Page 30 of Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3
“I do not care. Pardon them, exile them, but do not expect me to be happy with a union built upon blood.” I told him, and he pulled me close to him.
Soon enough I was under him, and his lips were on mine. They were fevered and angry, kissing me until I was sure that my lips were bruised and swollen. Yet, I kissed him back with the same ferocity. He said nothing, but I was sure that I had won. At least, I hoped so. He worked my dress up, and it was not long before I had moved his plaid and his kilt. Soon enough, Scott was inside of me with my hands moving down his back, clawing at the skin there through his shirt. He groaned with one hand over my mout
h to muffle my screams of pleasure at his mixture of rough tenderness that left me breathless with my toes curling.
I could feel rocks and tree roots digging into my back, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the way that he moved inside of me. A blush settled over my cheeks as I glanced to the side, sure that the men had to be watching. They were only a stone’s throw away. I had never thought that I’d be taken in this manner, but the moment I saw that they still had their backs turned to us, I lost it. I came hard with him rutting into, bringing me closer to climax again just as I came down. His eyes held that same rough intensity as the night he first rescued me and I had looked at him as a woman looked at a man for the first time.
I knew then as I knew now, that I could belong to no other, and as his thrusting grew more urgent, Scott claimed me once more as I felt him throb and spill his seed deep inside of me. At the same time his teeth found my neck, biting harshly into me. If it were not for his hand, I was sure the village nearly a half day’s ride away would have heard my scream of pleasure as I tightened around him, falling over the edge one last time.
“You ask so much, Amelia.” He whispered as we fell asleep, but I knew that we would get through and I had just spared two lives while making my own dreams come true. Despite that sadness in his voice, I would be able to guide him out of it. As his wife. The thought warmed me just as much as the heat radiating from his body, keeping me warm throughout the night.
Chapter Seven
Scott had not spoken to me since we got up, but I could tell that it was due to him being lost in his thoughts and not his anger towards me. If it had not been urgent that we ride through to give me time to spend to my parents, I was sure that he would have taken me this morning. Instead, I felt his hardness briefly as we rode off. Now I just felt the hardness of his chest, and my breathing hitched as I saw my home village. Scott held me protectively as we reached it, as if I would jump off the horse and run for home.
I leaned against him reassuringly. I had no intention of staying, but the thought of being able to tell my family that soon I’d be Lady McKenzie was more than I could bare. He had me direct him to our home, and sure enough my father was working the fields, but I could smell fresh bread being made. Knocking on the door of the home that I had grown up in seemed to be silly, but my mother had her apron covered in flour by the time that she came to the door. Fear lit up in her eyes the moment she noticed Scott and his men.
“My Laird…” She said, curtseying. “What do I owe this visit?” She said with her voice strained with worry. I stepped out from the side, hoping that she would see me, and when she did I saw tears spring to her eyes.
“Amelia.” She said, wrapping me up in a hug. “I thought I should never see you again.” She cried, and Scott smiled at the tearful reunion, but it was tense. I knew that it would be a short visit, and he was busy.
“Your daughter wished to visit.” He said, and I nodded. Mother ushered us in with a smile on her face, but it was clear that she was confused. I did not care. I was overwhelmed with joy to see her safe and well. Without the threat of taxes, father and mother seemed to be recovering, and I was sure as Lady McKenzie I could help my family in a way I would not have been otherwise, but I pushed those thoughts aside for later.
“I shall call for your father.” She said, telling us to make ourselves at home. My father looked at me with the same unshed tears as my mother, seeming both thankful to see me and scared of the cause. I had not expected to frighten them.
“How may we assist you, my Laird?” He asked, and mother had already disappeared into the kitchen. I looked at Scott.
“May I join her?” I said before he answered my father, and he nodded allowing me out of his sight. The men seemed uncomfortable, excusing themselves to tend their horses.
“We had heard you were assigned to the Lady Briana.” Mother said, and I was sure that she had heard everything. The memory of the lessons, especially the last one, ran through my mind and shame and arousal ran through me. I hoped that my mother could not tell, but luckily she continued to speak.
“But we had not received news since.” She told me, and my heart was both relieved and broken.
I didn’t relish the idea of telling my mother that I had become the mistress. I could tell that she was having a hard time preparing the stew, and so I took over peeling the potatoes. Best she does not have a knife in her hands when she hears the news. I thought as I persevered, telling my mother what all had transpired since I had been sold to the McKenzie clan to pay our taxes. Her reaction was a mix of pride and horror. I knew that I was in for a long night ahead.
“Your father will be furious.” She said. “You’re a Mistress?” She asked, and the soup was done. It was as if my mother still could not believe her ears. My own face was beet red with embarrassment.
“Yes, but not for long, mother.” I said. I had left out Briana’s infidelity, and so I did not know how to tell my mother that soon I would be Lady McKenzie.
“Your father…” She said, shaking her head.
As I feared, it was as if my mother could not look at me. How I had handled myself had filled her with pride, but it was as if I had dashed that pride quickly. Soon enough everyone was in our humble living space, and Scott had me sit right beside him, which made my father’s brow knit together with worry and concern. He looked at my mother as if to answer a question, and his face went pale. As the dinner progressed, the laughter and friendliness that Scott and my father had shared seemed to disappear.
“My Laird, may I be as bold as to ask a question?” He asked in a tense tone that made me sit up straight, eyes on him with worry.
“Please call me Scott.” He told my father, which only seemed to worry him further. I wanted to blurt out everything right then and there, but I feared, like my mother, that my father’s temper would get the best of him. My anxiety must have shown because my father continued onward with his questioning in an even more worried tone than before.
“Why does my daughter sit with you like that?” He asked, and I felt as if I had stopped breathing.
“She is my Mistress…” Scott said, and all of the men that had traveled with us had the decency to look away. They knew how a farmer’s family would take the news. I wanted to bury my face as to not see the look of hurt and anger flit across my father’s face, but I was sure that the image was burnt into my memory now. My eyes were fixed on him as he stood up abruptly.
“You cannot!” He screamed, and if my fear could double it did just then. Scott was not used to being ordered around, and by a farmer no less. He tensed, and I feared for the worse, but instead Scott seemed to harden as he put his arm around me.
“I have.” He said, and my father’s anger was bubbling over. Just as I was sure that the situation would escalate, Scott continued talking saying just about the only thing that would diffuse such a situation.
“She will soon be my wife.” He said, stopping my father in his tracks as everyone around the table let out a soft gasp. My mother’s eyes were confused and wide and all I could do was lean closer to Scott, hoping that nothing further would anger him or my father. His voice was cold, but the words rang true.
“Wife?” My father asked tensely as he resumed his seat. I knew as his anger abated even he knew how foolish his actions had been. You do not order around your Laird and not pay a price, and yet Scott had not harmed him.