Page 70 of Eden High: Series 1 (Eden High 1-6)
I do know that since that day he had treated me differently. He’d never allowed me to be alone with Howard Jr., and in fact had sent him away soon after that to boarding school, where he visited more than he was at home with mom and me.
No wonder she’d strayed. But now the little shit was coming home on top of everything else and I couldn’t help but feel like everything was coming apart.
All my carefully laid plans were unraveling, first Jace just left without a word. One day we were together and I thought happy, and the next he just called and said we needed to talk.
When he’d shown up all he’d say was that we were over, that’s it, no explanation nothing. I’d tried finding out what was going on, if maybe there was someone else, but he wouldn’t answer any of my calls.
In fact, after telling me that he didn’t want me anymore he’d just walked away.
It had taken the maids hours to clean up the mess I made that night. It was also the first time I’d been careless enough to leave one of them bloody. Usually I kept my little blows well hidden.
But this new development had hit me out of left field. I wasn’t prepared, would’ve never have expected it.
Why should I? Everyone knew we were the perfect couple, that I was the ideal match for him. It was the only thing that made sense.
I wracked my brain for days trying to find the reason behind his strange behavior but could find none.
It couldn’t be because of my little secret, no one knew about that.
Except maybe that little bitch, but she was nothing, I could handle her; it was this new threat that I wasn’t sure about, this Sian person with her stupid name.
I’m sure that had she not come along, Jace and I would’ve patched things up by now.
What could Jace possibly see in her anyway? “Take me home please.” I fixed my clothes and sat back in my seat, suddenly not feeling as high as I had been just a few short seconds ago.
Orgasms always make me feel on top of the world, and though I’d been with lots of men in the past three years, none had ever made me fly as high as Jace Saunders.
So if that idiot thought she was just going to waltz into my town and steal the best catch right out from under me, she had another think coming.
Landing Jace was the last thing I did that Howard was proud of. Even he, the great Howard Bellamy was in awe of that family.
He was always going on and on about what a great man Jace’s grandfather had been, and how much like him the son and the grandson seemed to be.
I could care less about all the wasted sentiment, my only interest was in Jace’s inheritance; another little tidbit I’d learned about from the servants’ gossip mill.
Of course that was after we grew up and I finally got him to notice me, which shouldn’t have been as hard as it was come to think of it.
Jace had been the only person to make me want, the only one who I had had to work so hard for. He was the only person who had seemed to see through me no matter how hard I tried.
And the sex was better than anything I’d ever experienced, ever since I’d lost my cherry at thirteen to one of Howard’s business partners.
That good man was responsible for a fat part of my secret bank stash. Too bad he’d gone and died before I’d reached my goal, but now I had a better enterprise going. One that was sure to make me very rich.
So, after years of careful planning and manipulation of the adults around me, which was way easy for a cute little blonde haired blue-eyed doll, who grew into a real beauty. I am now on top of my world.
The only thing that was missing was Jace at my side. I hadn’t given up on my dream of running Hollywood some day and never will. I’d won him once before. I can do it again, I’m sure.
But first, I have to deal with this latest nuisance. If I played this right, I could kill two birds with one stone, but I’m gonna have to think smart.
I’d heard too many whispers about the demise or downfall of one too many saps in our little community from being stupid or careless.
In this day and age, with technology being what it was, there wasn’t much a person couldn’t or shouldn’t get away with.
And since I had so many people I could call on. So many at my beck and call, I need not even get my own hands dirty.
It’s just like when I got the other girls to mess with her at practice. It also helps to look like me; there’s no limit to what some people would do to get between my legs, and I have no problem using that shit to my advantage.
He dropped me off at the lot where I’d left my car and I made my way home, while he went off to his wife and kids.
Now that I was alone, I had more time to think about whether or not we had been seen, and about how much longer I was going to string Vincent Sayers along before I put the squeeze on him.
He was good for a few trinkets, and I so enjoyed screwing the father of one of my peers. In fact, again, you could say she was the reason I’d gone after him in the first place.
I’d heard all about the little princess in my usual way. The servants were all going on and on about her last birthday party and how her father had spoiled her, about all the great gifts he’d given and was always giving to her.
More than the gifts, I envied their relationship. I never had a real father, and the closest thing to one that I had, distrusted and sometimes even seemed to despise me.