Page 6 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
“Shh… I’ll be fine. Just take care of yourself. Okay?”
Sean nods, his grip on me tightening even more.
We both have our mother’s red hair and green eyes, but Sean got our father’s large build and strong features. He went through a growth spurt last year, shooting well past me. I, on the other hand, got our mother’s petite frame. At twenty-one, I still look younger than Sean even though I’m four years older than him.
When we pull apart, Sean shakes his head. “I have a bad feeling.”
“Nothing’s going to happen to me. St. Monarch’s is safe. Stop worrying, please.”
“It’s time,” Father says as he steps closer to us.
Nodding, I stand on my toes and press a farewell kiss to Sean’s cheek. “Keep your head down and stay on the grounds,” I remind him again.
He nods, taking a step back, frustration still tightening his features.
Father pulls me into a hug, then whispers, “You don’t have to do this.”
“I know.” I rest my cheek against his chest. “I want to. For Sean. For you.”
Father nods as he pulls back, his eyes drifting over my face. The corner of his mouth lifts. “Cillian will be stationed outside the academy. Don’t hesitate to call him if anything happens.”
I step back, and with love filling my heart, I look at the two men in my life. “You both worry too much. I can take care of myself.”
Father lets out a chuckle. “We should protect you, not the other way around.”
“No,” I grin at them. “You run the business, and I’ll keep you safe. That’s the end of the discussion.”
Father’s eyes lock with mine as they turn dark. “You’re the Blood Princess of the Hemsley clan. Never forget that.”
“I won’t, Father,” I promise. Turning away from them, I climb into the back of the armored jeep. My personal firearm, a Heckler and Koch, digs into my lower back, but I ignore the slight discomfort. I also have a Glock strapped to my ankle.
Before Cillian shuts the door, I look at my father and brother. “I love you both with all my heart.”
Sean’s eyes begin to redden with unshed tears. “Love you too.”
Father’s mouth tips up with a proud smile. “Love you, my princess. Call me the instant you’re safely at the academy.”
I nod as the door shuts, and then I focus on taking deep breaths because I can’t cry. This was my decision. I’ve learned all there is to learn from my private lessons with Cillian. Now I need to train with the best because they’re the ones who will come after my family.
For two years, I’ll live with my enemies. I’ll watch. I’ll learn. I will show them I’m a threat, and they will fear me.
For Sean. For Father. For our family business.
While we drive to the private airstrip where the jet is waiting to take me to Switzerland, I stare down at my hands.
I feel Cillian’s gaze on me, and forcing a smile to my lips, I lift my head to look at him. He gives me a lopsided grin, but it’s tainted by the worry he feels about me leaving home. “Remember there are six syndicate groups. The Custodians, consisting of the best protectors. You’ll train with them.”
I nod. “My goal is to break Demitiri Vetrov’s records.”
Demitri became a legend during his time at St. Monarch's. Now he protects the top assassin in the world, Alexei Koslov, making them an unbeatable team. I need to be better than them because right now, we don’t stand a chance if they are hired to come after us. The thought makes my jaw clench and my top lip curl up.
Cillian nods, then he continues, “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to hurt because none of the custodians in training will hold back just because you’re a woman. They all have the same goal. To become the best.”
I swallow hard, fear slithering into my heart. I have no idea what to expect.
Cillian’s eyes darken with worry as he says, “The other five syndicates consist of Arms, Assassins, Smugglers, Cartels, and the Bravta. Only the wealthiest crime families get to attend, so they can cultivate the specific set of skills needed to run their family businesses. There’s only one rule – no killing. So at least there’s that.”
I nod while memorizing everything he’s telling me. After all, knowledge is power.
When the jeep stops right by the private jet, I wait for Cillian to open my door. My eyes continuously scan over my surroundings as I step out of the vehicle, and I tug at the bulletproof vest that’s tightly wrapped around my chest. It matches my black pants and boots, which I like to think of as my combat outfit. I want to dress up as much as the next girl, but that’s only for special occasions.