Page 16 of His Secret (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica)
Waking up, I felt as if every muscle in my body had shards of class embedded within them. My body ached, especially in my neck. It felt like someone had hit me in the throat, and my lips felt cracked, the taste of iron crimson on my tongue. I knew I was dehydrated, and I wondered how long I was out. I had taken a few falls hiking before, and this wasn’t the first time I’ve passed out from one thing or another. Usually exhaustion from running. I did the same thing I always did. I kept my eyes closed and took a deep breath. The expansion of my chest as I tried to forcefully fill my lungs ached beyond measure. So wasn’t breathing in a normal pattern, reconciling myself to shallow soft breaths, hoping my head would stop reeling.
I felt some bruising around my hips, which I thought odd. Instinctively forcing myself to feel each extension of my body, trying to sense if there was anything else wrong, but nothing else seemed viscerally amiss, despite the ache in my muscles and throbbing within my head. Everything was still attached, but I hadn’t expected it not to be. I wasn’t in that much pain, provided I stayed still. That’s when stark fear reverberated through me. Though my physical body seemed intact, I didn’t know where the hell I was. Squeezing my eyelids tightly, bracing myself as I took in the temperature of my surrounding, I just knew without opening my eyes that I wasn’t home anymore. Motionless, I was terrified of what I’d find when my eyes opened.
Sadistic and terrifying scenarios of what might be my plight flashed through my head. The idea of being sealed alive, the idea of finding myself tied to a bed, and even the idea that perhaps it was something like horror movie, torture-like porn poured through my head. That’s when I decided it’d be easier to get it over with and open my eyes before continuing the downward spiral of ‘what if’. I opened my eyes to see a fully lit room, but it was dimly lit. There was a small lamp and light switch in the corner.
Just the one light lit the entire room comfortably without it being too bright, but even the soft illumination seemed to hurt my head. My vision was still blurred around the edges, but I got up. The sheer act of changing positions and sitting up too quickly wracked me with pain that much more. Noticing I was in nothing but a blue, cotton dress, I looked at my bare feet as a shiver sprang up my spine. I knew that I had been fully dressed before I had been taken. Taken. The word echoed through my head.
“Oh God.” I said, but it was barely a whisper.
I saw a nightstand that was obviously solid wood and in good condition. The bed I was on was a queen, and there was even a table with two chairs in the corner. On the nightstand rested a bottle of water. I reached for it before I thought about it, quickly recoiling my hand. If they wanted me dead, then I’d be dead already. I need to hydrate. I argued with myself, grabbing the water bottle and opening it. Realizing that it wasn’t open yet seemed to make me feel a little more satisfied. I drank half of the bottle greedily before my stomach protested and I had to hold it down. I put the cap on, knowing that I’d drink the rest soon.
“Where am I?” I said out loud almost hoping that someone would respond.
I didn’t get my answer at first, but it was only a few minutes before I heard footsteps echoing outside the door. I shivered, wondering if I was ready to see who would come through that door just as the handle jiggled. I heard keys, which dashed my hopes of an easy escape.
That’s when I saw him. He was older, but he was probably only in his late thirties, and he smiled at me in a charming fashion. His hair was perfectly coiffed in jet black, and he had a strong jaw line with just a hint of stubble which hinted at him having been too busy to tend to his appearance. Yeah, too busy at capturing me. I thought bitterly, trying to think of all of the reasons that I shouldn’t find this man handsome, and yet here he was. Handsome no matter if I wanted him to be or not. He wasn’t overtly muscular, but it was obvious that he probably jogged almost as much as I did, or at least did some version of calisthenics.
“Yes, I am watching you. When you expressed a question, I came. That is what I plan to do. Answer your questions for the most part.” The man said in a much softer, gentler voice than I had expected. It once again threw me.
“You are still surprised? Just know that I don’t need to be here for long. I’m about to walk out that door if you decide not to say anything, Alina.” He said, startling me. I hated that he knew my name, and yet it didn’t surprise me. It was as if I had heard him say it before, and I tried to think if I had ever seen this man before, but I often kept my head down out of habit. I wouldn’t have noticed if the man was around me. I didn’t notice most people, and that was one of my issues.
“Why?” I croaked desperately, causing him to chuckle. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as I flushed. I detested him laughing at me. It was like adding salt to a wound. As if his apparent sick and twisted mind found joy in rendering such fear and horror.
