Page 27 of Making Her Mine
“I am.”
“I’ve read a lot about you, Monroe. The internet says you’re worth a few billion.”
“Can’t believe everything you read on the internet, Dunn. I’d have thought you were smarter than that, but I can see by the red on my woman’s cheek that you don’t have much upstairs. If we shake you, we’ll probably hear the rattling of tin cans.”
There’s a brief moment of silence and then a thunderous, “Fuck you!”
“I’m not interested, Dunn.” I hang up because the cavalry has arrived. Turner unfolds his long body from the truck and joins me on the sidewalk.
“You have a way you want to play this?”
“Yeah, I’m going to go inside and beat the shit out of whoever hit Eden. This is her brother and he’s going to want to get a few licks in.”
Ryan gives a terse nod.
“We’ll just make sure the fight is fair then.” Turner gives instructions to his men—he brought four and not two.
Ryan and I head to the front door with Turner while his four men do an outdoor reconnaissance. The door is unlocked just like last time, but no one’s in the front room. We find them in the back bedroom, all shoved into the small space with the curtains drawn. Eden’s on the floor beside the dresser, and her old man is nowhere to be seen. I push by everyone and pull her into my embrace. “You okay?”
She bites down on her lips and nods, clearly trying not to burst into tears. God, those fuckers are going to pay. I twist around to see Ryan at the door with Turner behind him. Dunn scowls.
“Who said you should bring all these people?”
“Who said I couldn’t?”
“You’re a chickenshit then. No one’s going to want to do business with you when they hear you came crawling to me with your dick between your legs.”
“My man, we don’t run in the same business circles. I do not give a fuck what you and your acquaintances think of me. Spread around that you scared me so much I shit my pants. This will not keep me up at night. I will tell you that if you come near me and mine again, I will cut your dick off, shred it in a blender, and pour it down your throat until you choke on your own vomit.” I slide my arm under Eden’s legs and lift her into my arms. “I’ve decided I don’t need to hit anyone. Please feel free to do your worst, Turner, and make sure that Ryan feels like he had a fair turn. I’ve got my woman to take care of.” Revenge can wait.
Chapter Twenty
My hands shake. I’m sitting in Miles' lap in the back of some SUV outside of my father's house. I can feel the anger rolling off of him but his hold on me is gentle. I’ll never forget the relief I felt when I saw him enter the room.
I know my father can be a piece of shit. I just never thought it could go this far. That was the silly little girl inside of me that thought maybe to some degree he loved us. He used us the same as he uses everyone else. He has no regard for our lives or our safety. He will always come first.
I had no doubt Miles would come for me. He is too good of a man not to. Guilt weighs heavily on me that I pulled him into this mess. The uncertainty of what is going to happen from here is eating me alive. I’m in love with him. I never wanted him to see this part of my life.
“I’m sorry.” My words come out barely a whisper. Miles' hand that is rubbing up and down my back stops moving.
“Look at me, Eden.” I slowly raise my eyes to meet his.
“There is nothing for you to be sorry for. This is not your fault. I should have put one of my men on you.” I stare at him. Wait. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?
“You think this is your fault?” That’s crazy. If not for me, none of this would be happening.
“I promise it won’t happen again.” His hold on me tightens, letting me know that he is blaming himself. That only makes it worse.
“Are you more than some super rich guy?” There was no missing the men standing behind Miles when he entered the house. They looked like some badass SWAT team. Miles wasn't scared at all. He even poked at the guy that hit me.
“I know a lot of people.” He shrugs, not saying much more. I don’t know if I want to know more. After all he’s done for me, I know whatever it might be, Miles is on the side of good. I have faith in that. I trust him. He might be the only person I’ve ever thought that about. He’s never let me down from the moment he walked into my life.