falls.
“Are we leaving the city?” I ask.
“Yes,” Easton nods. “We’re going to a gorgeous lake house. You’ll love it, I think.”
“Oh,” I say. “You don’t think they’ll find us there?”
“No, we’ll be back tomorrow night, and nobody will think to look for us there,” he says, putting his palm over my hand and giving me a reassuring smile. “It’s Julian’s parents’ place, he said I could borrow it for the night.”
This makes me a bit worried – why would he take me to Julian’s place, when they don’t get along at all? But nonetheless I nod wordlessly, staring out of the window again while Easton fumbles with his phone. We’re moving further and further along, away from the bright lights of the city and down roads that seem quieter, with less and less cars on them.
A funny feeling settles in the pit of my stomach, and I glance behind us. Another limo is behind ours, which makes me furrow my brows in worry. Is someone following us?
I’m about to ask Easton about it, but just then, the driver pulls off into another road, and the other limo disappears. I settle back in my seat, quickly forgetting about the other vehicle with my heart pounding with anticipation of what’s to come.
About an hour later, we pull up in front of a gorgeous property right on the lake. It has its own pier leading into the giant lake behind it. There’s a private beach area, and the stunning white-wood house is decorated with twinkling fairy lights.
“This place is gorgeous!” I exclaim as we get out of the limo, with Easton helping me get out safely. “I’m so glad you brought me here.”
“Better than your party, isn’t it?” he chuckles. “Come on, let me show you the inside.”
I follow him, clutching the layers of my dress in my hands as we walk over the threshold into the beautiful building. The house is expensively furnished – probably the work of an experienced decorator. Thick sheepskin rugs, a fireplace, and plush sofas complete the sitting area. Upstairs, there are several bedrooms and bathrooms. This house could easily house all of the Firstborns – each one in their own room.
Finally, Easton and I settle in the master bedroom that has its own fireplace. I lie on the plushy bed with a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket next to me while Easton stokes the fire. I’m nervous as hell, but so far, he hasn’t made a move on me – something that’s at the same time a relief and a disappointment.
“There we go,” he finally says, setting the logs alight. “Perfect.”
He joins me on the bed, making me hold up a champagne flute as he pops open the expensive bottle of Möet. I giggle as he pours me a full glass, and we clink them together before I down the whole thing. I need all the courage in the world today. I’m nervous as fuck.
He lies down next to me on the bed, tugging on his bowtie until it comes undone. Easton looks nothing like Dexter. Dexter’s chiseled face and the faint hint of stubble makes him look older, dangerous. Easton is pretty. Painfully pretty, like an antique statue of a Greek God. And I could get lost in those mesmerizing eyes of his for days.
“I can feel you watching me,” he laughs out loud. “Tell me the truth. Are you nervous about this?”