Page 31 of Reckoning (Wolfes of Manhattan 5)
“You seem to think I want you to go down for this murder.”
“Don’t you? You’re the one who arrested me. You’re the one who’s been subjecting all of us to ridiculous interrogation again and again when we’ve told you all we know. You know damned well you don’t have any real evidence against me, so don’t try to tell me you do. Neither of us are that stupid, Hank.”
He lifted his eyebrows at my use of his first name.
I didn’t care. It was nearing eleven p.m., and all I wanted was to escape this hell. If I could pay him off to do it, I might be talked into it.
I wished Rock were here. He’d know what to do. Or even Reid.
Me? I was a good girl. But it had become increasingly clear that in the world of the Wolfes and the NYPD, the good finished last.
I had no intention of finishing last.
“So what are you asking for?” I continued. “A new life somewhere else? You want money? You want a new ID? What?”
“You could do that for me?”
“I can’t do a damned thing for you, Hank. I’m only asking what you want.”
“I want out.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“Fine. I want ten million. Cash. I’ll get the charges dropped, and you’ll never hear from me again.”
I nodded, smiling.
Rock had done something a few days previously. I’d balked at it, but in the end, he did it anyway. This moment changed my mind.
Never had I been so glad that my husband had installed video and audio recording in our suite.
I held back the smile I wanted to give to Morgan.
Diamond didn’t return. I wished she would, since I’d been so out of it I had no idea what she looked like. Her voice had been smoky and husky, so I imagined she was an older woman, but perhaps she wasn’t. Candice was only a little older than I was, and her voice was similar.
I’d often wondered how Candice kept in such good shape being the chain smoker she was. She could move nonstop for an hour during a show and not even be winded.
The show…
Reid had said he took care of everything, but no doubt my job was gone at this point. Did I even care? Yeah, in a way. It wasn’t the easiest way to make a living, but it was mine. I’d earned it. All those dancing lessons my mother dragged me to when I was a kid. I’d put them to good use.
Why was I even thinking about all this? My current problem was that I was being held captive. At least no one was hurting me.
Not yet, anyway.
Hours had passed, and no one had brought more food. The hard-boiled egg lay on the tray from this morning. Night had fallen, and stars shone like blurs through the etched window in my room.
A knock. I jerked upward off the bed. “Yes?” I said meekly.
The doorknob turned and the door slid open. A woman entered. Her face was worn and slightly wrinkled, though her deep-set brown eyes, high cheekbones, and full pale lips indicated she’d once been beautiful. She wore island garb—a tent-like dress with a bright orange floral pattern over black. Her feet were bare and tanned.
“Diamond?” I said hesitantly.
She nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I’ve got another meal for you.”
Couldn’t come sooner? Why?
Was I allowed to ask?
“Thank you.” My stomach had settled from whatever they’d poured into my system, and I was actually really hungry now. Fear be damned. I had to eat if I wanted to get through whatever was coming.
Diamond wheeled in a food trolley. She eyed the other cart that was still in my room. “Not hungry this morning?”
“I was a little queasy. I ate the croissant and one slice of ham. And the juice. What kind of juice was that?”
“Mango and passion fruit.”
“It was delicious.”
She nodded but didn’t smile as she removed the cover from the plate of food sitting on the trolley. “All I could get you is a chicken breast and some veggies tonight. A few slices of bread.”
“That’s fine. I don’t really eat red meat anyway.”
“We don’t serve any red meat here.”
I arched my eyebrows. “What is this place?”
Diamond bit her lip. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Is this some kind of hotel or something?”
She didn’t reply.
“Why am I here, Diamond? Why was I taken?”
Again, no response.
“Please. I’m supposed to be somewhere else. There are people who need me to—”
“I can’t tell you anything else.” Her tone was soft yet abrupt. “You need to stay quiet. Please.”
“Diamond, I’m begging you. At least tell me where I am.”
“I can’t…”
“Zee. My name is Zee.”
“I know who you are.”
“Then why do you want me? I’m a nobody.” That wasn’t exactly true. Not anymore. I was the wife of Reid Wolfe, and I had a story that could take down Derek Wolfe’s accomplices.