Page 6 of The King’s Innocent Bride
“Why?” I question. I thought the king was a cruel man. My uncle had said so. I don’t think he’s taking me somewhere to harm me. He said a doctor’s name. I don’t think I need one, but I’m going to keep that thought to myself. I’ll do as I’m told. Maybe I can find a way to escape.
John glances over at me, cocking a smile. “Seems you caught the king’s attention.” My breath hitches at his words. I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing. “He would never hurt you,” John adds. It’s then I realize I’ve stopped walking.
“How would I know that?” I throw back, feeling a trace of panic taking hold.
“Our king is a noble man.” John puffs out his chest as he says this. Certainty laces his words. It’s clear he believes this.
“But my uncle…” I trail off, wondering if I’ll get in trouble for speaking badly of the king.
“Do you trust your uncle?” John raises his eyebrows, likely already knowing the answer to his question.
“No.” I shake my head.
“Then why don’t you see for yourself?” John starts walking again, and I have to run to catch up to him. My eyes are roaming everywhere. This place is just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. I glance down at the hood I still have wrapped around my body and see the bottom is covered in mud. Everything else around here is spotless. I look behind me and my mouth falls open when I see I’ve tracked mud all over the white marble floor. My uncle would lose it if he saw that.
“In here.” I turn, almost running right into John who is standing in a doorway motioning and for me to enter. I follow him into a massive bedroom, forgetting about the mud.
“The bathroom is in there.” He nods to another door. “Why don’t you clean up before the doctor gets here?” I know he says it like a question, but I don’t really think it is one. “I’ll leave you to it.” John turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I hear a lock click into place, letting me know I won’t be leaving.
I turn, taking in the room. My eyes go straight to the bed. It has a large canopy over it, and the bed itself is almost covered in pillows. My body feels heavy just looking at it. Maybe if I get cleaned up I could lie down for a little before the doctor gets here.
I freeze when I walk into the bathroom. I swear it’s bigger than the house I lived in with my uncle. I’m immediately fascinated by the bathtub that I’m pretty sure is a small pool. How I’d love to get into that right now and soak, but that bed is calling to me. I shut the bathroom door and locking it before I start to undress and step into the shower.
The water rains down on me, and I moan a little at how warm the water is. I stand there for a few moments before I reach for the soap and start to wash myself. A honey maple smell fills my lungs. It reminds me of when the king pulled me toward him. He must use the same soap.
All too soon I’m drying myself off. I grab a robe I see hanging on a hook and wrap it around me. It’s big enough that it could be a blanket for me if I wanted. I make my way over to the bed, and I have to crawl to get on it. This thing needs a freaking step stool. I fall into the center of the mattress and I’m sure my racing thoughts won’t let me fall asleep, but within seconds I’m out cold.
Chapter Four
When I know she’s out of view and hearing range I lunge for the guard who knocked her down. Wrapping my hands around his throat, I pull him towards me, my eyes locked on his in a deadly glare. I want him to feel my wrath.
“Bring me the guards that apprehended them,” I tell him. His face is turning purple, but he manages to give small shake of his head. I release him, letting him tumble to the ground like he had my girl.
Still, not a trace of the anger I was feeling has cooled. I know I need to get myself under control. My eyes fly over to the man who they said was her uncle. “You let us believe she was a boy?” I question, taking a step towards him. I don’t understand what game he is playing. Women in our country are treated with care. She would have been handled in a completely different manner. She was in a fucking holding cell with other men, for fuck’s sake.