Page 54 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
I take it, and as the three of us walk back to the house, I drink in the feel of his strong fingers gripping mine. I glance up at his profile, and then it really sinks in.
Damien is my family now. Along with Dana, the three of us will build a new life.
When we step into our bedroom, I tug Winter to a stop. She turns to face me with a questioning look.
“I saved you because you were already mine,” I admit the reason for the question she asked earlier. I just didn’t want to talk about it in front of my brother and Alexei.
Her mouth curves up as she takes a step closer to me. “Why wouldn’t you fight me during training?”
“Full of questions, aren’t you?” I ask as I wrap my fingers around her throat, enjoying the soft feel of her skin.
“Just curious. You were always closed off, and I couldn’t read your facial expressions.”
“I refused to fight you because you’re so small. There’s no victory in beating someone half my size.”
I brush my thumb over her scar as she asks, “And during the laser game? Did you want to kiss me?”
“Yes, but I also wanted to strangle you for shooting Carson,” I mutter, the corner of my mouth twitching at the memory.
“Are you in love with me?” she asks without blinking an eye.
Am I?
My eyes drift over her face, and then I shake my head, and it makes the playfulness vanish from her eyes.
“I’m not sure,” I admit. My words make a frown form on her forehead. “Love is a foreign concept in my world. I understand loyalty, desire, hatred, but love…” I shake my head again. “Would I die for you? Yes. Do I want you? Yes. Will I kill anyone who hurts you? Yes.”
“What do you feel when you think of losing me?” she asks.
Without having to think about it, I growl, “Murderous.”
What would I do if someone took Winter from me?
I’d lose my mind.
My jaw clenches, and I pull her closer until I feel her breath on my lips, and then I admit, “I’m obsessed with you.”
Winter searches my eyes before she murmurs, “To me, it sounds a lot like love, Damien.”
I consider her words. “Then you’re the only one I’ll ever love.”
Winter pushes against my hold on her throat and presses a kiss to my lips. “I’m obsessed with you too.”
I smile against her mouth. “Good.”
Suddenly she pulls out of my hold and walks to the bathroom. I hear her open the faucets, and then she goes to take clothes from the closet.
“Don’t bother with those. I want you naked next to me every night.”
She lets out a burst of silent laughter as she leaves the clothes and goes to bath.
Walking closer, I push the door open and lean my shoulder against the doorjamb. I watch as my wife undresses. When she steps into the tub, I catch sight of the bruises between her thighs.
“I marked you,” I murmur.
“You sure did,” she chuckles as she sinks down into the water. “And I’m not complaining one bit.”
“Good, because I intend to do it again.” I move closer and crouch next to the tub. I reach for the loofah and body wash.
“You’re going to bathe me?” Winter asks, her eyes following my movements.
As I begin to wash her snow-white skin, she chuckles. “First you feed me, and now this? Why?”
The corner of my mouth lifts. “You don’t know why?”
“No. Tell me.”
My gaze locks on hers. “I’m making you submit to me.”
Defiance sparks in her eyes. “Is it what you really want? For me to be a submissive wife?”
“No. I never want you to lose your fighting spirit. It’s what drew me to you. But knowing you’ll submit willingly whenever I want you to is exhilarating.”
“A turn-on,” she murmurs as understanding dawns on her face.
Leaning forward, I wash between her legs. My voice is low with a burning desire. “Yes, and now you need to get out so I can fuck you.”
“You need to shower,” she gives me a look filled with warning. “You’re not getting into bed all sweaty.”
I let out a chuckle. “Fine, but get your ass to bed.”
I begin to undress as Winter climbs out of the tub and dries herself. Giving me a seductive look as she walks by me, she says, “Don’t take too long.”
Unable to resist, I slap her ass, and she makes an adorable squeaking sound.
I only take ten minutes to shower, but when I walk into the bedroom, I find my wife fast asleep. My eyes drift over her sexy body, and crawling over her, I press a kiss to her shoulder and another to her temple. Then I whisper, “Slava ne mogut apisat' mayu lyubof' k tebe.”
Sleepily, Winter mumbles, “What?”
I lie down behind her and pull her against me. Pressing another kiss to her shoulder, I say, “Words can’t describe my love for you.”