Page 12 of Harder (Bad Boys of Texas 1)
“Don’t take too long, darlin’.” He squeezes my hand, and if I weren’t so pissed at him for ignoring me this whole week, I’d be over the moon with what he’s asking for.
“Sure.” I walk out, my head held high, shoulders back, though the tightness in my sternum from Knox being injured isn’t allowing me to take a deep breath of air.
“Trace McCray, you better call your momma. That boy has done more than hurt his knee, but he won’t let anyone take him to a hospital, and I’m damn sure there is something wrong with that organ between his ears,” I come out of the medic area saying.
“Already done. Did you know your momma and my momma decided to head out of town just this very afternoon?” It’s hard to keep a straight face when I’m looking at Trace in his full getup, face painted and all.
“You’re kidding me?” Is my response, but it’s not for him to answer.
“Nope, it seems Wolf’s mom wanted a girl’s vacation. So, they all went down to Galveston Bay for the next week or so.” I’ll just bet they had that all nice and planned.
“Fine, I’m staying with Knox. Not sure how he finagled that,” I tell him. I let out a full breath of air for the first time since I saw Knox go down.
“That’s Knox for you, honey. I knew it would happen. Didn’t think it’d take an accident though. I bet that spun the wheels mighty quick.” What Trace says hits home. It also goes to show just how stubborn Knox is.
“Alright, I’m going back in. Will you check on Trigger? Your brother is going to hate me, but I’m making them bring him back to his trailer on a golf cart,” I reply.
“Sure can, and do me a favor?” he asks.
“What’s that?” A slow smile plays on his lips.
“Video him. I could always use it for payback.” Trace winks, and then he’s moving through the crowd, probably getting back to the next event. I can’t help but laugh. Watching this go down will definitely be funny.
“I’m fine, Blake,” I grumble from the queen-size bed that’s located in the back of my camper. It’s not the newest or most updated in luxuries, but it works with what I need it for. Plus, it helps I already have the fifth wheel in the bed of my truck from pulling livestock and horses.
“No, you’re not. Keep your ass in bed.” God, but I’m a dumbass for almost letting her walk away. The minute that bull spun around, I saw it all so damn clearly. A life without Blakely in it, knowing shit could have gone further south, and I wouldn’t be here, without her knowing how she’s fucking meant to be mine. That’s something I can’t live with and won’t live with.
“Will you at least come lie with me, then?” I negotiate. I haven’t even apologized to her. I’m sure that’s not making things any better.
“Why would I want to do that?” She’s full of fire tonight.
“So I can at least talk to you. There’s no way I’m talking to your back, and quit cleaning. It’s not that much of a wreck,” I bellow. She’s towards the front where the living area is.
“Well, this place is a pigsty. The least you can do is pick up after yourself.” She moves towards the bedroom with an armful of my clothes in her hands.
“It’ll wait. Come here. Please?” I tack on at the end. She quirked up those eyebrows, and I knew she’d give me all the attitude she could muster if I didn’t.
“Fine, but I’m not sleeping with you. You had your chance and blew it.” She throws the dirty clothes in the hamper that’s in the corner of the small room, and when I say small, it’s small. There’s barely any room to walk around the bed, which is why she’s crawling up it now to sit down next to me. My hand reaches for hers, entwining our fingers while I get the courage to pull my damn head out of my ass and apologize.
“Well, now that I’m here, what is it you wanted to say?” Blakely doesn’t beat around the bush, that’s for sure.
“I fucked up. I shouldn’t have taken you like that.” She starts to interrupt, but I raise my eyebrow at her, causing her to put the brakes on what was about to come out of her mouth. “Darlin’, I do not regret that one minute, wish it wasn’t my fingers though. I do need to apologize for being an absolute shit and running away like a scaredy cat, because that’s what I was. I’m still worried like hell about the age difference and that you have your whole life ahead of you. Shit, I’m thirty-three and don’t know what’s coming next. If I tie you to me, you can guarantee I’ll never let you go. Then what would happen?”