Page 4 of Saint (Hot Shots 4)
“You okay?” I ask her, making sure my grip didn’t hurt her too much.
“Yes, of course. That was kind of embarrassing. I’m sorry about that.” She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear to cover up her bashfulness.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re not talking me into something. Shit is done. You’re getting the commission regardless, unless the buyers back out. Keep telling me about your thoughts. I may need your help after all.” We walk through the house, taking in the rest of the first floor. There’s a half bath for the guests. Upstairs are four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Along with a master suite that leads out onto its own deck. And then, on the very top, is the observation deck. Fuck, what I can imagine seeing happen up there. When the tour of the house is over, it’s bittersweet to say the least, but I know I’ve got to free up her time. Even though she’ll make bank on the commission, it’s not fair to steal all her time from other potential clients. That thought sucker-punches me because what if there are other men out there ready to swoop in to make a play for Emerson? I shake my head, trying to let go of the niggling thoughts of that happening.
“I should have an answer within the next day, if not sooner. The buyers would be crazy not to take the offer.” Saint opened my Jeep door for me, watched as I used the sidestep to slide inside, and now, he’s got one arm raised, holding the door open, giving me a sliver of a view of his abdomen. God, what I wouldn’t do to feel that firmness with just the tips of my fingers.
“No doubt about that.” His gaze is seared to me, blazing a path with his eyes alone.
“I’ll call you if I hear anything, unless it’s late at night. Then I won’t disturb you.” I start my car, needing the air conditioning on this hot spring day.
“Sounds good. Drive safe.” He closes the door, steps away, and I watch as he walks back to his truck, dark midnight blue in color, a small lift, nothing that is over the top. You know, like how some of those big, jacked-up trucks men swear are a testament to their size in between their legs. Something tells me that’s not the case where Saint is concerned. His long muscular legs eat up the pavement, and I watch until I can’t see him anymore.
“Dear Lord, that man is one tall drink of water.” I don’t get my rear in gear until his truck is long gone. I probably jumped the gun, talking about all my ideas if this house were mine. Fat chance that would happen. My money is steadily consistent, but nothing like I’ll make off this purchase.
I’m really going to have to call Summer and tell her to thank Rome for the referral. I know they’ve basically moved into commercial real estate, but there’s no reason why he couldn’t have taken Saint on himself.
My mind wanders while I drive back to my small home on the canal a few miles down the road. It’s nothing big, a small duplex. Much like Saint, I bought it for the view. My parents were the real deal when it came to helping me tear out the carpet, paint the walls, and even replace appliances. I can’t help but keep thinking about the small ways he touched me, giving me the feeling he wants so much more than this real estate/client relationship. “Get it out of your head, sister. There’s no way he wants or needs a woman. Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked if there is a line of women waiting hand and foot on him.” I mumble to myself.
Along with my inherited clumsiness, talking to myself seems to be one of those things that comes naturally. Of all the things I could get from my mother, I got these two traits. Otherwise, I look exactly like my father. The drive to my house takes only a few minutes, and, boy, am I more than ready to step out of these heels, pour myself a glass of wine, and check my emails.
“Oh, boy.” I pull into my driveway minutes later, and there’s my brother, Jace, with his two children. I’m assuming he needs me to watch the kids while he and Misty go out. Not exactly the night I was hoping for, but I’ll take those two any day of the week. I only hope my fridge is stocked.
I no sooner park than Josey and Mack are at my door. I love that they’re on the verge of being teenagers, yet the moment they come over, we’re playing Manhunt, eating our weight in pizza, and watching as many Marvel movies as possible.