Page 28 of The Marriage Contract (Anderson Brothers)
“So, she thinks we’re together, though. Which means Jordan knows by now,” he said.
“I asked her not to tell him,” Chloe said. “I wanted her to give you time to tell him yourself. So we had our stories straight.”
“Okay, good. I’ll tell him. So, what’s the story, what’s the plan?”
“Well, I figured we could really do it up at work tonight. Teasing, flirting, you know. Maybe share a kiss or two to seal the deal,” she said. She was saying these ideas tentatively, as if she was worried I would be offended at the idea of kissing her. How little she knew.
“Sure,” I said. “You can get a little handsy if you want.”
“I bet,” she chuckled, but there was a lilt in her voice that said she wasn’t going to throw the idea out.
“What about our living situation?” I asked. “You just moved in with Hannah, right?”
“Yeah, but I figured I could move most of my stuff over here in your spare room, if that’s okay. I can still spend the night at their place once in a while, help watch the baby. But otherwise, we can both stay here. I’ll pay half the rent.”
“No, no, you won’t,” I interrupted. “It’s my apartment, I’ll pay the rent. If you want to get like the cable bill or something, that’s fine, but I pay all these expenses, and you are just now starting out. There’s no need for you to take on bills of mine.”
“Are you sure? Isn’t the cable only half the cost of rent or something?” she asked, with a completely straight face.
“Not… quite,” I said. “But close enough. I’ll give you the log-in information and everything and you can pay it in the app. Everything else, leave up to me, okay?”
“Okay,” she said. “When do you want to do that?”
“Whenever you are ready,” I said. “I’m good for whatever.”
“Maybe a week or so?” she asked. “I don’t want to push you too fast. I just also don’t want to be an intruder on Hannah and Jordan anymore.”
“A week sounds fine,” I said. “You give me a list of what you need in the guest room, and I’ll make sure you have it and clear out the rest of what’s in there.”
“Isn’t it already set up as a guest room?” she asked.
“Yeah, but it was made for Mom. All old-people floral and stuff.”
“Just leave it,” she said. “Won’t it be weird to her if she comes up to visit and the room she’s used to staying in is suddenly a completely different bedroom with all my stuff in it?”
“I didn’t think about that, but yes. It would.”
“So, I’ll bring my stuff over—it’s not much, really—and disperse it however you think it can go through the apartment so it’s like we both live here together. When your mom comes over we can bunk together.”
My cock twitched again at the idea of us in the same bed. I didn’t know how exactly that would work, but I sure would like to find out. As soon as possible.
“Cool,” I said, nonchalantly. “And like I said before, we can still be our own people and do our own things.”
“Agreed,” she said. “We can just kind of keep things open. Like roommates who occasionally kiss when we are in public or with family.”
“Well, that’s certainly a weird but accurate description of it, yes,” I said. “Kissing roommates.”
“Kissing roommates,” she repeated.
“So, roommate who I sometimes kiss, how was lunch?” I asked.
“Freaking delicious, and I want another whole order.”
“We can grab some on our way to work,” I offered.
She nodded her head and then a look washed across her face.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I feel a little bit bad lying to our families,” she admitted.
I nodded. “Yeah, but I think in the end, it’ll be ok.”
“What about your mom? Hannah talks about her like she’s the sweetest woman on Earth.”
“She is,” I said. “But she can also be pushy, and she might not be happy we went and skipped the whole part where she gets to pester me about taking the next step. I think that’s her favorite part, actually, pushing the kids to move their relationships along. I just dropped right on into the big moment, and she has to make do.”
“I’ll make sure she feels good about it,” Chloe said. “I can charm mothers pretty well.”
“To mothers,” I said, offering my coffee as a toast. “And to more cheap tacos before work.”
The last couple of days had been pretty fantastic. Most of the day at work was spent flirting and playing up the relationship to anyone who could see or hear us. I was trying not to go too overboard, lest someone figure out that we were making too much of a deal of it, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but notice that even when I was doing something to act, it felt natural. Like I wanted to do it anyway.