Page 16 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 2)
I'm about to say something snappy back, but I stop myself just in time. This is still better than the alternative - him taking Lily Anna's diary away from me.
"Let's see now," he mutters when he reaches my panties. "If we push these right aside..."
I gasp as he pushes the fabric away from my pussy lips, leaving me exposed and shivering. He's about to find out just how much I like this... One finger flick, and he'll see how dripping wet he's made me.
And he seems intent on doing just that. The boy smirks to himself as he swipes his fingertip along my soaked pussy, never taking his eyes off mine. I feel like the whole room is standing still, watching him take what he wants from my body. The three guys are glued to their spots, eyes zeroed in on Easton and what he's doing.
"So wet," he whispers in my ear, softly enough so nobody else can hear. "Booth always knew how to pick them."
I close my eyes tightly as his fingertip gently forces its way between my folds, feeling my opening. He's about to find out my biggest secret, and there's no way he's keeping the scandalous matter to himself.
He pushes deeper. There's no resistance from my body, instead, my pussy accepts him, wet, ready and willing. If he's surprised by this, he doesn't show it, instead merely smiling to himself and rubbing the inside of my hole with his fingertip. Next, he pulls it out with a pop, his eyes on mine as he brings the finger to his lips, sucking on it.
It's a moment frozen in time, with me waiting for him to ruin my life forever. And he knows it, making sure to prolong it until I'm trembling with fear. I am completely at his mercy, and we're both aware of the fact.
"Well, it looks like Booth hasn't gotten his claws in yet," he says out loud, and a huge weight falls from my shoulders.
He lied. He lied for me. Why on earth would he do that? Surely, he has an ulterior motive.
He moves his legs and I slide off his lap, my hands trembling as I pull my school uniform down.
“Why don’t you give her that ring back?” Easton suggests lazily.
Lai comes forward, his face a grimace as he hands back my engagement ring. I slide it on my finger, giving him a long look full of hatred.
The other two guys exchange long, heated glances. I can see the outlines of each one of their cocks through their trousers. This got them all hot and bothered.
The room seems to go back to normal after that. Once again, there's the sound of chatter from the other tables in the cafeteria, and after a few moments, Lai, Julian and Caspian leave. It's only Easton and me now, but luckily, the bell rings, signaling it's time for another class.
I'm about to push past the new boy when he grips my forearm, his playful eyes coming to rest on mine.
"I know your secret," he whispers against my cheek. "Now it's up to you to make me keep it."
Later that day, I'm in my bedroom still trying to unlock the diary. I've tried - and broken - several of my bobby pins, but the lock just won't give in. It's as if Lily Anna doesn't want me to know her secrets. But I'm determined to get to the bottom of it. Right before I finally decide to break the lock, I remember the key Minnie gave me, for the sealed-off wardrobe behind the hidden door. It was just as tiny, and if I'm lucky, it might just fit into the keyhole of Lily Anna's diary.
I locate the key in my pillowcase and am shocked to find it fits into the lock perfectly. One twist, and the lock gives, falling away from the purple notebook. Open sesame… the diary unlocks, and I stare at the pages upon pages filled with loopy, child-like handwriting.
I lie back on my bed, losing myself between the pages of Lily Anna's story. In moments, I'm mesmerized, and I barely notice the time passing me by as I start reading. There are no
dates on the pages, which makes me wonder when all this was written - but it must have been years before Lily Anna died.
* * *
Dear stupid notebook,
Every time I look at you, I just get angrier and angrier. What kind of fool thought writing my feelings down would make them better? I guess I’m the biggest fool in the end, since I keep putting pen to paper in the vain attempt of making things better.
I wonder if anyone will ever get to read this. I wish I could speak to them now. Find out what happened to me. If I ended up running away from Eden Falls… If I’m happy now, somewhere far far away from this corrupted town and its twisted citizens.
At least I have the upper hand on these people. I’ve got everyone wrapped right around my little finger… just the way I like it. It’s what happens when you know so many secrets. People will do your bidding, tell you anything you want, and take your secrets to the grave – all because they trust you’ll do the same for them.
Little do they know; you’re playing a game of your own.
And you don’t give two fucks about the others. The only thing that matters is yourself.