Page 52 of Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 3)
“Since it’s Friday, we’re gonna hit up the pub tonight,” Diesel says. “You should meet us there.”
“Actually, I was gonna have a party at my place and invite all the workers.”
“Party!” Riley shouts. “Hell yeah!”
“No, no…” I shake my head. “It’s just a small gathering for my birthday, so if you’d rather drink at the bar—”
“Are you kiddin’ me? We’ll be there!” Diesel slaps my back.
“With a cake,” Riley adds. “How old are you now, old man? Fifty?”
I snort at the way he gives me shit. “Thirty-six, asshole. I’ll bring the beer since I’m not sure you’re even legally allowed to buy it.”
They laugh, and I tell them to come around nine. I plan to have finger foods and play some horseshoes. I’m happy to just hang out with the guys since we’re always working and don’t get to relax too much.
“Let Grayson, Ethan, and the others know. Cooper will be there, too.”
“We’re on it,” Diesel confirms.
“But really, just a small gathering,” I tell them. “We all gotta get up for work tomorrow.”
Moments later, Alex comes in and scolds them for slacking off, so I head out and get back to work. I finish earlier than usual so I can get ready for tonight. When I picked up the alcohol and snacks, I grabbed extra just in case they came super hungry.
I throw on a button-up shirt and clean jeans with my boots. Tonight will be a nice distraction from thinking about Maize. Since no one knows about us, no one will bring her up.
At nine, Diesel and Riley come barreling in with a pan and whiskey.
“Hey! Birthday boy!” Diesel shouts, holding up the bottle.
“We made you a cake!” Riley adds, setting it on the counter.
“You made it?” I pop a brow, rounding the table to see this shit. “Is it edible?”
“Hell yeah, it is.” Diesel removes the tin foil, and I nearly bust my gut as I laugh at their “cake.”
“What the fuck is that?” I squint at the weird-shaped concoction.
“It’s a dick and balls,” Diesel tells me. “Well…kinda. It’s a little slanted because dumbass over here”—he throws a thumb in Riley’s direction—“messed it up.”
“And I’m guessing these brown squiggles are pubes?” I point.
“You betcha.” Riley grins. “It’s Funfetti.”
“Wow, I’m speechless.” I cackle. “Thanks, guys.”
I set the pan next to the sandwiches and chips. After I offer them each a beer, more people show up. Cooper comes, and I introduce him to the others. Ethan and Grayson arrive wearing grins, then soon we’re all standing around with bottles and paper plates full of food.
Thirty minutes later, we go outside and play horseshoes in teams. Of course, I’m kicking all their asses, which isn’t hard considering how much they suck.
When I purposely lose so others can play, I head into the house for more beer and to catch up with Grayson, who’s standing in the kitchen.
“Hey, man,” I say. “Need another?”
“How are things going? Anything new with Kenzie since she’s been home?”
“Pfft.” He grunts as I hand him a bottle. “She’s a complicated egg I’ll never crack. These damn Bishop women are confusing as hell. Maize and Elle are nice to me, but Kenzie? She’d murder me if given the option.”
“Dude, you must’ve done somethin’ to her.” I lean against the counter and take a sip of my beer.
“Wish I knew. I’d apologize if she’d just tell me already, but instead, she insists on busting my balls every chance she gets.” He groans.
“You like her,” I say. “Or it wouldn’t bother you so much.”
Grayson shrugs casually. “I do. From the moment I met her, I thought she was beautiful and wanted to get to know her, but it’s never been reciprocated. So instead of pursuing anything, I’ve just pushed her buttons since she won’t tell me what the fuck her problem is.”
I chuckle, having seen their back-and-forth banter firsthand. It’s comical.
“What about Maize? Figure out why she hates your guts?” he asks.
“Which time?” I sigh, frustrated as hell. “Honestly, we do have a history.”
He snaps his fingers and grins. “I fuckin’ knew it!”
“We had a one-night stand a couple of weeks before I got hired, and on my first day of work, she acted like she didn’t know me. She introduced herself like normal, and for months, she pretended she didn’t remember me. Drove me crazy until she finally admitted it on New Year’s Eve. But she doesn’t date men who work on the ranch because she’s been burned. Then at the rodeo, something happened, and we hooked up again.”
Grayson’s jaw nearly smacks the floor as his eyes bug out. “Dude. I should’ve known. I could always tell there was something between you two.”
“I’ve been chasing her since the day I got here, and all she does is run.” I sigh, chugging my beer. “I thought we’d gotten past all that at the rodeo, but then two weeks ago, she said it was a mistake and that I needed to get over it.” Doesn’t help my ego that I’ve never had to pursue a woman before, but Maize’s different. The connection we share isn’t like anything I’ve experienced before.