Page 71 of Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 3)
She interlocks her hand with mine and leads us outside. I jump in the truck with her, and my mind spins on the drive over. Any other time, it would seem far away because the ranch is so large, but we arrive in a blink. We get out, and she stops and turns to me before we walk in.
“A kiss for good luck.” She paints her mouth across mine, and her tongue darts inside. For a moment, I forget where I am, but when she pushes away, I remember.
“Let’s do this,” I say, finding my confidence as she grabs the knob, and we enter. Whatever her mother’s cooking smells amazing, and I realize just how hungry I am. When her parents turn around and make eye contact with me, I immediately lose my appetite.
“Wait, Gavin’s your boyfriend?” John asks, staring me down, and I’m not sure if it’s with approval or rejection.
Maize nods with a smile. Then she takes my hand and leads me to the table, and we sit.
“Oh thank god,” Mila says. “I was worried to death trying to guess who you were bringing tonight. Happy to see you again, Gavin.”
It’s a relief to know her mom is on board, but I still can’t read John. He’s typically quiet, especially compared to Jackson, but this seems more intense than usual.
“I made lasagna,” Mila announces. “I hope you’re both hungry.”
“Sounds amazing,” I say.
“Yeah, Mom. Can’t wait. I’m starving.” Maize looks around. “Did Kenzie already leave for work?”
“She did,” John mumbles, not making eye contact with either of us.
A knot forms in my throat, and I can’t seem to swallow it down. “What would you like to drink?” Mila asks.
“I got it.” Maize gets up and pours us all glasses of iced sweet tea. I drink it down, wondering what John’s really thinking. Maize helps set the table, then brings the salad, and eventually, the lasagna is set in the middle. John and Mila sit across from us as we pass serving spoons around and fill our plates family style.
“So, you’re now dating my daughter?” John finally says once we all have our food.
“Yes, sir,” I confirm.
“How long has this been going on?” he asks.
“Dad. That’s really none of your business, is it?” Maize snaps. I can tell she’s getting frustrated, and I try to put myself in his shoes. I understand his response.
Mila places her hand on John’s lap. I’m sure to help calm his unease.
“You’re much older, Gavin. Do you plan on stayin’ in town?” John continues with questions.
“If we’re counting, Gavin’s about ten years older,” Maize answers for me. “That’s no secret. Older means more mature, and he’s not a fuckboy like all the other men around here who only want me for one thing.”
“Maize, language,” Mila says.
“I’ve thought about my age more times than I can count. Maize’s mature and thinks on a higher level. She knows what she wants in life, and I support that one hundred percent. And yes, I plan to stay here indefinitely. I love the ranch, and I love your family. I’ve already lived a full life and have traveled around the world and have no desire to go back to that. I’m ready to settle down, start a family, and do what I love, which is training.”
Mila looks at me with adoration and smiles. “That’s nice, Gavin. There’s something magical about this place. It’s one reason I moved here, well and because my grandmother lived here, but I fell in love with the ranch and John, and you too, Maize. It was home in my heart,” Mila tells me. “Seems like it’s yours too.”
“Yes, ma’am. It is. Growing up in Houston has made me appreciate all this land, the quietness at night, and the stars. I’ve never seen so many. I know our relationship seems like it’s coming from left field, but I can promise this has been brewing between us for a long time,” I admit.
Maize snickers. “Over a year. And I’m happy, Daddy.”
The room is silent for a minute before I speak up, but I know I can’t leave without admitting my true feelings. I want her dad to know this isn’t a fling, and I’m not sure how to convince him, so I let my heart speak for me instead. “I love Maize with everything that I am. I can’t imagine my life without her.” I smile and look over at Maize, who has tears forming in her eyes. It’s not easy for me to be so vulnerable and honest, but it was the only way.
“I love you too,” she tells me, then leans over and presses her lips right against mine. I kiss her back, but damn, the fire this woman has is blazing hot right now.
“I know you both have concerns about me breaking Maize’s heart, but that’s not going to happen. Finding love like this is rare, and I’m not going to let the opportunity pass me by,” I profess, meaning it with all my being.