Page 34 of Eden High: Series 1 (Eden High 1-6)
Like the time some young starlet was trying to shake him down by claiming that they were having an affair. Dad had shared all the sordid details with me.
I’d been there when his PI had got the goods on the girl and the asshole that had been behind the scam, and I’d been there when dad had told her what he would do to her if she messed with his family. She’d disappeared never to be seen or heard from in the Wood again.
Most people wouldn’t agree with a man sharing such things with his son, but dad explained that it was a life lesson. Something I myself, because of the very nature of who I am, might face one day.
She hadn’t been the first or the last, and he’d let me in on every one of them. Funnily enough, mom was never made privy to any of it.
My dad’s philosophy and one he tried to instill in me, was ‘your woman is your treasure. She’s to be cherished at all cost, above all else. You stand between her and danger, whether that danger be physical, mental or emotional.’
I’d learned that lesson over time, though I never had anyone that I felt that strongly for before, until now.
By third period I knew what I had to do.
First things first, I needed to have a talk with the guys. I’m about to pull a mean girl on Mandy and her crew.
You see, I’ve always thought that the reason that mean girls shit worked, is because the guys never step the fuck up and do their part.
I don’t care if Sian had a black belt in the arts, I would still stand between her and that shit. If Mandy and her brainless crew chose to go against my warnings and fuck with her, then I hope they’re all willing to bear the consequences.
I’ve never gotten involved in the politics of the schoolyard before, beyond telling some asshole to back the fuck off if I caught them bullying one of the younger kids, but now I was about to get very fucking involved.
I’d told her dad and mom that they could trust me; I’d told them a hell of a lot else too, but that was neither here nor there.
The bottom line is that Sian is now mine, which means that whatever loyalties and respect are accorded me, are now hers. If there was anyone here who didn’t get that shit, well I was about to make it known.
I met with the guys just before lunch period. I’d sent out an SOS that they were to meet me in the locker room, the one place I knew we were bound to have privacy from prying eyes and ears.
They straggled in one by one. I waited ‘til they were all here and I had their full attention.
“Okay listen up, I’m pretty sure by now that all of you know that Sian is mine. You also know that Mandy and her bitch patrol have already started their shit.
There’s a worry that they’re planning something against my girl. I don’t have any details on that as yet, but I’m not taking any chances.
I don’t need to tell you that this isn’t going to go down like all the other bullshit that we let happen before. If she touches her, she’s done.
So before we get to that point, here’s what we’re going to do. A total and complete freeze out!” I looked at each of them in the eye so they know that this was serious, no room for fuck-ups.
We’ve only ever been here when it came to the game, so they knew that if I was calling them out and putting them on notice that I mean business. I’ve been known to put a hurting on someone for fucking up. And nothing has ever been more important to me than her.
“In case you don’t know what that means, it means that if you see one of them on fire you don’t fucking spit.
You don’t see any of them from now on. Some of you have been fucking around with some of them, stop.”
I looked at Shane as I said this, because I knew he was pumping Liz, but I also knew for a fact that he wasn’t really in love with her. She was just clinging onto him because it was the thing to do, the cheerleader and the jock. And he was fucking because, hey, free, easy pussy.
I can’t knock the shit because I’ve been guilty of the same. “Anybody got any questions?”
“You really think those idiots would try something after you already warned them off? I mean, I don’t see that happening cap’.”
“I would’ve said the same thing a few days ago Dave, but now, I’m not willing to risk it.
If any of you hear anything about them plotting against my girl you come to me. It goes without saying that Sian is to be protected at all times. If I’m not around one of you will have eyes on her.
If she so much as stubs her toe I’ll knock your fucking head off.”
I wasn’t too worried about them slipping on the job. They knew I’d fuck them over if they let anything happen to her, but they also knew I wasn’t going to leave her safety up to anyone else.
Chapter 3
She was where I told her to be when I went to get her at lunchtime. Her little blonde head looked adorable sticking out of the neck of my too big shirt.
“Hey beautiful.” I saw Mandy out the corner of my eye as I pulled Sian in for a hug, but didn’t acknowledge her presence. She stormed off in the opposite direction with her crew following behind.
I can’t believe I was in the middle of this high school drama, something I’d been lucky enough to avoid until now. “How was class baby?”
“Fine, I’ve got a trig test on Monday. Which means I have to study this weekend and I have a sleepover party on Saturday, ugh.”