Page 8 of The Exhibition (DARK EROTICA SERIES)
I was too scared of what I would see. He forced me to look by motioning, and slaves were standing, some were still caged, and some were kneeling. It all depended on the master, and it looked like my Master was still thinking, and so I said nothing, looking at him with wide eyes. That’s when he unlocked the cage door, and he held out his hand. I took it, and his bag was still on him. I noticed it when he sat it down.
What will he pull out from it next? I thought to myself before chasing the thought away and concentrating on what was going on in the here and now. That’s when he pulled out black bondage rope, and it was made out of silk. That was something I was sure of when he wrapped it around my wrists. It was tight, and I knew that my hands would soon go numb. I would truly be helpless as he tied it and then clipped my hands to the back of the posture collar through a ring that I didn’t know was even there. It pulled my wrists up, making my elbows bow up, and I barely kept my cry of pain from billowing out.
Every nerve I had felt like it was on edge, yet despite this I got even wetter as I looked at people looking at me. Even some slaves were looking at me with sideways glances. Both men and women alike stared from every station. Some just glanced, as if I was nothing, even in my predicament, and some stared. I knew that Master wanted those stares, and so I didn’t shift from foot to foot like I wanted to. I just stared straight ahead, giving myself to him in my submission.
“You’re being such a good girl.” He taunted me, but I tried to keep those words echoing as he moved, tapping my feet to make me spread my legs apart.
“Don’t move them or I’ll lock them there with a spreader bar, and it won’t look good on me. You don’t want that. I won’t go easy on you if you do.” He said, with his fingers trailing over my shoulder causing a small shiver to ripple through me.
“If I have to punish you here, then there will be no pleasure, my darling slave.” He said, but I knew that he was just reminding me of my place.
I didn’t let that delude me into thinking that he wasn’t serious though. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what Damon was capable of. He was my Master, and so there were no limits as far as he was concerned, and that made him dangerous. It also made my legs tremble as my desire to have him inside of me grew. That’s when he did something that I never expected.
He took out two small black earbuds. I looked at him confused, and he smiled this time with a grin that promised mischief. I didn’t know what he was doing, but that look in his eyes made me fight not to pull away from him as he put them in my ears. One and then the other, and that’s when the entire world around me went silent. My eyes widened, and I realized that this was part of sense deprivation, but he hadn’t taken away my sight.
I wouldn’t hear a thing. I’d never know what was going on around me. What they were talking about, and I knew that every time he talked to someone, I would panic. I’d fear that it was the moment he sold me, and as much as that scared me, it meant I had to trust him. A small moan escaped my lips as I looked at him pleadingly, but he just patted my head as if my fear was of no consequence to him at all. I tried to calm my breathing as I trembled, standing there in a room full of strangers with hungry, lingering gazes.
Putting on a Show
When her hearing went out, the moan she gave me was laced with fear, but I had to tune it out. It wasn’t that I felt bad for her. No, I would have loved to put her in this fear any other day. I did now, but not to the extent I wanted. Not until we’re alone. I reminded myself, and I looked at everyone. The girl was brought out, but I tried not to pay attention to the poor thing, as I glanced over her and around me.
There were a lot of brunettes. There were some Asians, and there were of course many blacks as well, and very few of them looked like they were Black Americans. They were a little harder to get, and third world countries were easier. I smiled as I looked at Alice who seemed more than a little excited. My fingers went to her slit, playing with her clit as she took in the stares of those around her and she was looked at.
“American?” The man asked with a heavy Russian accent, and I just nodded.
I looked at him, and he had a blue tag. It wasn’t gold or silver, and so I knew that he wouldn’t ever be able to afford my wares. He just walked away, seeming to know the same. Alice had stiffened beside me, making me smile a little more. Another person walked out, and he was wearing a silver tag, asking the same question.
“Yes.” I replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I watched as he walked around Alice, and he touched her long hair, looking at the way I had her hands tied up to almost ache. He made an appreciative sound as his hands went to her hair again.
“I don’t suppose you’ll tell me where you found her?” He said, and I looked at him as his fingers went down to her breasts, checking the clamps. “She seems to be able to take more than most Americans who are used to such a cushy life.” He said, and I smiled at him.
“No, I wouldn’t tell you where, but it’s something you have to learn. How to pick a girl who will bend and not break. She will bow and yet that fire will warm your bed.” I said, keeping my tone cool and even. She’d be warming my bed later. I reminded myself, knowing that I’d probably keep everything on her until then. My grin was genuine, and the man chuckled.
“What do you call her?” He asked, and I debated on the same question. Should I tell them the truth?
“Alice.” I said. Most people would never think I went with her real name, but it was my small gift to her not to take it away. Besides, they’d think it fits her. She looks like little Alice lost in Wonderland. I thought to myself. I found it amusing since I first found her. The man smiled with appreciation. He found it amusing as well, as I knew he would. He didn’t believe it was her first name.
“Damon, yes?” He said, and I nodded.
“I’ll keep you in mind.” He said. “Especially if you put her on the auction block.” The man added as he walked away. He was the first of many, and if Alice didn’t like that prodding, I knew that her cheeks would darken even more with the embarrassment to come.
Going Mad as a Hatter
Inwardly, I jumped at everything at first. Every time that Damon started to talk to someone, I would look at him out of the corner of my eye as much as I could. Horrible thoughts started to play through my head, but after I watched one guy leave, I started to hope that I’d see them all leave. If they’re leaving, you’re still his. I’d remind myself, but there was that nagging voice in the back of my head that told me that it didn’t mean anything if they left or not. This wasn’t even the auction yet.
That’s when it started to happen. Damon gave me a sharp look as one man touched my hair, making me shiver a little under his touch. I thought at first, with more than a little panic, that I had messed up and disgraced my Master. Luckily for me, the man seemed to like my response, and a small grin spread across his smug, pug like face. I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn’t. Instead, I just let my eyes lose focus as to not look at anyone in particular. I couldn’t bear the thought of them touching me, and so by looking at my Master, I was able to endure the poking and prodding.
One after another as their fingers trailed over my delicate skin. Damon kept looking at me with those deep, longing eyes of his, and I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him if not more. It was the only thing that was helping me to remember that he wasn’t going to give me up without a fight. There was a possessiveness in his eyes that made me feel welcome and wanted. Every time I was nervous with their prodding, poking fingers starting to tease my wet thighs and slit, I would allow my eyes to focus, but only on him. I could feel myself getting wetter each time, and it was the only thing that kept me dripping during the entire process.
I wanted to speak, to say anything to him. I don’t know why, but my mouth seemed dry at the thought of speaking even if we were alone. It was almost impossible to think of something to say. Yet, my inner voice was screaming at me to tell him all of the things I wanted to in case it was the last chance I got.
Please don’t leave me. Fear doubled up inside of me at the very thought.
You’ve made me feel like I belong somewhere for the first time in my life. I hated that it was true, and yet there really was no denying it. Before him, I had felt lost. I had nothing to go back to. Not if I had the chance, and so today after all the prodding, all I wanted to do was go home.
You’ve given me purpose. Anyone hearing me would think I was crazy. I knew that even my Master might think I was crazy, but I didn’t care. I knew if I ever said this to him, he’d have that arrogant smile tugging at his lips. The one I loved to see despite how condescending he was. I loved to see him looking at me with anything as long as it wasn’t anger in his eyes.