Page 27 of My Boyfriend's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 22)
Nora, I think, loves summer, too. My daughter is only one and a half, but she certainly makes her likes and dislikes very known.
“Mama!” she cries as we lie in the grass in our backyard. I’ve set out a checkered blue and white blanket, and Nora’s toys and books are strewn all across it. I kept her entertained for about an hour, and then managed to read a few pages of my magazine as she snoozed in the shade. Now, she’s back up and ready for more attention.
“Yes, baby?” I ask, scooping her into my arms. She grins gummily at me. I may be biased, but I think she’s the most beautiful child in the world. She looks just like her father, with his dark hair and big blue eyes, and has a sprinkle of freckles across her nose just like me. She also definitely has my sass and my love of books, even though it’s her dad and I doing all the reading for her.
“Look!” Nora suddenly pumps her tiny fist into the air, pointing at something. The sky overhead is a quintessential summer spread of azure and fluffy white clouds.
“That’s the sky, baby,” I tell her as she settles herself more comfortably in my lap. “Doesn’t it look pretty?”
But as I follow her gaze again, I see that she’s pointing at a little yellow butterfly hovering overhead. It flutters its wings at us and then speeds away, leaving Nora cooing in delight.
I grin and kiss my daughter on her round cheek. Little bits of magic always seem to be happening around my child, and I guess that’s what happens when a baby is conceived from pure love and happiness. After all, our life couldn’t be going any better. Soon after I told Brandon I was pregnant, we moved into a new home just a few minutes down the road. Well, I call it our “home,” but Sarah and my family refer to it as “the mansion.” It certainly is a far bigger house than I ever thought I’d live in, but we’re lucky enough to have a housekeeper to help us out with it. I’m just glad that Nora has a safe, comfortable place in which to grow up, and the best daddy in the world to help raise her.
Thinking about Brandon, I glance at my phone to check the time and see that he should be getting back at any minute. Sure enough, his sleek black car pulls into the driveway, and Nora throws her arms into the air. “Daddy!” she shrieks as he gets out of the car and waves at us.
I stand up and wave back. My boyfriend is as handsome as ever with that dark hair waving over his forehead and those startling blue eyes. However, at the moment, his gaze is filled with love.
Brandon slings his suit jacket over his shoulder and loosens his tie as he walks toward us. “How are my beautiful girls doing?” he asks, bending down to drop a kiss on my head.
“We’ve had a big day of doing not much,” I say with a laugh. Nora squeals happily as Brandon picks her up, kissing her loudly on the cheek so that she giggles.
“If you want to watch her, I’ll start dinner,” I say. “I was thinking we could eat outside?”
“That sounds great,” my man says. As I head inside, I look over my shoulder to see Brandon on his hands and knees, making a silly face that makes Nora laugh. My heart melts into a giddy puddle. He’s an amazing father, in addition to being a loving partner and generous provider.
I cook some chicken and veggies, humming softly to myself. I adore the days that I get to spend with Nora because seeing your child grow up is priceless. To be sure, it’s not just about mothering for me. I take classes at the community college three times a week, and during those times, either my parents watch Nora, or our nanny does. My classes in British literature are fantastic, but honestly, I’m happiest when spending time with my baby.
A soft smile springs to my lips as I unconsciously rest my hand on my burgeoning tummy. Brandon doesn’t know yet, but soon we’ll have our hands full with a new little sister or brother for Nora.
But my thoughts are interrupted when my boyfriend comes into the house with our daughter in his arms. He sets her down in her high chair, where she happily plays with a tiny plastic fork and spoon, and then sets the table on our back deck. We bring the food outside, along with a bottle of white wine, and turn on the outdoor fireplace to illuminate the gathering dusk.
“When is Jasper going to come over for dinner next?” I ask as we begin eating.