Page 38 of Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 3)
Leaning against the gate, I watch this girl, who’s probably no older than twelve, race her horse. Her brows are furrowed, and she wears a serious expression as her ponytail sweeps in the breeze. When the young girl finishes, a small group of people stand and cheer, and that’s when I see Sarah Cooke.
Groaning, I roll my eyes. Even though it’s been years since I graduated high school, I will never forget how she treated me. Sarah was the real-life Regina George, all the way down to the blond hair and the clique of girls who followed her around.
I notice Gavin and Cooper sitting with them, and I shake my head. It slipped my mind that Cooper’s family was friends with hers. Though I shouldn’t be staring, I can’t help but watch the way she flutters her long eyelashes at Gavin when he speaks. He has her full attention as he sits next to her. She says something, and he gives her a smirk, and it’s more than obvious how intrigued she is by his presence.
My skin feels as though it’s burning when I see Sarah flirting with Gavin. Not being able to handle it, I walk across the stadium and keep my eyes forward. Outside of the arena, a carnival has small rides for kids and a petting zoo with ponies, chickens, a kangaroo, llama, and ostrich. I watch a few toddlers with their parents inside the pen, and it’s absolutely adorable. As I’m leaning against the cool metal, I feel someone stand close to me, way too damn close. I turn my head, ready to tell whoever it is to give me some space, when I see Gavin.
“Thought that was you,” he says with the same smile he gave Sarah.
“I was about to tell you to back the fuck up,” I say, putting my attention back on the kids. From my peripheral, I see Sarah and Cooper waiting for him. My jaw locks, but I’m not sure if he notices or not.
“How are things going so far?” He keeps his eyes on me. “Wait, aren’t you supposed to be cooking right now?”
I laugh and meet his gaze. “The brisket is almost done, just waiting for Elle to pull it, then we’ll plate it. My nerves were so bad that Dad forced me to take a break to get my mind right. Though I’m not so sure how much it really helped.”
“Gavin,” Cooper speaks up, then points toward the food area.
“Your friends are waiting,” I mumble, glancing over at them. Sarah looks like she wants to claw my eyes out, and it makes me smile.
“We were going to get corn dogs and sweet tea. Have you eaten yet?”
I shake my head.
“You should come with us,” he offers. His arm brushes against mine, and I hurry and tuck my hands in my pockets, hoping he didn’t notice the goose bumps.
“I don’t want to interrupt anything.”
A hearty laugh releases from him. “What’re you talkin’ about?” He turns and looks at an impatient Sarah and Cooper. While I don’t want to be petty, I will never forget what she did to me. Sarah stole the only guy I liked in high school just to prove she could. Because of her, I was forced to go to the Jingle Bell Ball alone. Bitch.
“Nothing,” I say, refusing to allow Sarah to get the best of me. He holds out his arm, and I hesitate but grab it.
“Ready?” he asks.
“Absolutely,” Cooper tells him. “I’m starving.”
Sarah’s eyes burn into me, but she doesn’t say anything. Gavin moves past them and leads us to the food truck area. Immediately, the sweet smells of homemade cotton candy and fried everything float through the air. We stop in front of one of the trucks that’s well-known in town.
“What would you like?” he asks.
I shrug. “Whatever you’re having.”
Cooper follows him as he waits in line, but Sarah stays behind. Though I haven’t spoken to her in over a decade, she moves closer to me.
“Hey, Maize. How’ve ya been?” she asks.
I don’t even look at her. “Great.”
She crosses her arms, and I notice she’s staring at Gavin. “The things I’d do to that man.” There’s a slight pause. “I mean, unless you two are a thing.”
“We’re not official,” I admit, just in case she asks him.
“So, are you two exclusive?”
This causes me to turn to her. “I’d rather not talk about this.”
Thankfully, before she can respond, Gavin walks up with two giant corn dogs in one hand and two bottles of water in the other.
“I thought you wanted tea?” I say as he hands me my food and drink. “Thank you!”
“They were out, and it would take twenty minutes. Didn’t want to wait.” He gives a quick eye roll, then grins.
“That’s a bummer.”
Cooper hands Sarah an order of cheese fries. With his mouth full, Cooper chats about competing later tonight and how he’s feeling nervous. I quickly check the time and realize I need to get back as soon as possible.