Page 14 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
I’ve just started working up a sweat when I feel the air shift. Glancing over my shoulder, a frown settles on my face when I see Winter walking into the sparring studio. She’s tied her hair back in a ponytail, and it makes her look even younger. Then my eyes lower to her body. In the tight black pants and shirt, every curve is on full display.
Once again, I shove the attraction aside, and before continuing to punch the bag, I grumble, “You should join the Smugglers.”
“Morning to you too,” she mutters.
I’m not one to care about others or to issue warnings, but still, I find myself huffing, “You’re going to get hurt.”
“Aww, I didn’t know you cared,” she sasses me.
Shooting her a glare, I see she’s busy putting on her gear.
“I don’t.” The words are clipped. If she doesn’t heed the warning, she’ll just have to roll with the punches. Literally.
I continue with my exercises, doing my best to ignore Winter, where she’s jumping rope on the other side of the room.
When the other trainees and Grandmaster Yeoh enter the studio, I stop punching and walk to where I left my bag. I retrieve a water bottle and down half of it before using a towel to wipe the sweat from my face and neck.
“Morning,” Grandmaster Yeoh says as he bows slightly.
We return his greeting, then wait for his instructions.
Grandmaster Yeoh’s eyes dart between Winter and MJ, then he says, “Let’s see what experience the newcomers have. Miss Fang versus…” His eyes jump over us, then he mutters, “Mr. Lamas.”
The rest of us move to the back of the studio, and Winter ends up standing between Paulie and me.
“Nothing like an ass-whooping first thing in the morning,” Paulie chuckles as MJ and Hugo start to circle each other.
Hugo blows MJ a kiss which makes her attack. She manages to give Hugo an uppercut and a punch to the side of his head before his right fist connects with her left side. It sends her flying to the side and her body sliding over the floor.
I glance down at Winter’s face, but instead of seeing fear, she’s focused on the fight.
MJ climbs back to her feet, shaking her head. It has Hugo attacking, and my muscles clench when he goes airborne, his body twisting before he delivers a kick to the left side of MJ’s head. This time she flies, and when she drops to the floor, she stays down, out cold from the blow.
I expected MJ to be better. Guess I was wrong.
Grandmaster Yeoh slowly shakes his head, then mutters, “Move her to the side so we can continue with the training.”
Hugo grabs hold of MJ’s arm and drags her to the other side of the room.
“Next,” Grandmaster Yeoh snaps. My heartbeat kicks up, hoping Winter will be paired with Paulie. “Miss Hemsley versus…” Grandmaster Yeoh’s eyes flick between Paulie and me, and after a couple of seconds, he settles on me. “Mr. Vetrov.”
Chapter 6
Shit… here goes nothing.
Knowing Damien is stronger than me, I’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t get a punch in, or I’ll probably end up like MJ.
I walk to the middle of the class and watch as Damien unhurriedly moves closer.
Rolling my shoulders, I lift my hands and then keep still, my body tense as I watch him shake his head lightly.
The fact that he’s clearly unhappy because he has to fight me makes annoyance trickle through my chest.
“Let’s get this over with, Vetrov,” I hiss, and it has his eyes locking on mine.
He takes a deep breath then bringing his arms up, he doesn’t make fists while assuming a Muay Thai stance.
I assume the same stance, just to show him I have experience in all the fighting styles.
After a couple of seconds of us only staring at each other, Grandmaster Yeoh snaps, “Begin!”
It has me darting forward and bringing my right leg up for a kick to Damien’s side, he jumps back before I even manage to get close.
He’s faster than me. Shit, I was hoping to have speed on my side.
We circle each other for a moment, and then Damien’s right leg comes up, only to connect with my thigh. It has me shooting him a scowl because he’s clearly holding back.
Hugo lets out a heavy sigh, then mutters, “You can fuck with her in your own time, Vetrov. Let’s get this over with.”
Before I can take another breath, Damien moves toward me. I manage to deliver a punch to his chest as his right arm wraps around my neck, and then he moves in behind me.
Shit. The damn chokehold from hell.
He yanks me to his solid chest, his bicep cutting off my air supply. Bringing my elbow back against his ribs doesn’t make him move at all, and I repeat the action as dots explode in my vision.