Page 12 of Bad Guy (Villains In Love)
Does…he think I can't hear? We both know that Lord Sir only tolerates me because I'm a gift he can't regift away. "I see." I resist the urge to twist my hands. "What are my duties in his cell?"
The scientist smiles tightly. "Keep him company. Make him happy. If Crulden is pleased, we're all pleased."
I watch carefully as the female approaches my cell. Her scent is different today. There's a mixture of apprehension and fear perfuming her, but when our eyes meet, I see nothing but anger.
I crouch low at the back of my cell, waiting to see if the scientist will honor his word. If he's going to give me the female as promised. She is silent as she stands outside of my room, the tray in her hands. I watch, drinking in the sight of her as she puts it in place and presses the button that activates the meal slot. For a moment, my anger simmers as the meal is inserted into my cell. This is not what was promised, I think, fangs bared. My hackles rise on the back of my neck and my claws curl, extending. This is not—
The scientist leans in and peers at me behind the glass. "The female will be coming in now. Please be on your best behavior, Crulden. If you harm her, this will be over quickly."
Harm her? Why would I harm the female? I thrash my tail, irritated that he talks to me as if I am a child, but it does not matter. They are sending the female in. She waits by the door, steps inside the antechamber and lets it lock behind her. Then, the door to my cell opens and she steps inside.
Her scent floods the room.
It is…magnificent.
She turns toward me, and the fear-scent is stronger, but there is still defiance in her eyes. She does not move from her spot by the door, the collar on her neck flashing a gentle reminder that she is just as much enslaved as I am. There are small circlets around her wrists, and her clothing is a shapeless sack that covers her body from shoulder to ankle. She stands in my cell, as proud and unflinching as ever, and I am impressed. The scientist pisses himself if I so much as look at him through the glass, but this human stands before me, almost entirely unafraid.
"You have a fear-scent today," I growl as I get to my feet slowly. I move carefully, because I do not want her to bolt away.
She doesn't flinch. Good. Instead, her gaze remains on me. "I don't know what you want with me."
"I don't know, either." I step toward her. Stalking her. She remains where she is, but I notice that her hands clench into fists at her sides. "But I like your scent."
"I'm happy to give you my laundry if you want it. Can I go now?" Her voice is tart.
I want to laugh. How is it that she is still brave despite the fact that she is in the cell of a killer? That is what I am, is it not? I loom over her, and she is just as small as I suspected. Her head would barely come to the top of my chest if I pressed her body against me. I lean down, my tail flicking, and inhale, my nostrils flaring. "Why do you want to go? Have I offended you?"
That seems to confuse her. She glances up at me, a hint of a frown on her pink mouth. Her dark brows are drawn together and she scrutinizes my face. "I'm not offended. I just…don't understand."
Her fear-scent fades, so I lean in and sniff deeply. It spikes again, but I understand now. She is not afraid of me. She is simply jittery and does not trust the situation. I draw in a deep breath, and the scent of her is so appealing that I want to bury my face in her mane, clutch her to my chest and just…breathe. Just draw in lungful after lungful of her fascinating scent. She does not smell like mesakkah, or ooli. "What are you?"
"I'm a human," she says. "What are you?"
"An excellent question, and one I do not have the answer to," I murmur, keeping my voice low. I circle around her again, looking over at the scientist. He watches us still, and I want him to go away. I want him to leave me alone with this female. I don't like the thought of him listening in when I speak to her. My words are for her ears alone. I lean in again, letting my tail brush against her clothing. I'm crowding her. Testing her, to see how much I can push before she snaps. I reach out and touch a lock of her brownish-gold mane.