Page 7 of His Secret (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica)
“I’ll see you later, alright?” she said while embracing me.
“Alright, mom,” I said while hugging her. “Thank you.”
My mother pulled back for a second, looking into my eyes while rubbing my face. She had a relieved smile on her lips, her eyes sparkling for a moment with something like hope.
“That’s the first time I’ve heard you say that in years,” she said, her lower lip quivering.
The comment made my eyes teary again and I stifled the feeling in order to keep my mascara from running. We hugged once more and then she kissed my cheek. I turned away as she went to kiss Dallas again, my feelings of jealousy returning in a matter of seconds. Once she was gone, I sat next to Dallas.
“What are we doing now?” I asked.
“There’s a club nearby that I think you might enjoy,” he replied. “Have you ever been to a club?”
“No, I haven’t. I’ve been to a party once, but I never drank,” I said. “I don’t think my mom would like that.”
“She doesn’t have to know and we’ll start you off slow. Try my champagne,” he said, holding his glass up.
I took a sip and cringed, setting the glass carefully on the table. Dallas chuckled.
“It takes some getting used to,” he commented. “You can try more at the club if you want.”
I wasn’t sure about drinking behind my mother’s back. In North Carolina, I never went against my papa and mammy, even if the events sounded tempting. Yet and still, part of me was curious about the LA lifestyle, so I reluctantly agreed to go.
We paid our tab and left the restaurant, our hands interlocking in the car. The bouncers didn’t even ID me. They opened their arms as soon as they saw Dallas and waved him to the front of the line. He introduced me to them as Maddy. With a nod of their heads, one introduces himself as Big Bruce and the other was Knuckles. Choking back a giggle, it seemed such a strange name for a guy.
Inside was an explosion of lights and loud music. It was like a scene from the movies, just as I had always pictured a wild club to be. As Dallas pulled me through the mess of bodies, I admired the way they danced and twisted underneath the stream of lights. Many of them were clad in shiny clothing and some of them were clad in nearly nothing. Beyond the sea of bodies was the bar where Dallas ordered a couple of drinks. He handed me a glass filled with green liquid.
“What is it?” I shouted into his ear.
“Midori sour,” he replied. “It’s sweet. I think you’ll like it.”
I sipped it through the little red straw and nodded, the succulent taste flooding my tongue. It was like sucking on a green apple covered in sugar. The flavor was incredibly delightful and I had finished it by the time we picked out a table. My stomach churned in response to the liquid, my body unaccustomed to the alcohol. I ignored the feeling.
Dallas ordered another round. As I admired the bodies on the dance floor, I moved my shoulders to the beat, feeling supremely new and attractive in my skin. I felt like I had been reborn in his image. My tan skin glittered under the green and blue rays, attracting some attention from wandering eyes.
Dallas wrapped an arm around me.
“Open your mouth,” he instructed.
Without hesitation, I parted my lips and his fingers slowly traced my opening with a small colorful pill. He placed it on my tongue.
“Swallow,” he commanded.
I sipped my second Midori to make the transition down my throat easier, wondering what he had just placed in my mouth. As if reading my thoughts, he informed me that it was ecstasy and I was about to jump on a wave of amorous emotions that would make me want to dance. Some minutes passed with me anticipating a huge shift, but nothing seemed to come. I turned to ask if it was working, but became heavily distracted by the wave of colors swimming over the top of the crowd. A warmth washed over me suddenly and I stood to follow the trail of lights out on to the dance floor.
Every shape and color caught my attention, causing me a mixture of emotions that made me giggle as the beat picked up and the bass rattled my chest. I raised my arms above my head and moved with the rhythm of bodies around me. They were so beautiful. Each change in beat inspired my body to move differently and I became engulfed in the pulse of club music. Hands appeared at my sides, sliding over my silk top and down to hips that swayed side to side. They pulled me away from the dance floor and into a dimly lit bathroom.
Another drink appeared before my eyes and I sipped it down, not realizing how thirsty I had become from dancing. Dallas came into view. His eyes were glowing in the dull lighting of the bathroom, washing over every inch of me. As his lips greeted mine, I reached down his pants to stroke the hard tool that begged for my touch. His body pressed against mine caused instant arousal. A hand shimmied underneath my leggings and fondled my silky folds, stroking my clit before slipping inside. A low guttural moan escaped my lips, as I felt waves of pleasure course up my flesh, my pelvis spasming with each circular stroke of his fingers within my wet flower.
I wasn’t sure what was pushing us forward as earlier in the day had been an awkward mess. It still felt wrong, but I couldn’t seem to stop. My body was soaring from the alcohol and the ecstasy, and all I wanted to do was act on my every impulse. Every fiber of my being wanted to pleasure him. I yanked his hand away from my sweet flower and sat him down, pulling my leggings down slowly. I watched him undo his pants and pull them open, revealing a delectable sheath standing tall amidst the fabric. He wrapped his hand around his girth, choking his length in firm long measured strokes, eyes transfixed on mine, licking his bottom lip as if he could already taste my very essence.
“Are you going to sit on Daddy’s lap?” he asked with a sly grin.
“Yes, sir,” I whispered.
“Get over here, little girl,” he instructed. “Give me a kiss.”
I straddled his lap as I stood above him, slowly bending my knees to lower down onto him, where he sat on the cold tile floor.