Page 35 of Dark Fetishes Vol. 1 (DARK EROTICA)
“You're such a dork!” She said. “Well, I met someone. And he's quite a hunk.”
She pulled out her phone to show off a tall, blond surfer whom she'd met at the beach a few weeks ago. We both giggled like little girls and she told me all about his life while Brad tapped on the table.
“What about you, Brad?” I asked, breaking his drum solo.
“Oh, uh...” He nervously stammered over words. “No, I haven't met anyone.”
“Not even a friend with benefits or anything?” Lillian was so nosy.
“No, I don't really...I don't like casual sex.”
“Neither do I.” I chimed in to make him feel a little more comfortable. “It's pretty useless if you ask me, like you're using people as masturbation tools. That's what vibrators are for.”
The two laughed at my comment, filling the awkward void of discussing the topic further. I didn't want to talk about my sex life or a boyfriend or anything like that. Any sort of topic that would make me think of Daddy was off limits at the moment. I just wanted to enjoy my food with my friends before having to head home and pack. I knew I'd have to run into my parents at some point, so I was trying to stretch out the time.
I hope they didn't mind me using them for that.
I've been standing outside the front door for about three minutes.
I want to go inside, but I'm still so incredibly nervous about encountering my mother and Daddy. After another minute of silent debate, I unlocked the door and walked in with the intent to head straight to my room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I encountered Daddy in the living room with a book in his lap.
“Hello, princess.” He's never called me that before. “How was dinner with your friends?”
“It was nice.” I responded quickly as I head down for hall. He stood to follow.
“Are you heading back to your dorm tonight?” He asked.
I responded over my shoulder as I walked into my room, “Yeah! I'm about to do some packing.”
“Do you mind if I help?”
“Not at all.” I turned to smile because that's what normal people do. “That would be great. Thank you.”
I grabbed my large tote and suitcase and started moving some items from my desk to the bed. I sorted a few clothes from the closet into the suitcase and began spreading out things I would possibly need to take back with me.
“What should I…?” His sentence faded as he looked around at the cluttered mess on the bed.
I explained which clothes go into the suitcase and how all my school related items went into the tote bag. He diligently followed my directions as I perused my shelf for needed textbooks. I was starting to shake with him in such close proximity. This is the longest he's ever been in my room. What was going on?
“So, where did mom go?” I asked while taking some books down from the shelf.
“She went out with some friends to get a few drinks. I think she'll be gone for a bit.” He explained. “Gives us some quality time to spend together.”
I stopped packing and averted my gaze towards the window. I didn't want to meet his eyes. I knew he was looking at me. I was sure that if I turned, I would simply explode into bits of confetti.
“You know, I heard you last night.”
“I don't know what you--”
“I heard you in here, touching yourself. I stayed awake because I knew you would.”
More panic mixed with excitement. I watched his figure move closer out of my peripheral vision, shaking with every second that our lips weren't interlocked.
“Daddy knows everything.”