Page 16 of Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)
She opened wider to accept me after I wrestled my cock all the way out of its confines. Fuck, I can’t do that to her. I took a deep breath and pulled away, making way down between her thighs.
Lifting her ass and bringing her closer, I inhaled her heady scent first before nuzzling and then licking her wet heat. I didn’t last too long though my need was too fucking high. “Fuck this.”
I climbed up between her thighs and slipped into her. “Home.”
I had to take her home Sunday night so she could get ready for school the next day. I wasn’t happy about that shit, but her dad was adamant that she come home. It was hard sometimes to remember that we were kids in our parents’ eyes and still had to obey their rules.
I respected him for his stand though, even though I hated like fuck to part with her that night. But it was nice to know that he cared like that.
She wasn’t much better when it was time for me to leave her. Her clinging shit was only making me feel like an asshole for abandoning her.
“Babe, I’ll call you as soon as I get in the house, we’ll talk until you fall asleep and before you know it I’ll be back here to pick you up for school.”
She held on tighter, her little fists grabbing onto the back of my shirt. This fucking girl! “Sian, you’re not making this any easier.”
“I don’t want you to go.” I wrapped my arms more securely around her and buried my face in her neck. I wonder how pissed her dad would be if I took her back home with me?
I can’t stand leaving her like this, but I didn’t think it was right to disrespect his wishes after he’d been so understanding in letting her stay in the first place.
“Hey.” I pushed her back a little and held her head in my hands. “It’s going to be okay, don’t do that Si, fuck.” I wiped the tears from her eyes and drew her back in.
“Come on, I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.” Upstairs in her room I helped her get dressed for bed before getting her settled, and staying outside the covers, held her in my arms.
I left the door open because I understood that whereas in my home I was the son and there were less restrictions on my movements, her mom and dad might not be cool with it.
I held her and whispered to her until she started to wilt, then I spent the rest of time thinking over our argument in my head.
I could see now why she’d been pissed enough to lose her damn mind. It was a fuck stupid move on my part no matter my reasons. If she’d even suggested such a thing in the same circumstances, I would’ve choked the shit out of her. I guess I got off easy.
There was still the issue of what the fuck had happened to her and what was really up with Mandy. If she did have amnesia how serious was it, and what would it mean for us, getting to the bottom of everything?
When her breathing eased into sleep I slipped out from under her and put a pillow in my place. I have to remember to get her one of those big ass teddy bears to sleep with when I’m not there to hold her.
Downstairs I said goodnight to her parents and missed the shit out of her by the time I made it to my car.
In the morning I couldn’t get to her fast enough. I slept like shit and was pretty sure that last night was the last night I was going to spend away from her. Whatever it takes I’m gonna fix that shit.
She was outside waiting for me when I pulled up. Jared honked as he went down the driveway and I pulled her in to study her.
“What’s the matter with you?” Her face looked sulky. “Why can’t I drive myself to school, I’m perfectly okay you know.”
“Yeah whatever, it’s too early to start your shit, you’re not driving anywhere by yourself until we get to the bottom of what happened to you. If you’re doing this because you’re mad about me leaving get over it. I had no choice.” Spoilt ass.
“Whatever, I’m not even thinking about that.” She sulked her way into the passenger seat as I held the door open. She must be healing, that’s why she was being cranky for no good damn reason.
The crew was hanging in the lot waiting for us, including Track and his girl Val. As was to be expected there were a lot of curious onlookers but with my arm protectively around her, I don’t think she had time to notice any of it.
The boys shook and exchanged greetings while the girls started their gab- fest as we headed for our usual morning spot.
“So what did you decide to do about the one in the hospital?” Track dropped back to walk in step with me. Jared and Shane heard his question and fell back as well.
“Shit, I was gonna go and see what the fuck is up but Sian lost her fucking mind.” They thought that shit was funny.
“Dude we coulda told you that shit, what the fuck were you thinking?”
“What the fuck would you do Shane?”
“I don’t know bro, this whole scene is fucked for real. I mean I see what you were trying to do, but females aren’t trying to hear that shit.”
“I tried to warn him about Sian, I guess you didn’t listen.” Jared grinned and punched my shoulder.
“Shit, her little ass can get mean as fuck.” I rubbed my side where it was still a tad bit sore.
Chapter 7
Jace thinks I’m stupid, that I don’t know what he’s up to. He thinks I don’t know that he thinks that girl had something to do with what happened to me.
I might not remember everything, but little bits and pieces have been seeping through here and there. I’m not ready to share that yet though, not until I see where it all leads. But I know for sure I won’t be telling his hot- headed ass shit.