Page 35 of Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 3)
“I know,” she whispers.
I look down and reject the call, not ready to go just yet, but knowing I have to.
“Do you want a hand?” I ask.
She tilts her head. “Not unless you want Uncle Jackson bursting through those doors and dragging your ass back to the training facility. You’ve helped me more than enough already.”
Leaning over, I place a soft kiss on her head, then turn away just as her employees are walking through the door with baskets of veggies from the garden.
“See you later,” I say, then leave. I sent her flowers on Valentine's Day, and the note I left wasn’t a joke. I would make it worth her while if she’d let me.
When I get in the truck, I call and let Jackson know I’m on the way. Apparently, a mare’s being delivered this afternoon. It slipped my mind that I needed to check her in, but I got to the barn in record time.
Jackson pulls hay down from the loft, and I grab a few bales and help distribute it to each stall. It’s a revolving door with training now that three of us are doing it. Kiera and Jackson have been happy with how much we’ve grown the facility, and the word has traveled fast. We’re booked nearly two years in advance, and the waitlist is a mile long too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they hire a few more people to keep up with the demand.
Before long, a truck with a gooseneck horse trailer comes traveling down the rock drive. A man parks and pops out of the cab and walks over to me. “You Gavin?”
“Yes, sir,” I tell him.
He nods. “I’m Billy Gibson. Own the ranch a ways down. Ready to unload her?”
“Sure am. And very nice to meet you.”
Billy goes to the back and lifts the bar to the trailer gate. The mare instantly starts throwing her hoof out, ready to kick one of us. She’s pissed.
“We call her Angel,” he tells me with a thick Southern accent.
I chuckle. “Sarcasm, I assume?”
“Absolutely, son.”
“Perfect, I’ve got one named Demon right now. They’ll probably get along just fine.”
Just as I’m assisting Billy, I see Grayson and Diesel pull up in the old beat-up Ford. They go inside the office, and I do a walk around of the horse. We like to make a note of any injuries before accepting them. I lift her hooves, and she’s not having it, but thankfully, she’s not too big or hard to handle yet.
“Whatever you do, don’t walk behind her,” he warns and pulls me back.
“Thanks,” I tell him.
“She might’ve kicked your balls right off. It’s one of her bad habits,” he explains. “Her only goal is to take out anyone or anything that gets behind her flank. My dog learned his lesson real quick.”
I nod and check the other side. “Noted. Well, she looks good.”
“Y’all gonna earn your money with this one,” he says, patting her.
It makes me chuckle. I’ve yet to meet a horse that was easy to break. “You’ll just need to sign some paperwork inside, and then you’ll be all set,” I explain and point toward the office. He gives me a head nod and goes that way.
As Angel is tied to a post, I take a step back, crossing my arms and looking at her. She’s a beautiful gray leopard appaloosa with a black mane and white socks. Holding my hand out, I allow her to make the first move and sniff me. Once Angel seems calmer, I lead her to her stall. By the time she’s settled in the barn, I walk to the front, and the owner is long gone.
Diesel and Grayson step out of the office, ragging on each other.
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be at work this morning,” he tells Diesel.
“And that’s why you’re my right-hand man,” Diesel explains. “You keep me in check.”
Grayson rolls his eyes and grins. “There’s Casanova.”
“What?” I chuckle.
“I heard Maize got roses on Valentine’s, and I’ve been meaning to ask you if you sent them,” Diesel says.
I tilt my head at them because there’s no damn way either would know ’cause Maize’s sealed like a vault. “I’m not the type of man who kisses and tells, boys. So, you need to go on with all that rumor mill shit.”
“You’re no fun,” Diesel whines.
“I’m plenty of fun, or at least that’s what the ladies say.” I shrug and laugh.
“The rodeo’s next week, right?” Grayson lifts his cowboy hat and smooths his sweat-covered hair down before setting it back on his head.
I nod, answering him with Maize on my mind. I wonder if we’ll ever be anything more, and chasing women isn’t in my forte. Feeling the constant hot and cold from her is a new experience for me, and I’m not sure I like it. Though I do enjoy the chase of it all.