Page 3 of Dark Fetishes Vol. 1 (DARK EROTICA)
The door swung open and two bodies clad in leather stumbled out, chuckling and hollering about something indiscernible. I watched them tumble off into the distance before pulling the door and walking inside. The man behind the desk at the front was a gargantuan man wearing only black pants and a number of chains around his chest. I gulped.
“ID,” he boomed over the rhythmic tunes flowing from the speakers.
Shaking, I pulled my ID from my purse and handed it over, hoping he wouldn't throw me out upon seeing my age. He handed me the card and stamped my hands, allowing me entrance through the chained gate held up by two poles. Before me was a chaotic dance floor filled with people dressed in all sorts of things. Chains decorated the walls along with zippered masks, and bodies were grinding every which way. I felt embarrassingly under dressed in my shorts and tank top, feeling more naked in my clothes than the people who were actually naked.
Beyond the dance floor stood an immense cage with a few people scattered about inside wearing collars. It was the strangest display of behavior and didn't come close to the parties I attended regularly. These folks would put my friends to shame as far as wildness and I was somewhat intrigued by their crawling and hooting. The building seemed to stretch on forever, revealing room after room of artistic displays as well as people engaging in the most barbaric behaviors. As I wandered through the different crowds and outfits, a young woman in a corset and taut vinyl tights approached me and stopped me with her crop.
“Are you lost, sweetie?” she asked with her eyes half mast, appearing to be drunk or in heat. Or maybe both.
“No, I--”
“Who do you belong to?” She cut me off before I could come up with an excuse.
“I was just curious...” I trailed off before I could really begin to explain the adventure I was on.
“Oh, darling, you look so frightened. I'm not going to hurt you!” She smiled and then looked me up and down. “Unless you want me to.”
This comment made me shudder with exhilaration, bringing Riley right back to my mind. I could still feel his cock inside me. Instant panty splash. I suppose I did appear incredibly lost because this woman – who was teeming with all manner of sex and beauty – pulled me aside through a door to a back room that had a bed covered in gorgeous satin blankets. She sat me down, her red curls bouncing about her face.
“You must be new here. I'm Charlotte, but everyone calls me Mistress Lolita.”
Charlotte held out her hand to me and I shook it, intrigued by the gloves covering her forearms.
“I'm Anna,” I said weakly. “My dad is Billy. I think he's around here. I followed him from home.”
“I had no idea you belonged to one of our leather daddies. My apologies for not having listened before.”
“I don't understand…”
What was a leather daddy? Did Billy come here often? The confusion on my face must have cued her to reconsider what I had said.
“Oh,” Charlotte whispered. “Your father is Billy.”
“Well, he's my step-dad, but… I followed him because I was just wondering where he was going. I had no idea he was into this, or even what this is because...” I shrugged, unsure of what I was even trying to say.
Charlotte nodded, seeming to understand the curiosity that had kept me walking through the building. It was a recognition of something, like maybe she saw herself in me. She didn't appear to be too much older, but she certainly brimmed with experience and wisdom. I felt intimidated.
“Did you like what you saw out there?” she asked, rubbing her fingers along my arm.
I nodded drunkenly, suddenly intoxicated by the gentle touch of her fingers through the fabric of her gloves. Her breasts were practically exploding from the corset and they were inviting me to bite them. Before I could lean over, she placed a gloved finger against my lips.
She spoke softly through the gentle silence of the room: “We're going to have to do something about your outfit before you explore, miss Anna. Let m
e get you something.”
Charlotte stood and walked over to the closet where she pulled out a pleather halter and skirt along with some fishnets. She held the pieces up to my body and smiled, shoving them into my arms. After I had changed, she pushed me in front of a mirror and wrapped a masquerade mask around my eyes. The gesture elicited goosebumps to ripple across my arms. My reflection caused me to gasp.
I looked completely different. Charlotte had transformed me into an absolute vixen, a sexy little freak who was just begging to be touched and used. Her fingers traced circles around my neck and I turned to kiss her as a thanks. Delighted, she accepted my kiss and then patted my bottom, explaining that I had a lot to learn in the next few hours. As she pulled me towards the door and back into the sea of masks, I was overcome with elation. This was what I had been looking for. This would be my next big adventure.
Chapter Three
Whips, crops, suede gloves, slappers, gags, detachable parts, full-bodied suits… I had no idea this world existed. Over the years, I'd heard about these special parties involving people who liked pain, but I had never imagined those people to be so utterly normal despite how abnormal their interests were. I couldn't keep up with the equipment. Charlotte was showing me so many things that I became overwhelmed at one point and had to lie on the suede couch. She ordered a small man in a leather mask to bring me some water while fanning my face, loosening the mask from around my eyes to reduce sweating.
“I'm sorry, girl. I should have started you off nice and easy.” Charlotte said apologetically. “There's so much to discover and I was excited to show you all of it all at once.”
“It's alright. I think it's all wonderful. I just don't know where to begin!” I replied while waving my hand.
The little man handed me a tall glass of water and I gratefully accepted it, taking slow sips and holding it to my exposed skin to keep cool. We haven't even started playing with anything and I was already breaking a sweat. I wonder what would happen once I got involved? Charlotte had explained all the procedures of the club – called The Marble by many – and also made a point to explain safety words.