Page 14 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 2)
"Hey, douchebags. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
We all turn around in the direction of the calm voice to our left. And there he is - tall, handsome and imposing as hell.
Easton Brantley.
He may not be Dexter, but I still have a feeling he'll be eager to protect me from the savages who are causing me harm. And as Easton watches, the three boys take a step back, leaving me exposed in the middle. I shiver, glancing between them to see who has the journal now. I need to get it back - at any cost.
"What's up, Brantley," Caspian grits out, crossing his arms defensively. "You trying to get in trouble with Booth? You know she's his property, don't you?"
"I don't see a ring on her finger," Easton smirks, and I remember my engagement ring which is still in Lai's palm. "Until you put it back on, she's as fair game as anyone else in this goddamn room, if you ask me."
"Nobody did ask you," Julian mutters, and Easton approaches him in two quick steps.
They're about the same height, so I'm not certain who would win in this stand-off, but from Julian's facial expression, I can tell Easton holds some power over him. Perhaps not quite as much as Dexter does... but he is an important figure in Eden Falls, and I'm not convinced Julian will stand up to him - even if he could take the boy.
"So what's this all about?" Easton asks lazily. "She giving you trouble?"
"More like the other way around," I grit out grumpily, making Easton focus his attention on me. "They stole my notebook. And my engagement ring.”
I shiver underneath his glare as he says, "Nobody asked you, princess. I'd recommend keeping your mouth shut if you want to get any kind of help from me."
I'm about to bite back that he's not the boss of me, but I think better of it, shutting up and glaring at him instead. He's right, of course - he's the only chance I have of getting out of here without the other guys fucking me up. He seems to hold some kind of power over them, which is more than I can say for myself.
"So where is this notebook?" Easton asks next, staring at the three guys. "Who's got it? I wanna see it for myself."
Lai steps forward, handing him the purple journal but not before glaring at me.
"What is it?" Easton asks next, inspecting the lock on the diary while my heart pounds in my chest.
"We don't know yet," Julian speaks up. "Haven't managed to break the lock yet."
"Did I ask you?" Easton stares him down.
I can see Julian's pissed, but he doesn't say another word, just stares at Easton with a silent challenge present in his gaze.
"Why don't you tell me?" Easton suggests, giving me a cruel smile that surely melted hearts all over Switzerland while he was away. "Since it's your fucking notebook."
"It's... a diary," I mutter, shifting my weight from one foot to the other as I stand there awkwardly.
"Oh, how exciting. And you'd like it back?"
"Yes," I nod eagerly, eyeing the diary in his hands. "I really, really need it back. Please."
"I do like it when you beg," he mutters thoughtfully. "I think I'm going to need to hear a little more of that so I can decide if you deserve it back or not."
"Okay..." I grit my teeth, glaring at him as I realize he's not much better than the others. "Can I please have my diary back?"
I'm still being tormented, this time by one guy instead of three. At least that makes it one against one. And they still don't know the diary belonged to Lily Anna, which is good news for me.
"No, I don't think so."
Easton gives me an easy smile that makes my blood fucking boil. These guys really think they own Eden Falls and its inhabitants. But I have some power here too.
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"Give it back or I'm telling Dexter what you did," I spit out, making Easton laugh out loud.
"You think Dexter Booth can make me do what you want?" Easton raises his brows. "Unless he's somehow gotten pussy-whipped by you in the past few weeks - which I really don't think he has - you're pretty much on your own. Pandora, is it?"