Page 24 of Bad Guy (Villains In Love)
The lights go out.
She lets out a yelp of panic, her fear-scent blooming in the air.
Immediately, I move to her side, determined to protect her. "I am here." I half-expect her to push me away, but she clutches at my arm, gazing around us in worry. I do not think she can see in the dark like I can. How do humans function with such weak senses? It is a mystery. I decide it doesn't matter, though, and that I like her bad eyes, because she moves even closer to me, her small form pressing against my side.
A voice chimes in overhead. "Crulden's training will begin in the morning. Please get a full night's sleep so you can be at your optimal best." The scientist's voice is nauseatingly pleasant. "Enjoy your evening."
"I really hate that man," Mina mutters.
I do, too. In this, though, I am secretly glad, because now I get to get into bed with Mina. They haven't brought extra clothes for her, or blankets, which means we get to share.
And I am a bad, bad, bad sort because this excites me.
"Come," I say to Mina. "I said I would comply."
She is silent, but she moves toward the bed when I nudge her in that direction. I don't trust her silence, of course. I know enough about this female already to know that she is always scheming, always thinking. Looking for a solution. We approach my cot, and she pauses. "You said no rape, right?"
I do not smell fear-scent on her, which is good. "That is correct. I did not work this hard to get you in my cell for you to hate me."
"Mmhmm." She glances up at me, squinting in the darkness. "If you try something, I'm going to kick you in the balls."
"If I try something, I will deserve it." Plus, I doubt her kicks would discourage me. Pain does not deter me from much of anything. But I like her trust. I like that she is talking to me, and easily. I like that she moved toward me when she was frightened, as if trusting me to protect her. I will not threaten that trust for anything.
Mina lets out a heavy sigh, showing me she is not happy, and then climbs onto the cot. I am glad for once that I have not destroyed the thin gel mattress given to me. It is the only soft thing in the room, and I want her to have that softness. I want her to have good things. I want to be able to give those good things to her. Never have I been so obsessed. My memories are fractured, but I don't recall ever paying attention to a female like I do this one.
She moves closer to the wall and then wraps the blanket tighter around her body, cocooning herself. "We're not sharing blankets, so don't get any ideas."
I want to laugh at her belligerent tone, because it makes me so happy. There is no fear-scent in her at all, and I love it. "I can sleep without a blanket for a night," I reassure her in a grave voice. "We will ask for more in the morning."
"Something tells me that's one of the requests that'll be denied," Mina mutters, but lies down and faces the wall.
Gingerly, I sit on the edge of the cot next to her. She wiggles, moving even closer to the wall itself, but does not turn to look at me. That is all right. Patience is not one of my strong suits, but I don't mind this. Having her here with me soothes the furious parts of my spirit, and I don't mind that she won't let me touch her yet. Of course not. She is too strong-willed for that, and I like her strong will.
I lie down on the cot, one arm behind my head, and contemplate sleep. It'll be impossible. She's too warm, too near. It doesn't matter that she's not moving. My cock is hard and aching, my body awake with her close proximity. I can practically feel her breath. I can almost feel her hair falling against my skin.
I wonder what her skin feels like. The thought makes me even harder, and I reach down to touch myself, and then stop. She wouldn't like that much. She'd think I'm pushing her. Reluctantly, I put my hand on my belt instead.
At my side, Mina shivers. A moment later, she adjusts the blankets, burrowing deeper underneath.
I take a deep breath and then let it out slowly. It frosts in the air, and I realize what they're doing. They've adjusted the temperature in my rooms, changing it so it'll be ice cold inside. So Mina will have no choice but to throw herself into my arms.
They are giving me what I want, the scientist and the lord. They are doing everything they can to subtly push her into touching me. I will have to say something tomorrow so they do not drug her food to make her personality change. I like her prickliness, and I would rather have that than a drugged, enthusiastic female.