Page 2 of Sold For Pleasure Vol. 3
“It’s beautiful,” she said.
“Absolutely,” I replied. “And it’s ours.”
Chapter Two
Across the house, Norman’s cell phone rang incessantly. I peeked out from the office where I was reading an article about koalas. It sounded like the phone wasn’t going to stop ringing and Norman didn’t look like he was going to answer it. I sauntered over to his muscular form sitting at the bar in the kitchen, bent over a newspaper and mulling over what appeared to be stocks.
“Who has been calling you?” I asked while rubbing his shoulders gently.
“Oh, no one,” he said while waving his hand. “Just a pesky client.”
I glanced over his shoulder and noticed that the caller was labeled as “Henrick” and my heart stopped. Hadn’t he already handled this ordeal? It had only been a couple of blissful days since that weird night. What else did Claus want with us? Maybe he was having trouble letting go of his sweet pets who didn’t want to obey him any longer, or perhaps Norman was still doing business with him. Whatever the case might be, he was definitely ignoring Claus’s call.
As I rubbed his shoulders, Norman sighed contentedly. He took my hand after a moment and held it to his cheek, rubbing my smooth skin against the stubble along his chin.
“My sweet little girl,” he whispered. “Would you go get your sister? I have to speak with you both.”
“Of course, sir,” I replied with a grin.
I went back into the office and took Bettie’s hand who followed without question. Our training was evident in the way we moved and responded, hoping our good behavior would bring a reward. Making love hadn’t been a top priority since we were both still ragged from working so hard for Claus, and Norman had been very understanding of that. We were grateful. As we stood before him in the kitchen, he kissed us both on the hands and began to speak.
“I’m very glad to have you back, and to have your sister with us now. We’re a family which means we work together with everything,” he explained. “I want you to know that I have a job for both of you, should you decide to keep it.”
We waited patiently for him to continue, absorbing every word dutifully. It filled me with pleasure to be so attentive to my master, to have him commanding me once more as he
had done so many times before. I was ready to take whatever challenge he gave me. This time, I wouldn’t break at all. I wouldn’t budge a bit, only unless he told me to.
“Samantha, I want you to be my personal assistant and you’ll stay here in the house as you handle my business outside of my office,” he said to me. “And Bettie, you may have the same job from before. Lord knows we need someone to keep the house clean around here.”
He paused, waiting for us to respond.
“Well, I’d be happy to do my old job,” I said. “It would give me something to do during the day.”
“And I don’t mind cleaning,” Bettie said unenthusiastically.
“Darling, you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to,” Norman said quickly. “I just want you to be happy. What else can you do that you enjoy?”
Bettie smiled.
“Well, I like to sew,” she replied. “I can make quilts, blouses, dresses, and all sorts of things. I never got the chance to practice when I was working for Theo.”
“That sounds wonderful. Courtney loves handmade clothing. We can get you supplies as soon as she returns,” he said. “Would that truly make you happy?”
“Yes, sir. It will,” Bettie replied. “I’m happy just being away from that strange man.”
“I’m sure you are. As soon as I caught wind of what he was doing – exploiting you two like pieces of meat instead of treasuring you like the darling diamonds you are – I came in and played along in order to retrieve you,” Norman said.
I watched him as he spoke, noticing the crinkles at the edges of his eyes as he squinted while making his point. He frowned hard recalling the way he had felt that day, and it made me yearn for him that much more. I wanted nothing more than to drop to my knees and pleasure him back into a happy state of existence.
Without hesitation, I did just that. I dropped down to the ground and unbuttoned his slacks, slowly prying them away from his hips and down to the ground. Norman watched with awe as I gently stroked the outside of his briefs and looked up to give him a comforting smile.
“I missed you so much,” I whispered as he moaned. “And I never want to see you frown like that again.”
Bettie leaned forward to kiss his cheek and he gently wrapped his arms around her small frame, lifting her blouse to cup a breast in his hand. She reached down and helped me arouse him by stroking in tandem with my hand. This caused him to buckle forward and lean against the counter as we took control of his erection, pulling it out to expose the vulnerable flesh. Bettie took a knee beside me and unfurled her tongue to greet the head of his tool as I did the same.
While Norman held our hair back, our lips wrapped around his long appendage and intermittently sucked on the head. Each stroke elicited another moan from his lips and he gripped the edge of the counter in order to keep himself from falling over. He lifted his shirt to get a better view of our mouths worshiping his delectable cock.
“That’s right, sweet girls,” he whispered as we worked. “Make your master feel good. Make him feel like he made the best decision by bringing you back.”