Page 42 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
Yesterday, I cursed Patrick Hemsley for bidding on me, and today… today I’m taking over his empire. Tomorrow I’ll take his daughter.
Chapter 16
Damien’s mouth on mine clouds my mind. It eases the unrelenting ache in my chest. It erases my worries about my uncertain future. Until there’s only him. His aftershave. His strength pinning me to the wall. His fingers in my hair. His tongue stroking mine with a dizzying pleasure. With a single kiss, he awakens my soul. He makes my heart race and my body tremble with need. Need for more of him.
I knew Damien was a force to be reckoned with, but still, I underestimated him.
I knew the Vetrovs and Koslovs would want more than I was willing to offer. That’s how it works in our world. But still, I didn’t know Damien wanted me. Not like this. Not so desperately that his kisses bruise my lips and his tongue creates a fire in my mouth.
God. Damien Vetrov.
Tomorrow he’ll become my husband.
He breaks the kiss, and all I can do is stand breathlessly plastered against the wall.
Tomorrow we’ll consummate our marriage. I’m no stranger to sex, but… but… Lifting my eyes to meet his, I take in the hunger darkening his face. The dominance pouring off him.
I’ve always been in control whenever I had sex, but I know with dead certainty it won’t be the case with Damien.
He brings his hand to my jaw, and his thumb brushes over my swollen bottom lip. His voice is a low rumble as he says, “Mourn. Tomorrow will be a new day.”
I stay against the wall as he turns away from me and leaves, and only when the door shuts behind him do I take a deep breath. I press a hand over my racing heart, trying to calm it down.
Tomorrow I’ll marry Damien, and I’ll become Winter Vetrov. The name alone will inspire fear. Alexei, Demitri, and Damien will help me run the business.
It will only cost my body, heart, and soul.
I’ll be entirely at Damien’s mercy.
The thought both scares and thrills me.
With Cillian by my side, I always had someone to look out for me. Will Damien fill that void in my life?
No. He’ll be loyal to me, but the chances of him loving me are probably next to zero.
Being loved died with Cillian and my family. Loyalty will have to be enough for me.
Pulling away from the wall, I walk to the bathroom and opening the faucets, I let water pour into the tub while I go to my closet to get clean clothes.
Thankfully, I left half my belongings at home when I left to attend St. Monarch’s. Taking a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt out, I go back to the bathroom.
It’s only when I’ve stripped out of the dirty clothes, and I sink into the balmy water, that my thoughts turn back to the past twenty-four hours.
Seeing my father and Sean being assassinated right before my eyes shocked me to my core. But watching Cillian die was unbearable.
I begin to remember the precious times I had with him. I remember when he trained me. When he taught me how to dance. When he showed me how to ride a bike.
Cillian is in every single memory that matters to me.
But now he won’t be in my future.
The grief thickens around me, and I allow the tears to fall. One last time.
Like Damien said, today I mourn, and tomorrow I have to face a new life. As his wife.
I move slowly as I wash my body and hair, grateful for the alone time Damien’s given me.
The shock and sorrow keep hitting me in waves. The severe losses I’ve suffered. How my life has changed and how much it’s still going to change. Everything feels foreign. Even my body.
Getting out of the tub, I dry myself and lather my skin with lotion. I pull on the clean clothes and then towel dry my hair.
I’m still squeezing the last water from my hair as I walk to my personal living room when I see the tray on the coffee table. There’s a plate of food and a glass of cranberry juice.
I still don’t have an appetite, but I’m going to need the strength for tomorrow.
I sit down and drop the towel on the side of the chair and then force myself to eat the chicken and vegetables Dana must’ve prepared.
I need to talk to the staff. God, there’s so much to do.
When I drink the last of the juice, I go back to the bathroom and pull a brush through my hair. Leaving it to air dry, I slip on a pair of sneakers and then leave my room.
Luckily there’s no sign of the men as I take the stairs down. I find Dana in the kitchen, where she stares out the window with a far-off look.