Page 41 of All Grown Up (Eden High)
“I need you to pack up Cassie’s stuff while we’re gone. Her clothes and the stuff that’s most important to her can go in suitcases. Everything else goes in boxes.” I removed my wallet and gave her everything I had in there, which should be just short of grand. “Get the boxes with that; I’ll pay you once the job is done. If you need anything more in the meantime, just call me.” I gave her my number, which she wrote down all the while saying nothing.
“Someone will be here to pick her stuff up the day after tomorrow, don’t forget anything.” She just nodded and put the piece of paper with my number away, having no idea that her silence and easy acquiescence was making it worst for her employers. She strikes me as the grandmotherly type. The kind that asks about a million questions in every situation until they get the answers they need, and yet she didn’t bat a lash when I told her to pack the young girl’s stuff.
Obviously, she knew what that meant, right? Her response made me want to cry for my girl. Back upstairs in her room, I looked for any sign of the neglect I knew she’d suffered and saw none. The room looked like that of a pampered princess; there was everything here you’d imagine a teenage girl could want or need; that shit made me murderous, and I was about to go hunt her dad down when she walked back in.
My smile hid my inner thoughts, I’m sure. “All set? We’re pushing it a little close, babe.” I looked down at my watch to hide the sadness in my eyes from her. “I’m ready.” At least she didn’t sound off or like they’d given her a hard time, and there was a hint of excitement in her smile when I took her hand in mine.
Her asshole dad was waiting for us when we got downstairs. “I hear you’re taking my daughter away for her birthday.” I didn’t answer him, just looked at him with all the animosity I felt and knew he saw it when he cleared his throat and took a step back. “Well, then, you kids have a good time.” I just rolled my eyes and took her past him without uttering a word while she ensured him that we would.
I kept my musings to myself and didn’t let on even a little bit that I wanted to go back inside and throat punch his ass into oblivion. I remained calm and collected when I strapped her in and only released a minor growl on my way around the front of the car to get in. I wanted to peel out of there and race to Jace’s place to let off some steam but not with her in the car with me.
She loves him; it’s fucking glaringly obvious to see. Even after the shit he’d pulled, she still had that little girl worship look in her eyes when she looked at him. Which means I may have to pull my punches. I’d planned on blacklisting him, discreetly exposing him for the scumbag he is, and using my family’s influence to make it impossible for him to work in this town again. I knew that would hurt him more than anything else would.
But if I destroy him so completely, she’d suffer for it too, damn! I’ll just have to come up with something else, something equally destructive that won’t harm my girl in any way.
By the time she was done being pampered by the stylist, my tension had eased because she was more relaxed. I had my shit together finally and had stopped looking at the clock about two hours ago now because it was driving me crazy. That’s until I saw what she was wearing. “You…” I started to point at her but thought better of it. I was almost convinced that the girls had put her up to that shit because I’ve seen them wear something similar in the past until I saw the smirks on my so-called brothers' faces.
“Baby, where did you get this?” This was some type of legging that clung to her like a second skin, paired with a crop top that showed off her navel and a piercing. “When did you get this?” Since when is an earring that damn sexy? She spread her arms and did a little turn with a huge smile on her face, so proud of herself.
I bit my tongue and tried not to act like a caved ape, but I wanted to order her to go put something else on. Not only because the shit was the wrong damn thing to wear in the privacy of a private jet alone with me, but because, well, her body was too fucking hot in that thing. “It’s one of my presents from Jace.” This fuck!