Page 4 of Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3
“But it’s all over the internet,” I insisted. “People already have it saved and copied and pasted everywhere. That’s how the web works.”
“Yes, but we can sue him for breaching contract,” Courtney said confidently. “And if we threaten his estate, he’ll concede.”
“Are you sure that will work?” Bettie asked, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Yes, I’m more than positive. Don’t you cry,” Courtney replied, wiping the tears from both our faces.
Despite her comforting touch, the hurt remained in my gut like a stone that weighed me down. I felt like I was going to f
all over. It was embarrassing having our photos up on the web like that. Any pervert could exploit our image at this point, and I was angry that Claus was still reaping the benefit of our suffering. How could he be so selfish?
Norman would likely have a fit as soon as he got home and I didn’t want to be around for it. I knew how angry he could get, the way he could make anyone feel smaller than a grain of rice for any insolence. It made me cower in my chair just to picture it. Seeing that I was incredibly distraught, Bettie led me to the bedroom where she wrapped me up in a huge faux blanket and stroked my hair while humming.
It was her perfect way of comforting me and I fully appreciate her efforts. Immediately, I felt my body relax into the mattress and I shut my eyes to rest briefly. Bettie continued to run her fingers through my long locks, smoothing them behind my ear while whispering that everything would be alright.
“You know, it’s funny,” I said softly in the early afternoon light. “I’m usually the one doing this for you.”
Bettie chuckled.
“You did such a good job with me. I’m only returning the kindness,” she stated while interlocking her fingers with mine.
“I appreciate you,” I whispered. “So much.”
“I’m glad. It’s much more welcoming here than it was back at that mansion,” she said.
“Yes, it is. I was hoping you would warm up to it quickly, and it appears you have,” I said.
“Indeed. It’s been too wonderful for words, Sammy,” she said.
“It’ll be like this always,” I said.
“Will it?” she asked hopefully.
“Of course, it will,” Courtney said from the door. “Are you two alright? I know that must have been jarring.”
“We’re alright,” I replied. “I just need time to process.”
“Take all the time you need,” Courtney said. “I’ll be in the office.”
I had some work to accomplish for Norman, but there was plenty of time to get it done. I just had to balance his checkbook and organize his planner while programming the calendar in his laptop with a number of appointments. He was going to be incredibly busy soon which meant he might have to travel. I wasn’t looking forward to watching him leave again. Just seeing him leave in the morning was enough to cause me nausea, making me run to the bathroom in fear of losing the contents of my stomach.
After thirty minutes, my stomach would settle and I would proceed to eat breakfast slowly while distracting myself with morning conversation. Courtney was good about keeping my mind preoccupied with more important things. Right now, I just wanted to cuddle up with Bettie and forget about everything. She was rubbing my shoulders and it made me feel better, relaxing back into her bosom as she rolled her fingertips over my skin. I moaned.
“Is that good?” she asked.
“It definitely is,” I replied.
“Good,” she said while kissing my temple. “Don’t you worry, okay? I don’t like it when you worry. You make yourself sick.”
“I know,” I said. “I can’t help that I feel everything so deeply.”
“It’s honestly something I admire about you,” she whispered. “You care.”
I smiled.
It had never been in my nature to lack care and compassion. I had always held it for people and animals alike, weeping quietly in my living room when those depressing animal shelter commercials came on late night cable. As someone with a huge heart, I had felt incredibly alone and under appreciated until Norman gave me attention. It was strange to think of it that way, but his demanding nature gave my generous heart a purpose. I reflected that on Bettie and Courtney as well. They gave me things to care about.
Imagining any harm coming to them moved me to tears in an instant, something had to stifle heavily over the past few days. I was still mourning the loss of Norman and Courtney even as they laid in bed next to me. Such trauma left me feeling helpless to the riptide that threatened to suck me out at any moment. It made my mind fragile. I felt like, at any given moment, our structure could be cracked by any outside force. It was a natural reaction to having been taken – twice, I might add – in the same year and I think I just needed time to process and cope.