Page 85 of Bad Guy (Villains In Love)
New scents trickle in through my dulled senses. "Someone get her," a voice whispers. "He's going to hurt himself."
I want to tell them that I don't matter. That nothing matters if I can't protect Mina. My Mina. The only one that's ever cared. The only one that's ever understood. The only one that's ever touched me or smiled at me. The only one that's ever cared if I hurt. The only one I care about.
And then…I smell her. Mina's cool, sweet, perfect scent envelops my senses. I fling myself against the glass once more, desperate to get to her. "MINA!"
"Let me in," I hear her say, though she sounds as if she's coming from far away. They all do. "My cuff doesn't work. Let me go talk to him."
"Are you sure it's safe?" another female asks.
"It's safe," Mina says confidently, her voice a little louder. There's a pause, and then the door to the antechamber opens, and Mina's scent floods my cell. I collapse to the floor, and then her hands are on my mane, stroking my hair. Her fingers brush over my face, and she makes a soft noise at the slack drool coming from my mouth. "They've drugged him. Why are they drugging him?"
"To make sure he's compliant, I imagine," says an erudite voice. "Someone bring an antidote."
Mina slaps someone's hand away when they touch me. "I'll do it. Leave him alone." Her hands move over my arm and then something hard and sharp presses against my skin. "Give him a moment. Everyone stand back so he can get some air."
Her fingers caress my face as time passes, her hands moving over my mane and my neck. She keeps touching me until some of the blackness recedes and I can focus on her face. It's the same sharp, pointed face I'm obsessed with, her eyes rimmed with hints of red as if she's been crying. "Good," she says softly. "You're awake. Hey. Big news—you've been pulled from the tournament." She tilts her head, indicating a blurry figure behind her. "Lord va'Rin is going to take you away to a place that's nice and quiet and remote, and no one will harass you or hurt you ever again."
"But…" I lick my dry lips. "We…I have to fight. That's part of the agreement." So I can keep her.
"I know," Mina says, stroking my face. "The rules have changed, though. This is better than that. They were sending you to die. This way, you get to live."
"When do we go?" I ask, my thoughts scrambled. What Mina's telling me is confusing, but if she wants to go, I'll go. I'll follow her anywhere.
"Right now."
Mina helps me to my feet, snapping at the guards that try to enter my cell. She doesn't want them anywhere near me. I know she's not strong enough to help me stand, so I do it on my own, using her shoulder for balance. When I'm on my feet, I blink and focus on the people in the hall…and the fact that the antechamber doors are open.
I can walk right out.
"Come on," Mina says in a low, gentle tone. "Let's get to the ship."
A ship. The thought pierces my fogged mind. Yes. A ship. I want to ask if we're escaping, but I don't dare say the words aloud.
She remains at my side as we leave the cellblock, stays with me as we cross the yard. Lord Sir is nowhere to be found, and instead of a'ani guards everywhere, there are mesakkah—blue-skinned men in yellow-trimmed uniforms that look at me with curiosity and not malice. It feels…odd, but not unpleasant. Mina would tell me I'm too used to being a monster. Why don't they look at me as if I am one? It doesn't make sense.
We get to the landing pad, and my mane whips around my face, the wind here wild from the engines of the ship humming and waiting for take-off. A ship. I don't have any memories of being on a ship. "Is this good?" I ask Mina.
"Very good." She pulls away, coming out from under my arm and moves to stand in front of me. "These people are your friends, all right? No matter what happens from here on out, they're here to help you. Remember that." She gives me an intense look. "You'll remember, won't you?"
"If you trust them, I trust them."
She nods. Mina looks as if she wants to say more and then gives me a tight smile. "Good luck."
It seems an odd thing to say, and even odder when she turns to walk away. I stumble after her, my feet heavy. "Wait. Where are you going?" I snag Mina's gown—the flimsy, see-through thing that shows her entire body—and tug on her arm. "Mina."
Mina pulls out of my grasp, her jaw clenched. "Crulden. Just…remember what I said, okay?"