Page 60 of All Grown Up (Eden High)
The scenery changed within seconds as I sat down beside her on the couch and drew her into my side so we could watch together. Shit, I forgot the popcorn. “This place looks familiar. What is this?” She ate up the screen with her eyes, and I could feel the excitement building in her tiny frame. My baby is a diehard fangirl for this shit.
“It’s a live virtual tour of the Chateau Chambord, the place the castle in Beauty and the Beast was based on.”
“Really?” I smiled at her eyes wide look of awe.
On the screen, Cherise, the French woman I’d hired, carried on her narrative in heavily accented English, going from room to room and pointing out things that were seen in the movie.
In the background were staff members dressed as Disney characters; I paid extra for that.
Cassie went nuts when she saw the ballroom. She really likes this shit. I’m glad that I never laughed at her love for the movie or discredited it in any way in her eyes.
It was obvious that she was serious about her love for the show and all things Beauty and the Beast. I’d seen this behavior with my sisters enough to know that it’s a female thing. Women tend to cling to things from their childhood, anything that holds fond memories for them.
Jace would eviscerate ten states to get Sian some shit she wanted, and Track’s no better with his girl. Shane and Jared are a bit more low-key than that. Not that they don’t go above and beyond for their women, it’s just that Jace and Track have always been a bit…more.
Come to think of it; maybe it’s because Belle and Tammy haven’t quite come to terms with who they are and what they mean to their men. Because from what I remember, Jared and Shane aren’t much better in the crazy stakes when it comes to pleasing their women.
Now I see why. The joy they get out of simple shit is humbling. But when you’re the one responsible, it makes you feel ten feet tall. She loved every minute of it, engrossed as she was in the tale the lady spun about the origins of the story and the connection with the castle. I thought Cassie’s eyes would cross the way she focused on the damn screen. I see Disney’s Magic Kingdom written all over my damn future.
The tour came to an end, and we said our goodbyes after Cassie had asked all the questions she could think of. “Thanks, Alex, that was awesome.”
“Don’t you want to know why I’m just showing you the place on the screen and not taking you there when I could’ve?” She seemed to give it some thought before answering. As if just seeing it on the screen was more than enough.
“Not really; I’m glad we came here; this is where we first told each other how we felt.” She said that without blushing, progress. “But can we go there sometime, please?” That’s my girl. But where the hell did she learn to butter me up to get what she wants? She’d followed her request with a barrage of kisses all over my face, the little sneak.
I have to remember what Jace said. It’s one thing for your woman to have you wrapped around her little finger, but it’s a whole different ballgame to let her know that shit. It’s her birthday. I’ll let her have this one. Truth is, I’d already made plans anyway. Can I know how much my girl would like something and not get it for her?
“Okay, kissing bandit, I get it. You really want to go there. Cherise will be getting in touch with you soon to plan the wedding.” Her mouth fell open, and I had to close it with a finger under her chin.
“Wedding? We’re getting married there?” Before I could answer, she jumped up with a whoop and a yell.
“I have to call the girls and tell them.” She did a little jig before running back to me for more kisses. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I laughed at her antics as she bounded up the stairs in search of her phone, leaving me all alone. Wait, shouldn’t she be celebrating that shit with me?
My sappy ass grinned, pleased with the fact that she was already part of our little family. I felt just a little bit of guilt for leaving her behind when the rest of us left, but there was no way I could’ve taken her. Now, I’ll work hard on making up for anything she’d missed. Speaking of which…
I started to get up to go after her, but my phone rang. “Seriously? Bruh, I’m not dressing like a Disney character.”
‘” Yeah, what the fuck.” Jace’s voice was followed by Shane’s on speaker.
“What the hell are you talking about?”