Page 108 of The Blind Date
Elisa sits back in her chair, and I feel compelled to fill the moment of silence.
“Thank you,” I tell her, truly appreciating the compliment and that she’s noticed the changes in me too. Though I guess I should still worry that maybe I’ve been walking through life with everyone thinking I’m a complete monster, arrogant and narcissistic and unaware of how I was perceived.
“Opportunities are strange things, presenting themselves when you least expect them but requiring you to take advantage of them quickly.”
Elisa is leading me somewhere, but I’m the only one of us blind, with no map or any hint of the destination. The only thing I’m sure of right now is that whatever this is, it doesn’t seem to be a meeting to blindside me with being fired over BlindDate stats. But I can feel the walls of the trap closing in, each of these questions slowly backing me into a corner I didn’t see.
I nod, not sure how to respond without putting my back to the wall.
“I hear you’re in love.”
I blink, surprised. This has been one emotional whiplash of a meeting, that’s for damn sure. “How’d you hear about that?”
I understand that Riley and I went public on her page yesterday, but it’s been less than twenty-four hours, and Elisa Montgomery is more the type to do a morning business page check than a social media check.
“I have my ways,” Lady Elisa tells me slyly. “Specifically, an executive assistant who thinks Riley Sunshine is the hottest new thing. An opinion shared by my daughter. I took a look. She seems to have a good following in a niche market.”
From a businesswoman like Elisa, that’s high praise.
“And you met her through BlindDate,” Lady Elisa continues. My jaw drops, and she winks. “As I said, I have my ways.”
“I’m beginning to wonder if you’ve got superpowers,” I say uncomfortably.
Talking to my family about Riley is one thing, talking to my boss quite another. And no one outside our circle knows how we met. Though I wouldn’t put it past Elisa to be running her own stats on the app. I’d like to get my hands on those and see what she looks for compared to what I look at. Though figuring out the naming constructs seems to be a bit of an overreach, but there’s no other way she’d know I’m Mark and Riley is Rachel.
Unless River?
No, he wouldn’t. I know that much. I think.
She laughs. “I wish. However, I find the most useful superpower to be courage. Making use of those opportunities I mentioned. Like your situation.”
“Situation?” I parrot.
“What an app like BlindDate needs is a happy ending. Members, prospective and existing, need to know that BlindDate works. And your relationship with Riley is a golden example of that. Two people taking a chance on love, using the latest technology and AI to find their perfect match, a meet-cute, and then . . . voila, love and a happily ever after. It’s utterly genius.”
Elisa is excited, creative energy pouring over her red lips as she makes Riley and me sound like the latest Hallmark movie.
“It doesn’t hurt that she’s a social media darling and you’re an executive. I think we could even spin the fact that BlindDate is your creation to show the good faith you put in your own product.”
“Mine and River’s.” I correct the last thing she said because my brain is still digesting everything else, spinning around like a blender that can’t break up ice into manageable pieces, making a harsh whirring sound and threatening to burn out.
Elisa waves her hand like that’s a minor detail. “The rest, Noah. What do you think about the rest?”
My brain still hasn’t figured out the reset button, but my gut is screaming at me. If ever there were a time to listen to it, it’s now. “I’m sorry, but . . . no,” I tell her, shocked at my own balls. “Neither Riley nor I are looking for publicity with this. In fact, that’s why we hid our identities at first. And now that we’re together, I want things to be pure.”
Elisa’s lips press together as though she expected me to jump at this idea, no matter the fact that it’s absolutely crazy. “Noah, perhaps you misunderstood. I’m not asking you and Riley to be anything other than yourselves. I’m not asking you to fake anything or lie to sell the app. I want you to be as genuine and authentic as you can be. That’s what makes this so great.”
“I get that. But this is mixing our business and personal lives in a major way. A very public one.”
“I’d argue that posting yourself on Riley Sunshine’s feed is pretty public,” Elisa says flatly. “Especially with the lead-up photos building interest and excitement. Riley seems to know and use subliminal marketing tactics well. I’m only looking to expand that with upfront, honest endorsement.” She pauses dramatically, letting her words sink in. “Let the world benefit from your story and renew that hope that there’s someone out there for everyone and that maybe, just maybe, they can find that special someone on BlindDate. I would think that’s quite in line with Riley Sunshine’s message.”