Page 56 of Playing with Her Doctors
“Sweetheart, are you home?”
I step out from the bedroom wearing my sexiest lingerie. I’ve put on about twenty pounds from my pregnancy, but my husbands adore me for it. They love the extra weight and have often encouraged me to eat more.
“It’s for the babies,” they said. “You need nourishment for three, you know.”
“But I’ve already given birth,” is my gentle protest.
Ryder and Ranger shook their heads.
“You’re still breastfeeding,” said one doctor, “so you need the calories. Eat up, sweetheart. You’re so beautiful to us, and we’d love even more if you went up a couple sizes.”
Words like that make me happy, and as a result I’m totally comfortable in my sexy lingerie as I dance out into the living room. My breasts sway heavily as my ass bounces up and down in time to the music within my head.
“Hi,” I breathe, pressing a kiss to first Ryder’s lips and then turning to greet Ranger as well. “How was your day today?”
Both of my husbands are already hard and staring at my body ravenously.
“Well, it just got better now that you’re here,” growls Ranger. “Fuck baby, where did you get this outfit? You look fucking hot.”
I giggle a little, bobbling my breasts a bit at them through the see-through lace.
“Oh this little thing?” I say coyly. “I got it at that little boutique down in the West Village that sells naughty things. I wanted to get a gift for us because today is a special day, and it’s time to celebrate.”
Ryder’s staring hard at my nipples through the black lace, and I can see his massive erection in his pants.
“Really?” he growls. “Celebrate what?”
“Did we miss your birthday?” adds Ranger. “It can’t be because I swear, didn’t we just celebrate that two months ago?”
I giggle a bit.
“We did,” I confirm. “In fact you guys never miss an opportunity to celebrate because you treat me so well,” I coo. It’s true. My husbands cherish me, and often bring me gifts for no other reason than they feel like it. “But this is a very special occasion,” I add. “Can you guess what it is?”
Both men are studying me with those gleaming blue gazes, and I go hot all over as their eyes roam up and down my curvy form.
“Did that bitch Wanda finally leave town?” rasps Ranger, his eyes ogling the soft spot between my legs. “I hope she gets her comeuppance.”
I shake my head, momentarily growing serious.
“No, not that I know of. I think she’s still staying in that hostel over on the Upper East Side. You know, the one where penniless single girls stay when they’re down on their luck?”
Ryder grunts.
“Good, she deserves it.”
We’re quiet for a moment, remembering the situation. Obviously, after everything that happened, I don’t talk to Wanda anymore. In fact, I never saw her again after we realized what she’d done and the evil that resided in her heart. There was no need. Despite getting a couple missed calls from her, I never picked up, and after a while, even those stopped.
But Ranger and Ryder are powerful men, and they couldn’t let something like that go unchecked. Of course, we couldn’t prove anything, so we couldn’t report her to law enforcement. But my husbands made a couple of discreet calls around the city, and Wanda wasn’t able to find any freelance jobs after a while. Plus, when the lease on her apartment came due, the landlord decided not to renew. It went down in a spiral from there. She didn’t have money for a deposit, and so she stayed with friends for a while as she tried to look for more jobs. But of course, the jobs didn’t materialize, and you can only sleep on someone’s couch for so long. Last I heard, Wanda might be kicked out of the hostel soon for non-payment of rent.
It’s harsh, and I don’t know where my ex-friend is going to go from there. But it’s also not my business anymore, especially considering the agony she’s put me through. In my heart of hearts, I’m secretly hoping that she leaves New York because this is a small town, and I don’t want to bump into her by accident. I just hope that wherever Wanda ends up, she gets some psychiatric support in order to work through the twisted, dark labyrinth inside her head.
My husbands and I look at each other once again.
“You know, Wanda’s not that bad,” I venture in a small voice.
Immediately, Ryder and Ranger shake their heads.
“Yes, she is,” growls Ryder. “She deserves everything that she gets, and then some.”
I sigh.
“Well, I just hope that she learns her lesson. Some people never do, you know? They just can’t look into themselves, and face the ugliness that’s there.”
Ryder pulls me into his arms before tilting my chin towards him.