Page 43 of Eden High: Series 1 (Eden High 1-6)
My hand came up and fondled his balls as I tried to be as gentle as I thought I needed to be.
My nipples hurt in a good way and I wanted his mouth on them again. Only I would have to take him out of my mouth and I wasn’t doing that anytime soon.
For a first time try he was sure making me feel good. His groans and the way he pulled on my hair told me I was doing this right.
He pulled me up and swallowed my tongue before I could object. He clutched me tight against him, drawing me closer.
The heat of his shaft pressed into my thigh and I felt some more of that liquid ambrosia leak against my warm thigh, before he moved us around so that he was touching that place between my thighs that made me weak and needy.
We rubbed against each other, our breathing harsh and choppy. When he reached down between us, and his fingers brushed against my clit, my eyes crossed and I thought I would faint.
Then he took that beautiful hunk of flesh into his hand and rubbed it against my clit until I was reclining back against the car and he was lying on top of me and we were moving together.
“Fuck baby, shit.” He bit into my neck as we sped up our movements and I felt his body tighten against me just as I saw stars and something burst inside me.
He came all over my puss and lower stomach, and for a brief moment, I wished that we had gone all the way.
“We’ve got to stop baby.” He kissed me once more before pulling himself away from me.
“I’m keeping these.” He sniffed my underwear before shoving it in his pocket.
He found some tissue in the car to clean us both up, and then he fixed my clothes while I did his.
“Thanks for that baby you were amazing.” He kissed my hair as I laid my head on his chest and waited for my breathing to settle down.
I couldn’t help but think that we had reached the point of no return. I give my virginity one more week tops.
Jared and Belle were sitting in the sand kinda close talking, while Shane was showing Tammy something in the stars. Cassandra was off to the side by herself, sifting sand through her fingers.
I became very self-conscious suddenly, wondering if the others suspected what we’d been up to back there in the dark.
They hardly paid us any attention, and since the other four seemed preoccupied with each other I decided to head over to Cassandra.
“What are you doing over here all by your lonesome squirt? Aren’t you having fun?” The rest of the guys were scattered along the beach being guys. Everyone seemed to be doing something except for her.
Jace dropped down in the sand on her other side and gave her a look. I’ve seen that look quite a bit in the last couple of days with no real explanation for it.
It reminded me that I needed to have a talk with her, which I’d totally forgotten while we were practicing earlier.
“Are you okay Cass?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” She looked miserable and I felt bad because it looked like everyone else in our little group of four had paired off except her.
We sat there for a while, Jace and I slowly drawing her out of her shell, and I found it strange that I could go back to being normal after that earth shattering experience.
Jace kept watching me like he was going to pounce any minute, and I felt my resolve dwindling by the second. Definitely a week tops.
We snuck back in the house an hour later and the boys went home after making sure that we were safely inside.
At least there were two more very happy teenage girls in my room that night, the other one I’ll figure out.
Chapter 9
I knew it was going to be today, I don’t know how I knew, but all day there was just this feeling in the air.
From the moment he pulled in beside me this morning, the tension was thick and almost touchable. It was in everything he did.
The way he looked at me, like he was reliving every second of our time together last Saturday night at the beach. I hadn’t stopped thinking about it all week; it was a wonder I hadn’t given myself away.
It had been torture not seeing him the very next day, but dad insisted the family spend some time together, so our only contact had been the two hours we’d spent on the phone before bedtime.
Then the next day at school, we all but ate each other’s faces off until the others started pelting us with snack foods.
It was hard and made even harder because my diabolical boyfriend decided that now was a good time to not study together.
He claimed he was taking care of something, but I think he was torturing me on purpose to get me to give up the goods.
Now we were heading to the cafeteria on Friday afternoon and I was almost certain that everyone could see what was going through both our minds.
He did his usual thing where he sat me at the table and headed off to get a tray for us to share.
Jared and Shane and some of the other guys had started following his example. Lately more and more people have been coming by the table, to say hello or to hang.
There was something strange going on at Eden High; the shift was almost palpable. I had missed it in the beginning, too preoccupied with my own blossoming affair.
Belle has been keeping me posted though she herself wasn’t sure what was the cause of the power change.
Daily it seemed more and more, that the once popular girls were losing their following.
According to Belle, a lot of the kids that had once shunned her were now saying hello out of nowhere and generally being sociable.
Cheerleading practice was still a little tense for me, with Mandy and her friends trying to appear menacing, though I noticed that except for Liz and Kelly, no one else seemed to be hanging on to her every word like before.