Page 59 of Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 3)
I shrug, not really wanting to talk about this with him, though he is a really good listener.
Dad grabs the sugar. “Is it about a guy or something?”
I could lie, but at this point, I don’t even have the strength for it. “Yeah, actually it is.”
“Not that I’m an expert or anything, because I’m not, but I can tell you that when I met your mom, I pushed her away as much as I could because I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Sometimes though, you find the person you’re supposed to be with when you least expect it. Your mom was only supposed to be here for a little while, and I didn’t want to get involved with someone who didn’t have roots here. My heart did what it wanted, and I fell so madly in love with her that I couldn’t deny her anymore. The point is, you gotta be willing to give people a chance. I know Timothy broke your heart. I know it destroyed you, and I’ve also noticed how you’ve rejected every single man who’s been interested since then. But honey, in the long run, you’re only hurting yourself.”
My eyes soften when I look at him, and I’m so emotional I almost burst into tears. He notices and opens his arms, and I fall into them. I’ll never be too old for my daddy’s hugs. “Thank you,” I tell him.
“I love you so much, sweetie. And if your grandma doesn’t get more great-grandkids, she might freak the hell out. I’d like some grandkids of my own one day too. No pressure, though.” He gives me a wink and presses start on the tea maker.
“I’ll bring it out once it’s done brewing,” I say, feeling the weight sitting heavily on my heart.
Once Dad is out of sight, I know exactly what I have to do, so I text Gavin.
Chapter Sixteen
I’m knee-deep in mud and frustrated as hell. Jackson and I struggle to capture one of the new wild horses in the pasture that’s transformed into a playa lake. We’ve gotten a shit ton of rain lately, and it’s caused a huge mess for us. Doesn’t help this horse is an asshole and doesn’t follow instructions. “C’mon, Lacey. Let’s go,” I beg softly, ready to go home and shower.
“I think her foot is stuck,” Jackson says, sticking his arm down and reaching for her hoof. “Gimme just a second.”
As I tightly hold her halter, Jackson tries to get her free.
“Ah, I think I got it.”
As soon as his words come out, Lacey becomes more agitated. Quickly, I tighten my grip before she hurts one of us.
“Alright, girl. You’re okay.” I smooth my palm down her nose.
Jackson stands and shakes his hand, whipping muddy slop all over me.
“Ugh, thanks.” I wipe mud from the only clean part of my shirt. At this point, my clothes need to be thrown out.
“Sorry.” He chuckles. “Hazards of the job.”
“So I’ve learned.”
Together, we pull Lacey out and take her to the barn. Like the other six we rescued this morning, she’ll need to be bathed. According to Jackson, that’ll be Knox and Kane’s job, which means they probably got themselves into trouble again.
“I’m going to head home early,” I tell Jackson. “I’m gonna have to shower three times to get this smell out of my hair.” Taking off my hat, I brush my fingers through it.
“I hear girls like that.” He smirks.
“Very doubtful.” I snort. “See ya tomorrow.”
I hop into my truck, and when I check my phone, I blink hard to make sure I’m not imagining a missed text from Maize. We haven’t talked since the Fourth of July party two weeks ago. Though I’ve seen her plenty at the B&B, she’s ignored me as though I don’t exist. She was so pissed when I showed up with Sarah Cooke, but I’m not sorry about it. She shouldn’t have brought a guy to my fucking birthday party. The moment she saw me with another woman, jealousy radiated off her.
Before I drive off, I unlock my phone and open her message.
Maize: We need to talk in person. Can you meet me at the B&B tonight? Around 7:30?
What in the world would she want to talk about now, after weeks of this cat and mouse game she’s played?
I’m too shocked to reply, so I decide to text Grayson since he’s the only one who knows about Maize and me.
Gavin: Maize just texted me to meet up with her tonight. What do you think she wants?
Grayson: *eggplant emoji*
Grayson: *peach emoji*
Grayson: *tongue emoji*
Gavin: Wow, you’re a lot of help. Thanks, asshole.
I shouldn’t be surprised, considering Grayson’s basically a country frat boy. Though it did make me laugh a little.
Grayson: My pleasure. Take condoms.
Gavin: *middle finger emoji*
Deciding to just man up, I respond to her.
Gavin: Do I need to bring groin protection, or are you not going to bust my balls for once?