Page 16 of Playing with Her Doctors
For the first time, I see that my friend’s speechless. Her mouth literally opens and closes a few times before snapping shut.
“Oh my god,” she mutters. “This is crazy.”
“It is,” I acknowledge. “But I really liked it.”
Suddenly, Wanda jumps up.
“But it’s wrong!” she protests. “They weren’t supposed to touch you like that!”
“I know,” I acknowledge, “but it’s already happened, and besides, I liked it. The doctors overstepped a little. Okay, maybe a lot, but I’m okay with it, so it’s not a problem.”
Wanda’s still stunned and merely nods dumbly.
“Listen, I know this is a shock, but I had a good time, and I’ve made peace with what happened at my appointment. I know you don’t agree, but Wan, can you listen to me for a moment? I. Am. Okay. In fact, I really appreciate what they did because it made me feel like a desirable woman. You know how all this dating’s been going lately. Absolutely awful, and I was starting to think there was something really wrong with me. It’s good to know there’s not.”
My friend’s still staring at me with wide eyes, but mutely, she nods.
“Okay,” is her one-word reply.
“Good,” I say with satisfaction. “Now, moving on. About your dating profile. Do you want to work on it a little? I’m always happy to take new pictures of you on my phone, if you want. We could go outside and get some shots of you by that really pretty poplar tree that’s in full blown. Or we could take Danny on a walk. What do you say?”
Wanda nods and gets up, but by her subdued manner, I can tell that this isn’t over yet. My friend’s smart and opinionated, and she’s not going to let it drop that easily. But it’s okay because I know my redheaded friend only has my best interests at heart. She just needs some time to digest the news. After all, it’s my life and my choice. This is my sexual health, and I have a right to choose my partners.
Besides, I already have a date planned next week with the handsome doctors, and I can’t wait. Of course, I don’t tell Wanda because it would be going overboard, and yet my excitement at seeing Ryder and Ranger again has me flushed and happy.
“Ready?” I say to Wanda while gathering Danny and strapping him into his stroller.
She shoots me another long look before nodding.
“Ready,” she says with false cheer.
“Great,” I say. “Let’s go. Come on, Danny boy. Oh Danny boy, Danny boy,” I begin to sing to my son. He coos, and as the three of us leave the apartment building, a large shaft of sunlight falls on my features, warming my skin. But from the warning glance Wanda throws me, I know I’ll be hearing more from her later.
Bethany’s stunning as she approaches the table, and both Ryder and I stand as she comes closer. The woman is wearing a dark blue cocktail dress which hugs her generous curves, and her hips sway tantalizingly with every step. Her hair is done-up in a twist of some sort, and she’s got a necklace on that highlights her creamy cleavage.
She’s perfect.
Absolutely stunning.
But I admit, Ryder and I debated calling her. What we did was wrong, point blank. We shouldn’t have touched her, and the wisest course of action was probably to leave her alone after our steamy encounter.
But then again, Bethany had enjoyed it, and against our best interests, we made the call and invited her on a date to this restaurant, La Grenouille, in Midtown. It’s a sumptuous French fine dining venue with the discreet hush that only money can buy. Each booth is enclosed in a semi-circle of luxurious padded leather six feet tall so that other diners stay invisible, and the staff has been trained within an inch of their lives. They know exactly when to appear and disappear discreetly.
As Bethany arrives at our table, I take her hand and press my lips to her wrist.
“Hi,” she says breathlessly.
“Hello,” I say in a deep voice. “It’s good to see you.”
Ryder merely growls hungrily behind me, his eyes fixed to Bethany’s curvaceous figure. The maître d’ knows to disappear, and makes his exit on the left quickly.
“Your server will be right with you!” he calls.
Meanwhile, we take our seats at the enclosed booth.
“How are you?” I ask. “Thanks for coming.”
Bethany blushes prettily, and I watch, entranced, as the pink flush spreads down her chest. She’s so gorgeous, and I’d love to press a kiss in that dark valley between her breasts, but this is not the time. I make myself stay still, as she smiles again.
“I’m good,” she says in her melodious voice. “How are you doing?”
“Better now that you’re here,” rasps Ryder before I can reply.
“Ignore him,” I say as Bethany blushes prettily again. “Dr. Stephenson is nothing but a beast. We wanted to ask you here because of our professional relationship. We want to set out some guidelines.”