Page 26 of A Hurt So Sweet Volume One (Elite of Eden Falls Prep 1)
“I am a Firstborn, just like you,” I remind him.
“Yeah, but you’re a girl,” he laughs. “You have no rights until you’re married, and only if you’re a virgin on your wedding night.”
I grit my teeth, muttering, “I am engaged. Dexter won’t let you get away with this.”
“You really don’t know Booth at all, do you?”
“What the fuck do you mean?”
He wags his finger at me, then gets up, walking closer to me. His mere presence is intimidating. He smells like pine and soap. I hate that I’m tempted to take a step closer and inhale him. “I think you don’t have a clue about your new fiancé. You may be his newest toy, but you’re a far way off from being his favorite.”
“Is he…” I bite my tongue before the question slips my lips. “Doesn’t matter. Just tell me what you want already, you’ve taken up enough of my time.”
“Oh, I haven’t taken up any yet,” he reminds me. “But I will, don’t you worry about it. Actually, Dexter told me I can have the first taste.”
He smirks, as if this whole thing is somehow amusing to him.
“See, stupid girl? He doesn’t even want you enough to have the first go.”
“W-What?” I pale at the sound of those words. “You can’t be serious.”
“Deadly serious.”
He closes the door firmly behind us, turning the lock and slipping the key into the pocket of his shorts. Suddenly, the room feels too small, stifling. It’s just him and me in here, and I can barely breathe.
“What are you going to do to me?” I ask and hate that it comes out in a whimper.
If I thought the answer would calm me down, I was sorely mistaken. As Lai advances on me, the words leaving his lips in a sneer, I start shaking in fear.
“Nothing as bad as Dexter will once he finally gets his hands on you.”
“Don’t you dare touch me,” I snarl at the mountain of a guy. “I’m going to tell my father.”
“And what’s he going to do?” He doesn’t seem intimidated by this at all. “I can go up against anyone in this goddamn town, little girl. Can’t you see that?”
I can see that. The guy is probably over six foot five and he’s built like a brick house. But I’m not about to admit it. If he really is like the wolf I compared him to earlier, he’s going to sense my fear. I need to stay strong and not give into his cruel demands.
“Why don’t you come closer,” he says, not unkindly. “Come on, be a good girl and come stand by me. Maybe I won’t rip you apart completely if you cooperate.”
He laughs cruelly at his own joke.
“I’m going to scream when you touch me,” I say in a last-ditch effort to stop him from forcing himself on me.
But his only response is a low, throaty chuckle.
“Oh, you stupid girl,” he mutters. “You said when I touch you, not if. Seems to me like this little lamb has already accepted its fate.”
I recoil from his touch just as there’s a knock on the door. Two long raps, two short ones. The wolf sneers at me before retrieving the key from his pocket. I don’t wait for him to turn back. I don’t even stop to grab my clothes from the bench. Instead, I turn on my heels as run as fast I can, past Lai, knocking him aside as I dart out of the locker rooms and into the hallway leading into Eden Falls Prep’s main building.
I hear footsteps fall behind me moments after, and it’s not just one pair of legs. Risking a look over my shoulder, I look into Lai’s eyes. Dexter is catching up to him, sneering as he watches me get away. I lose my footing suddenly, slipping on the smooth marble floor of the hallway and plummeting to the ground.
“Fuck!” I cry out just as they gang up on me.