“Why?” He mocked, “That’s such a generic question. I know you can do better than that Alina, at least ask ‘why me’.” He said, waiting.
“Why me!” I spat out flatly, gritting it out and seething in anger and hatred for the man whom stood before me.
“Because you, my dear, were easy”, he mocked. “You want to know more, Alina?”, he continued dryly. “You pay little attention to your surroundings. You were a sexual person, yet it’s obvious you aren’t a virgin, but you don’t just fuck any man out there. You’re beautiful, and you’ve grown into quite the young lady.” He told me, and somehow the last comment seemed too intimate, as if he watched me grow up, and that was too much for me. I looked at him blankly, questioning my life, and how a complete stranger so easily dissected my life within a few breaths.
“How do you know I’m not a virgin?” I snapped back, making the man smirk a little.
“There’s that too. The fire in your eyes when you get cornered. I like that in you, but you’ll soon learn to not direct it at me most of the time, but when you disobey, I’m quite sure I’ll like that too.” The man continued, as if I didn’t say anything at all. I just stared at him. I wanted the answer. Somehow, it seemed important. I needed to know how he knew.
“Would you like me to demonstrate?” He said, and I almost snapped yes before even thinking about it.
My eyes were wide, and he just had one eyebrow quirked at me, waiting for me to say something. I shook my head, but my voice was lost to me. The man had crossed the room, and I hadn’t gotten the courage to move. His hand was at my throat, and I could feel my pulse quicken, but he never squeezed. His fingers trailed up my throat and over my cheek before brushing my wild hair out of my face. Then his hand was back at my throat, and I was being pushed down. I arched my back trying to squirm out of his grip, but his fingers held fast and true. I pushed against him as the man positioned himself on top of me.
“Well, my darling?” He said, a whisper against my skin.
I felt something shoot through me. A startled realization that this position was starting to turn me on, and yet I shut it down as quickly as I realized it, sickened at my body’s involuntary betrayal. I didn’t want to be wet. I didn’t want to like him on top of me, asserting himself as if I was inconsequential enough not even to be allowed to speak despite my questions. When I got the courage up to meet his gaze, I saw lust in his eyes, and I knew exactly what he had in store for me. Conflicting emotions boiled up inside of me, but before I was made to confront any of them, he let go. He sat up on the bed beside me, smiling an almost lopsided grin as he watched my reaction to him.
“That’s how.” He said smoothly.
“That’s how I know you aren’t a virgin. There would have –only-been fear. Unless you were a very special type, and if I am wrong, then I’d like to find out.” He said before getting up and going back over to the door. I sobered in the realization of knowing there was no way I could overpower his strength, nor escape. I lay breathless, motionless on the bed.
“Oh, and if you desire to call me something, my name is Andrew, by the way, but you’ll be c
alling me Master eventually.” He said, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. I thought knowing his name would help me feel better, but it was like a punch to the stomach. He would only tell me his name if he was lying or he thought I wouldn’t ever get away. Somehow, the man didn’t seem like a liar.
Andrew: A Sleeping Angel
I hadn’t gone to see her for two days. I wanted to let everything settle for Alina, and that was easier said than done. She had panicked, as I knew she would. Everyone did in such situations, but she had also experienced arousal when I had held her down to the bed, and I knew it. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, there was no denying what I saw. I was older than her, and so I understood her reaction in ways that she couldn’t.
I understand her body in ways she can’t, and that’s something I knew. It was hard to remind myself of that though. I smiled at the camera monitors. She had stopped screaming yesterday. She had shouted questions at the air, knowing I was listening. She had tried to tell me that she’d forget everything if only I would let her go. She had gone through grief for what she had lost, and now she was in the final stage of acceptance. Yet, I still knew that I shouldn’t go see her until tomorrow.
“Soon.” I said to the monitors.
She was sleeping now. Her fits of desperation, and now fits of depression seemed to be wearing her out. I knew she needed the sleep, and that’s why I had put the small amounts of sleep aid in the drink I had delivered to her. She must have known by now that the food was being drugged to allow her to sleep, allowing me to slip in and out to collect the trays. I didn’t need to go into the room to deliver them though. That’s what the panel was for, and she had raged when she first realized that there was no way for her to expect me to come in.